William S. Falla Field of Study: Constructive Theology

810 1/2 N. 9th Street

Allentown, PA 18102

(610) 432-8711 (H)

(610) 821-8725 (W)


Education: B.A. (Chemistry) Harpur College, Binghamton, NY 1964

M.S. (Geology) The Pennsylvania State University 1967

M.Div. United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH 1976

Th.M. & Th.D. Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago 1980 & 1993

Doctoral Exams: The Thought of Teilhard de Chardin

The Thought of Arthur Peacocke

Philosophy of Evolutionary Theory

Theology and Science in the 20th Century

Dissertation: Evolutionary Theory and Faith: The Study of a Dialogue

Teaching Competencies:

Primary: Theology


Science and Religion

History and Philosophy of Science




Courses Taught: Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Ethics

Studies in Death and Dying

Religious Ethics

Biomedical Ethics

History of Science

History of Women in Science and Math

Junior Seminar: Reproductive Technology

Junior Seminar: The Child

Ethics and Morality

Various Religion Courses

Teaching Experience:

2002- Present Adjunct Instructor, Moravian College

1999 Adjunct Instructor, Warren County Community College, NJ

1994-2002 Adjunct Faculty, Univ. of St. Francis, Joliet IL

1983-1993 Asst. Professor, Religion, Cedar Crest College

1971-1972 Instructor, Geology, University of Maryland, Far East Division, Nakon Phanom, Thailand

1967 Instructor, NSF Summer Institute,

St. Augustine’s College, Raleigh, NC

Related Experience

1998-2000 Editor, Institute on Religion in an Age of Science Newsletter

1997-Present Ecumenical Officer, Penn Northeast Conference of United Church of Christ (UCC)

1994-Present Pastor, St. John’s UCC (Mickleys)

1992-1993 Interim Pastorates, UCC

1983-1992 Chaplain, Cedar Crest College

1977-1983 Pastor, First UCC, Sheffield, IL

1973-1977 Student Pastor/ Pastor, South Solon UCC, South Solon, OH

1967-1973 Cartographer, U.S. Air Force

Honors: Member, Sigma Xi

Professional Memberships:

American Academy of Religion

Institute on Religion in an Age of Science

Center for Theology and Natural Science

Metanexus Institute for Religion and Science

History of Science Society

Hastings Center

Cosmos and Creation (Society of Catholic Ordered Science Professors)

Kennedy Center for Ethics


“Theology, Science and a New Environmental Ethic”, Ecospirit Quarterly, 1 (1986)

“Syntheses in Science and Religion: A Comparison”, Teilhard Studies, Number 35, Summer 1997.

“George Frederick Wright”, American National Biography, Oxford University Press, 1998

“Redeemed by Beauty: Teilhard as Poet” (in publication) Several Book Reviews

Presentations: “Redeemed by Beauty: Teilhard as Poet, at Teilhard’s Legacy Conference, Chestnut Hill College, November 2006.

“Introduction to the Conference”, IRAS 2000 Star Island Conference, Scientific and Religious Perspectives on the Child. (Served as Conference Co-chair)

Workshops in Religion, Science and Religion and Ethics.

Current Research Interest:

Interface between the scientific work of Rene Descartes and Jan Comenius.

References: Available upon request