The Instructional Innovations Lecture Series

“Audience Response Systems: A Tool for Enhancing Classroom Interactivity

And for Designing Interactions in E-learning”

Nancy Gathany, MEd, Senior Instructional Designer

Division of Professional Development and Evaluation, Public Health Practice

Program Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Janise Richards, MS, MPH, PhD, Acting Branch Chief

Informatics and Knowledge Systems Branch, Division of Public Health Systems Development and

Research, Public Health Practice Program Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Sponsored by

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; The RollinsSchool of Public Health of EmoryUniversity

The EmoryUniversitySchool of Medicine And The NellHodgsonWoodruffSchool of Nursing of EmoryUniversity

Interactivity is a critical element to effective instruction. In this presentation we will demonstrate simple techniques to enhance classroom instruction using an Audience Response System (ARS). Participants will experience interactivity first hand as they respond to questions and case studies. We will also demonstrate how the ARS can be used as a tool to gather formative evaluation data. This data can then be used to design and refine the interactions built into e-Learning applications.

Nancy Gathany, MEd; isan Instructional Designer for Public Health Training Network (PHTN) projects in the DPDE, PHPPO, CDC. She received her Masters in Education Degree in Instructional Technology from the University of Georgia College of Education in 1987. In her role as Project Officer for CDC’s Instructional Multimedia Contract, she coordinates the design and development of technology-based distance learning solutions. The range of projects include computer-based epidemiologic case studies such as the classic Investigating an Outbreak: Pharyngitis in Louisiana and the upcoming Botulism in Argentina and other self-instructional products such as a workbook with accompanying videotape titled Public Health Data: Our Silent Partner.

Janise Richards, MS, MPH, PhD; is the Acting Branch Chief for the Informatics and Knowledge Systems Branch of the DPHSDR, PHPPO, CDC. She earned her PhD in information science from the University of Texas at Austin in May 2000, her MPH from the University of Texas School of Public Health (UTSPH) in December 1998, her MS in Instructional Technology and a MS in Education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in May 1982. Dr. Richards comes to the CDC and PHPPO from UTSPH. During her four years at UTSPH as Director of Distance and Outreach Education, she designed, implemented and evaluated online programs. Prior to UTSPH, she was in the Academic Informatics Department at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio for fourteen years. Dr Richards has been a consultant to numerous academic institutions including universities in Australia and Fiji and has taught post-graduate university courses in informatics and instructional technology. She has been an invited speaker for over 100 informatics and instructional technology presentations.

Learning Objectives: By the conclusion of this lecture, participants should be able to:

  1. Describe techniques for incorporating interactivity into traditional classroom instruction using an Audience Response System.
  2. Describe how Audience Response Systems can be used to evaluate the design of interactions for E-learning applications.