Cultural Reflection Assignment (30 points)
Criteria for Assignment / 5Exceeds Expectations / 4
Above Average / 3
Acceptable / 2
Developing / 1
Unacceptable / Your Points
Invested in the experience in terms of time, thought, and creative effort / Invested more than several hours in an experience and selected a cultural experience that was challenging and thoughtful. / Invested several hours and selected a cultural experience that was challenging or thoughtful. / Invested less than several hours and selected a cultural experience that was challenging or thoughtful. / Time, creativity, or commitment to cultural exploration unclear. / Time, creativity, and commitment to cultural exploration unclear.
Clearly explains how this cultural exploration was a “plunge” or “stretch” for you / Convincing argument made that explains how your culture is different from the one you experienced and your feelings about and during the experience. / Argument explains how your culture is different from the one you experienced, but analysis could go deeper. / Argument superficially explains how your culture is different from the one you experienced. / You summarize how your culture is different from the one you experienced. / Why the experience was a cultural “stretch” is unclear.
Demonstrates sensitivity to diversity (including diverse viewpoints) / Expressed different viewpoints about the experience with sensitivity and insight. Demonstrates interaction with culture. / Different cultural viewpoints were well described. Some interaction with different culture. / Different cultural viewpoints were described superficially. / Although viewpoints were expressed, there was little analysis of the culture. / Different viewpoints about the experience are unclear.
Reflection on experience draws appropriate connections to course content, readings / Cites texts & class activities when interpreting the cultural experience. References are crucial to your argument. / Makes general reference to text in building an argument. Quotes may lack strong transitions. / Although writing is logical, it is not specific in its connection to text and course. / Some connections to class and texts may be inappropriate or unclear. / You have not explained how your cultural experience connects to your learning in class.
Drew appropriate conclusions for professional practice / Meaningful implications for professional practice expressed clearly and with insight. / Some clear implications for professional practice. / Good effort at making connections to professional practice. / Professional implications unclear. / Professional implications were inappropriate.
Communicated clearly in writing with no errors in spelling or grammar; about 3-4 pages. / Virtually error free in grammar, syntax, and organization. Meets page limits. / Very few spelling errors, grammar, or syntax mistakes. Close to page limits. / Few spelling errors, grammar, or syntax mistakes. Close to page limits. / Writing is rough, but generally understandable. Well outside page expectations. / Many spelling errors, grammar, or syntax mistakes.
Your Final Points / Out of 30 Possible