In-House Scholarships and Awards 2016-2017

Review the descriptions and requirements prior to completing the In-House Scholarships Application (IHSA). Please attach an activity resume and an unofficial transcript to your IHSA Note: In some cases additional information may be required. Deadline date: Return to Ms. Orlich NLT March 3, 2017

  1. Dr. E.H. Marsteller Scholarship Award – This award is presented by the graduating classes of 1957-62 to the student for whom the scholarship monies would help to begin his/her college education. IHSA
  1. Eugenia Hillary Osbourn Scholarship – This scholarship is awarded by the Manassas Women’s Club of Manassas to a worthy student on the basis of character, achievement, ability, need. The recipient must be majoring in education at an accredited college. IHSA
  1. National Honor Society Award – An award(s) given to a senior(s) in good standing, who has a 3.5 cumulative GPA, plans to attend college, has partial need, and shows evidence of outstanding service at Osbourn Park. IHSA
  1. Osbourn Park Administration and Faculty – This scholarship is awarded to a senior entering the field of education. Academic achievement and citizenship are key factors. IHSA and 150 word essay, “My Reasons for Entering Education.” IHSA
  1. Osbourn Park Athletics Boosters Scholarship – given to the seniors who in the estimation of the coaching staff have done the most to promote and support varsity athletics. There will be two male and two female recipients. Coach’s letter of recommendation required. IHSA
  1. The OsbournPark PTSO Scholarship – This is offered by the Osbourn Park PTSO to a senior(s) who plans to attend an accredited two/four year college. Criteria: Demonstrated unselfish commitment to service in school and community, leadership in all facets of life, outstanding character, GPA of 2.5+. Requirements – Separate PTSO application andrecommendation.Submit PTSO application with IHSA. Family membership in the PTSO is required. Contact PTSO if you needyour membership number at .
  1. Osbourn ParkSpirit Award – “In Pursuit of Excellence” is S.P.I.R.I.T. Award – This award searches for the senior who has demonstrated a high degree of commitment to S – School and Community, P – Pride, I – Integrity, R – Responsibility, I – Initiative, T – Tolerance. Requirements: IHSA plus essay that demonstrates how you exhibit the essence of the SPIRIT Award.
  1. The Pauline Smith Student Cooperative Association Scholarship – This is an award presented by the SCA to a senior who has achieved high scholastic achievement, given service to the school and has demonstrated outstanding leadership, citizenship. IHSA
  1. US Army National Scholar-Athlete Award – This award recognizes two students (one boy, one girl) who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in a variety of sports while maintaining superior academic credentials. Coaches’ input. IHSA
  1. Lillian M. Orlich Scholarship est. 2003, presented by her friends and colleagues to honor one male and one female senior who demonstrate leadership, hard work and perseverance, integrity, compassion and sincere desire to serve others, especially the youth of our society. IHSA
  1. Victor Cahoon Memorial Scholarship est. 2004, presented by his family to honor a scholar/athlete. The criteria include maintaining a 3.0 GPA, acceptance to a four year college, demonstrated leadership in school/community. Requirement IHSA, plus teacher/coach recommendation, plus essay. Prompt for 2017: In a well-developed essay of approximately 600 words, discuss the importance of cultivating the intellectual, physical and spiritual aspect of your character. Consider how you developed it and who or what contributed to that development.
  1. Yorkshire Elementary Scholarship (YES) is presented to an OP student who has spent at least one year at Yorkshire Elementary, who is pursuing an education beyond high school (college 2/4, trade or technical) application + IHSA. Please complete essay. In no more than 500 words, please tell us about the teacher from Yorkshire that has had the most influence in your life.
  1. Kristin Marie Harkness Memorial Scholarship is presented to student-athletes who best exemplify Kristin’s love of life, fun loving attitude and competitive spirit. Candidates will also be expected to meet the following minimum criteria: Successfully held formal team leadership position or generally viewed and accepted as a natural team leader by coaches and teammates; applied to, accepted by, and committed to attend a 2 or 4 year college; academic grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (exceptions allowed for extraordinary circumstances or extenuating reasons).



Deadline date: To Ms. Orlich NLT March 3, 2017

Please attach a copy of Activity Resume and an unofficial transcript

Student’s Name ______Phone No.______

Student’s Address ______

Parent’s Name ______

Parent’s Occupation: Father: ______Mother: ______

Siblings (Number including applicant) ______Ages: ______

Have you completed and submitted the FAFSA? Yes ______No ______

Please put an X mark next to each scholarship for which you are applying.

_____Dr. E.H. Marsteller Scholarship Award

_____Eugenia Hillary Osbourn Scholarship

_____National Honor Society Award

_____OsbournPark Administration and Faculty

_____Osbourn Park Athletic Boosters

_____OsbournPark PTSO Scholarship

_____OsbournPark Spirit Award

_____Pauline Smith Student Cooperative Association Scholarship

_____US Army National Scholar-Athlete Award

_____ Lillian M. Orlich Scholarship

_____ Victor Cahoon Memorial Scholarship

_____ Yorkshire Elementary Scholarship

_____ Kristin Marie Harkness

Post high school plans:

4 yr. College _____Tech/Trade school _____

2 yr. College _____Military _____

Work _____

College student plans to attend ______

Career goals:

State briefly why you need financial aid:

What awards/scholarships/honors have you received?

Class Rank _____/_____G.P.A. ______

Highest SAT I Scores Highest ACT Scores: ______