Sept. 17 2010 LPC Meeting

Attending Members: Amy Vail, Dave Johnson, Anita Friend, Sandy Buchner, Mary Lenardson, Angella Breitenbeck, Carnell Walker, Gail Carr

LPC 2011 Seminar

  1. Two track vs One track – one track may be better, decreased attendance, gives speakers larger audiences – will make determination as we get into planning
  2. Invite EPA DMRQA coordinator for Michigan Christine Veldkamp to seminar to talk?
  3. Round table of speakers for question/answer sessions
  4. To increase attendance, need to look at presentation topics and cater to both WWTP and commercial labs
  5. Continue vendor raffle, got attendees to talk to vendors
  6. Wastewater sampling techniques (MELA wants to put on seminar)/maybe use this as a presentation topic
  7. Enbridge Oil spill talk/Battle Creek WWTP almost disaster/impact on WWPT and DWTP/speaker from Karr Labs and Battle Creek to give overview or Enbridge – biggest spill in MI history
  8. DNRE used to give talks about water/wastewater microbiology
  9. Pharmaceuticals in WW and DW – DJ sent samples out to test ppt levels (Montgomery Watson in CA, EHL in Indiana – only effluent)
  10. Jackson Community college is starting up a environmental technician program, other colleges have had similar programs, but Jackson has gotten money to start up
  11. OM1 & 2 changes and finalization/revisions to state cleanup program
  12. Doing more with less – economic hard times, combining resources, cross training, revenue sharing, public outreach, daily essential work
  13. Speakers form include an agreement to have presentation posted LPC webpage for future use
  14. Add tips from Microsoft Office for PowerPoint presentations to document Amy submitted from the MWEA before passing out to presenters

LPC Website

  1. Webpage on the MWEA website (check out biosolids & new professionals webpages)
  2. MWEA will havea link from our committee page to webpage, webpage will link to minutes and past seminar presentations, meeting dates, times, locations, etc.
  3. Our Mission statement – revise in October, Angella will send to members for review
  4. Determine core values – Page 20-21 MWEA statement of policy
  5. Link to join a committee or add onto a meeting list

Annual conference

  1. Ask speaker that was great to give presentation at conference
  2. At this time our committee doesn’t have anything applicable


  1. Angella to ask the MWEA office if you can be retired and still receive an award
  2. Janice Suszek-Gay (32 years in the lab)
  3. Angella to contact the entire list of LPC members for candidates

MWEA Matters Article

  1. Send article to Matters editor
  2. Use PowerPoint key topics from seminar with link to our website
  3. Perry Brake might be good one to use
  4. Amy will talk to Perry and write up blurb
  5. Amy has contacted Perry and he is excited to have his presentation used for a Matters Article, Amy to complete over the next several weeks

Upcoming Meetings

  1. October 22, 2010 to be hosted by Paragon Laboratories, restaurant to be decided
  2. November 19, 2010 will be in Bath
  3. Mary will contact East Lansing for to see if we can meet there for December 17, 2010 meeting
  4. Gail will host after Test America relocates

General Discussion

  1. Carnell’s survey is going well, better to send out metals or have them done in house (analysts have furlough days), cost analysis
  2. Donate old expired or unused standards to community colleges as a way to save on haz waste disposal fees
  3. Outreach program for smaller labs to educate them as to proper laboratory procedures/waste disposal
  4. Christine Veldkamp contact info:

Christine Veldkamp

Water Bureau

Dept. of Natural Resources and Environment

350 Ottawa Ave NW

Grand Rapids, MI 49503
