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Postwar Uncertainty Pages 463-467 DUE ______

The horrors of World War 1 shattered the Enlightenment belief that progress and reason would prevail. This uncertainty was reflected in the unconventional styles and new ideas of the time.

Revolution in Science

1.  How did Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity contribute to earlier scientist’s findings?

2.  What were the implications of Albert Einstein’s findings?

3.  What did Sigmund Freud believe?

4.  What was the impact of Freud’s finding?

Revolution in Literature

1.  How did many writers express their anxiety and disillusionment after the war?

2.  What were Kafka’s novels about?

3.  How did Freud influence novels during this time?

4.  What is existentialism?

5.  Whose ideas were they influenced by?

Revolution in the Arts

1.  What did artists who rebelled against earlier realistic painting styles want to depict?

2.  What art form did Pablo Picasso and George Braque found?

3.  What was surrealism and who inspired it?

4.  What is an example of ways that composers and musicians moved away from traditional styles?

Changes in Society

1.  What type of people was most willing to experiment and break with tradition?

2.  What helped women win the right to vote?

3.  What were 3 ways that women abandoned previous restrictions?

4.  Why do you believe that Margaret Sanger and Emma Goldman have risked arrest to fight for birth control?

Changes in Technology

1.  How did increased auto usage lead to lifestyle changes?

2.  Who were two famous American pilots during the 20’s and why were they famous?

3.  What did the radios broadcast?

4.  How were European and American movies different?

5.  What was added to movies in the late 1920’s?

After completing all of the questions discuss and answer the following question:

What is a common theme that you see throughout each of the different sections? Please cite specific examples.

Directions: Examine each image and then do your best to answer the questions on the right!
/ 1.  What are two things that you notice about this image?
2.  What are two questions that you have about this image?
3.  If you were in this situation what do you think you would have done?
4.  What do you think caused this?
5.  What country is this depicting? ______

“I never did like the look of that old word” / Definition of Reparations: the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.
1.  What nation is referenced in this political cartoon? ______
2.  What are the “reparations” they had to pay?
3.  What is the message of this political cartoon?
4.  What do you predict that this nation will do based on the cartoon?
5.  Why did they include “For Defense Only”?

Source: Benito Mussolini (Modified)

Fascism is not only a system of government but also and above all a system ofthought. The keystone of the Fascist doctrine is the State. ForFascism the State is absolute, individuals and groups relative.Individuals and groups are admissible in so far asthey function within the State. In the Fascist idea of history, man is man onlybased on what he contributesasamember of the family; the state.The Fascist idea of life stressesthe importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests agree with those of the State, which stands for the will ofman.The Fascist conception of theState is all embracing; outside of it no humanor spiritual values can exist, much less have value.Thus understood,Fascism is totalitarian.

Fascism wants man to be active and to engage in actionwith all his energies; it wants him to be manfully aware ofthe difficulties facing him and be ready to face them.Itbelieves life is a struggle in which manmust win for himself a really worthy place, by equipping himself (physically, morally, and intellectually) to win it. Life, as conceived of by the Fascist, is serious and religious; theFascist looks down on an“easy"life. Fascism claims pacifism is a cloak for cowardice.War keys up all human energies to their maximum tension and setsthe seal of nobility on those peoples who have the courageto face it.All other tests are substitutes which never placea man face to face with himself before the alternative oflife or death. Therefore all doctrines which claim peaceat all costs do not work with Fascism. The Fascistaccepts and loves life; he rejects and despises suicide ascowardly.Inactivity isdeath.Life as he understands it means duty, elevation,conquest; life must be lofty and full, it must be lived foroneself but above all for others. The State is an Authority whichgoverns and places laws and spiritual value on individualwills.

Fascism desires the State to be strong and organic, based on the support of the individual. A State based on millions of individuals who recognizeits authority, feel its action, and are ready to serve its endsis not the tyrannical state of a medievallord. It has nothing in common with the absolute monarchs.Far from crushing the individual,theFascistStatemultiplies his energies, just as in a regimenta soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the numberof his fellow soldiers…TheFascistStateorganizes the nation, but it leaves theindividual adequate elbow room.It has takes away useless orharmful liberties while preserving those which are essential.In such matters the individual cannot be the judge, butthe State only.

The Fascist doctrine is thatbest suited to the tendencies and feelings of a people which, like the Italian, after centuries of foreignservitude, are now reasserting itself in the world.

Using the excerpt from Benito Mussolini’s ______, find evidence for and against the following statement

Fascism values the individual

Evidence For:
·  / Evidence Against:

Quote Sandwich: