Sept. 17 2010 LPC Meeting
Attending Members: Amy Vail, Dave Johnson, Anita Friend, Sandy Buchner, Mary Lenardson, Angella Breitenbeck, Carnell Walker, Gail Carr
LPC 2011 Seminar
- Two track vs One track – one track may be better, decreased attendance, gives speakers larger audiences – will make determination as we get into planning
- Invite EPA DMRQA coordinator for Michigan Christine Veldkamp to seminar to talk?
- Round table of speakers for question/answer sessions
- To increase attendance, need to look at presentation topics and cater to both WWTP and commercial labs
- Continue vendor raffle, got attendees to talk to vendors
- Wastewater sampling techniques (MELA wants to put on seminar)/maybe use this as a presentation topic
- Enbridge Oil spill talk/Battle Creek WWTP almost disaster/impact on WWPT and DWTP/speaker from Karr Labs and Battle Creek to give overview or Enbridge – biggest spill in MI history
- DNRE used to give talks about water/wastewater microbiology
- Pharmaceuticals in WW and DW – DJ sent samples out to test ppt levels (Montgomery Watson in CA, EHL in Indiana – only effluent)
- Jackson Community college is starting up a environmental technician program, other colleges have had similar programs, but Jackson has gotten money to start up
- OM1 & 2 changes and finalization/revisions to state cleanup program
- Doing more with less – economic hard times, combining resources, cross training, revenue sharing, public outreach, daily essential work
- Speakers form include an agreement to have presentation posted LPC webpage for future use
- Add tips from Microsoft Office for PowerPoint presentations to document Amy submitted from the MWEA before passing out to presenters
LPC Website
- Webpage on the MWEA website (check out biosolids & new professionals webpages)
- MWEA will havea link from our committee page to webpage, webpage will link to minutes and past seminar presentations, meeting dates, times, locations, etc.
- Our Mission statement – revise in October, Angella will send to members for review
- Determine core values – Page 20-21 MWEA statement of policy
- Link to join a committee or add onto a meeting list
Annual conference
- Ask speaker that was great to give presentation at conference
- At this time our committee doesn’t have anything applicable
- Angella to ask the MWEA office if you can be retired and still receive an award
- Janice Suszek-Gay (32 years in the lab)
- Angella to contact the entire list of LPC members for candidates
MWEA Matters Article
- Send article to Matters editor
- Use PowerPoint key topics from seminar with link to our website
- Perry Brake might be good one to use
- Amy will talk to Perry and write up blurb
- Amy has contacted Perry and he is excited to have his presentation used for a Matters Article, Amy to complete over the next several weeks
Upcoming Meetings
- October 22, 2010 to be hosted by Paragon Laboratories, restaurant to be decided
- November 19, 2010 will be in Bath
- Mary will contact East Lansing for to see if we can meet there for December 17, 2010 meeting
- Gail will host after Test America relocates
General Discussion
- Carnell’s survey is going well, better to send out metals or have them done in house (analysts have furlough days), cost analysis
- Donate old expired or unused standards to community colleges as a way to save on haz waste disposal fees
- Outreach program for smaller labs to educate them as to proper laboratory procedures/waste disposal
- Christine Veldkamp contact info:
Christine Veldkamp
Water Bureau
Dept. of Natural Resources and Environment
350 Ottawa Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503