12:00-13:30Lunch (University Center)
13:30-16:00Workshop IV
“Institutional repositories: Current development, future promise” / David F. Kohl (Dean and University Librarian, Emeritus, University of Cincinnati)
Content: This presentation in three parts will focus primarily on how the formation of digital repositories is rapidly moving beyond their original mission of enhancing access to scholarly research articles and is instead transforming the fundamental nature of the library itself through a new vision of library collections and services.
Major themes will be:
The unifying effect of digital representation
The closer partnership between librarians and faculty
The vast increase in potential collection resources
A collection location increasingly outside of the "library"
The approach will not be based on theoretical possibilities but based on actual examples accessible and in operation today.
16:00-16:30Tea/Coffee Break
16:30-17:30Discussion and Closing Session
Chair: Asuman Akyüz
We would like to thank
Elsevier and Ebrary for their sponsorship
26-27October 2006
Sabancı University
Thursday, 26October, EDU Meeting Room – 2137
09:45-10:00Opening Session
Hilmi Çelik,Director, SUInformation Center
Bülent Karasözen,Chairman, ANKOS
10:00-10:15Tea/Coffee Break
10:15-12:45Workshop I
“Developing the market place: The role of consortia in bringing about new business models and services”/ David Ball (Acting Head of Academic Services and University Librarian, Library and Learning Centre Bournemouth University)
Content: The information value chain-creation, publication, aggregation, access and use-highlighting the differences between print and electronic.
The economic imperatives for the different players in the information chain - particularly authors, publishers, booksellers, serials agents.
Consortia - how they operate and why they are useful; how they have been successful in driving down costs and improving services for hard-copy books.
E-books - the various business models and how to evaluate them; innovative approaches to procuring e-books.
12:45-14:00Lunch (University Center)
14:00-16:30Workshop II
"Long-term preservation of digital resources: Problems, strategies, approaches of the Bavarian State Library"/ Gregor Horstkemper (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Ref. Zeitschriften / Elektronische Medien,Muenchen)
Content: Problems: The growing need for long-term preservation solutions with regard to retrodigitized and born-digital documents
Strategies: Nestor - A German network of expertise in long-term storage of digital resources
Approaches I: BABS - The long-term storage and access system of the Bavarian State Library
Approaches II: Cooperation between library and high-capacity computer centre for the development of an adequate technical infrastructure
16:30-17:00Tea/Coffee Break
17:00-18:00Discussion Session
Chair: Güneş Kara
18:00-18:30Information Center Tour
18:45-21:45Dinner (Hosted by the Sabancı University Information Center)
Friday, 27October, EDU Meeting Room – 2137
09:30-12:00Workshop III
"Your institutional repository: What it can do for your institution and what your institution can do for the repository" / Alma Swan (Director of Key Perspectives Ltd)
Content: Overview of Open Access, focusing on what it is, why it is important and what the best policies are for research-basedinstitutions.
Extended vision; repositories are not isolated islands of content, but are an integral part of a global network of infrastructure for scholarly communication.
Developments of the repository landscape inUnited Kingdom