Diamond Creek Elementary School

3151 Hopscotch Way, Roseville CA 95747

(916) 771-1760

School Site Council (SSC) Agenda / Minutes

Meeting Date: Jan. 13, 2015 / Meeting Location: Library
Starting Time: 3:35 PM / Ending Time:
Item/Time Limit / Actions Requested / Person
Responsible / Comments
1.Call to Order: / None / Chair, Brian Davis / Members in attendance: Jamie Errecart, Brian Davis, Terri Darby, Andria Black, Martin Brown, Wendy Aiello
Members absent: Terri Hill, Susan Guzzo
Visitor(s): none
Mot 2. Motion to
appr to approve
Min the Dec. min. / Approval / Chair/ Secretary / Motion to approve- Andria motioned to approve, Terri Darby seconded. Approved by all.
3. Reports of Officers/
Committees / None / Chair / None
4. Public
Comment / Chair / None
5 . Cliques and student discipline / Discussion / Council / Andria began the discussion on discipline. She inquired about our disciplinary steps. She asked about public information being available to parents about our steps in discipline. She felt that there were inconsistencies, which Marty agreed. Wendy shared the primary consequences citation and the informal ‘green’ tracking sheet. Terri Darby discussed the intermediate process for tracking discipline including the citation and ‘recess follow-up’ in the pod. Marty discussed the progressive steps he takes including suspension and use of citations. He distinguished the differences as a violation of school rules or education code.
Andria discussed her conversations with other parents about Diamond Creek and student cliques and bullying. Jamie mentioned that DC did have ‘anti bullying’ or other assemblies in the past. Marty mentioned that we have Sami Kadar who provides self-esteem assemblies, not anti-bullying assemblies.
Wendy and Terri discussed how they deal with cliques and problems on the playground. In each situation it is dealt with in a case by case basis.
6. School Safety Plan / Review / Marty / Marty discussed the annual review of the School Safety Plan. He stated that he will provide electronic ‘core’ components of the safety plan. He will update the plan and seek approval to the safety plan for next month.
7. Future Business / Marty discussed our school efforts to ‘market’ our school so we can compete with other private schools.
Marty will present the safety plan. HE also would like to present our tracking of data. He also would like to revise the annual parent survey. He will send current copies electronically.
8. Adjournment / Action / Chair / Next meeting February 10, 2015 Motion to adjourn: Wendy Seconded: Andria
4:40 PM.