Research proposal: MEng/PhD


J Friendly

Student number


Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

University of Pretoria

7 March 1925


Prof A Einstein






Postgraduate CommitteeDate

Summary Page

[The summary page may not exceed one A4 page in 11 point font, single spacing.]

  1. Research questions

State the research questions in a bullet list.

  1. Approach

Explain your proposed approach.

  1. Contribution

State the contribution that your study will provide to your specialist field.

  1. Anticipated peer-reviewed journal articles

[The faculty stipulates that for a master's degree one article must be submitted while one article has to be accepted and one submitted for a PhD.]

Master’s degree students

[Provide a preliminary title for one journal article that might possibly arise from the proposed research, as well as a target ISI journal to which it could be submitted. Also provide one or two sentences that describe the research gap that would be addressed by this article.]

Target journal:

Preliminary title:


PhD students

[Provide preliminary titles for two journal articles that might possibly arise from the proposed research, as well as target ISI journals. Also provide one or two sentences that describe the research gap that will be addressed by each article.]

Target journal:

Preliminary title:

Research gap that will be addressed:

Target journal:

Preliminary title:

Research gap that will be addressed:

Full research proposal

[This section may not exceed two A4 pages (excluding references and contact information) for a Master’s degree and ten A4 pages for a PhD]

  1. Introduction

Introduction, background and motivation.

  1. Overview of current literature

Current state of research being done in the field.

  1. Motivation

The motivation for the research which will be undertaken.

  1. Objective

Your specific objectives and goals with the research.

  1. Proposed research

Your approach to the problem and specific steps to follow.

  1. Contribution

Your contribution in perspective with current knowledge in the field.


IEEE or Harvard style

Contact Information

Postal address


Tel number

Fax number

Cell number