Literacy Play—Leigh Ann Maxwell, Education Supervisor, CACS Head Start and Early Childhood Program’s

Learn a variety of literacy experiences that you can do at home while playing with your child. The activities will emphasize language development, letter identity, early writing, vocabulary and rhyming. Each parent will be able to make and take several activities to use at home with their child.

Circle of Parents—Sylvia Brown-Jones- LMSW

Circle of Parent State Program Coordinator

Michigan Department of Human Services, Children’s Trust Fund

This prevention workshop is for parent leaders, human services program managers and group facilitators. During these challenging social and economic times, parents need a place more than ever to go to for support and effective coping strategies. Community agencies need to have a safe place to send them to. This interactive workshop will model the dynamics of a Circle of Parents mutual self-help group focusing on a strength-based non-judgmental practice. Learn how the program provides a place for parents to connect with, learn from, and be sources of strength for each other, through group meetings co-led by parents and professionals. Participants will gain a basic understanding of the Circle of Parents model, the importance of positive fatherhood involvement, and how to implement a new Circle of Parents program or integrate it into an existing program.

Cavity Free Kids— Brenda Martinez, Oral Health Coordinator CACS Head Start and Early Childhood Program’s

Cavity Free Kids curriculum is a complete, user-friendly oral health curriculum developed for Head Start, Early Head Start and WIC agencies. The training has information for educating children and their parents: including demonstrations, newsletter articles and many ideas for the parents to use. The best reason to attend!!! Dental decay is 100% preventable, come and find out how! We will be having make-it, take-it activities, including flannel board stories and germ puppets.

Proud Fathers- Derrick Gilliam, Fatherhood Specialist, CACS Head Start and Early Childhood Programs

This program will help strengthen the significant role that fathers and the Very Important Males play in the successful development of their children.

Kindergarten…Here I Come! Marianne Fant, Special Education Coordinator, C.A.C.S. Head Start and Early Childhood Programs

Preschool will be ending before you know it and kindergarten will be approaching quickly. This is a time for excitement as well as anxiety. For families who have children with special needs, this transition may be even more challenging. What can you do to help your child prepare for kindergarten and maintain the skills they’ve already learned? What important information should you share with his/her new teacher &/or service provider? This workshop will provide families with easy and cheap learning activities to do at home, ways to advocate for your child, and suggestions to help ensure that your child’s needs are met as they transition to kindergarten.

LSD Homeless Program— Rose Taphouse, L.S.D. Homeless Coordinator and Ingham County McKinney-Vento grant coordinator

Share information regarding families in temporary living situations and the services and help available to them from the Lansing School District.

Health Room- Teresa Spitzer CACS, LSD Nurses, Ingham Co. DHS

Exploring Health and Wellness

Increase your health and wellness awareness:

·  Get screened for vision, hearing and blood pressure;

·  Learn self-care practices;

·  Watch health care demonstrations;

·  Get free health care products.

Healthy Snacks -Norma Bermudez, MSU Extension

MSU Extension presents simple, healthy snacks ideas for families. Norma Bermudez will be demonstrating techniques of preparing homemade tortillas with a variety of fillings.

Registration Form

Registration includes Sack Lunch

Session I: 9:10-10:10 Select One

¨  A. Literacy Play

¨  B. Circle of Parents

¨  C. Cavity Free Kids

¨  D. Proud Fathers

¨  E. “Kindergarten…Here I Come!”

¨  F. LSD Homeless Program

¨  G. Exploring Health and Wellness

¨  H. Healthy Snacks

Session II: 10:20-11:20 Select One

¨  A. Literacy Play

¨  B. Circle of Parents

¨  C. Cavity Free Kids

¨  D. Proud Fathers

¨  E. “Kindergarten Here I Come!”

¨  F. LSD Homeless Program

¨  G. Exploring Health and Wellness

¨  H. Healthy Snacks

Name (Please Print)
( )
Phone Number
Email Address

Register early limited space.

Mail or turn in registration form to:

Grand River Ave.

CACS Head Start

Attention: Sharon Rogers

1107 E. Grand River

Lansing, MI 48906

Phone: 517-999-2730

Fax. 517-999-2729


Conference at a Glance:

8:00 - 8:45 Registration

8:45 - 9:00 Welcome

9:10-10:10 Sessions

10:20-11:20 Sessions

11:30-11:45 Closing Assembly, Door Prizes

Sack lunch, Evaluations