Boyleston Masonic Lodge #123 A.F. M.

PO Box 502

Ballentine, SC 29002

October, 2013

Greetings Brothers,

It’s October and we’re heading to the “shank” of the year. At this month’s stated meeting, we had another fine meal of chicken, green beans, mac and cheese, roll, and another large variety of desserts. We had a very nice attendance and if anyone went home hungry it was their own fault.

The meeting started out as usual with the reading of (3) petitions for membership and (3) petitions for affiliation. We also balloted on (3) for their Fellowcraft Degree and (1) for affiliation and all were elected.

Bro. Sec. RW Bill Bouknight read the names of the 16 brothers who have not paid their 2013 dues. These brothers are in danger of being erased for non payment of dues (NPD). Please brothers if there is an issue about your dues contact the secretary and discus this with him. Of course all conversations will be in confidence.

Being that this is October, that means dues notices for the year 2014 will be going out next week. The dues will again be $55.00 for the year. Officially annual dues are to be paid by 12/31 for the upcoming year. So please pay them as soon as possible.

For those of you who like to get on the computer, try going to our website. The address is and there is a lot of good information on there and also links to other websites. If you want to know where another lodge is and when they meet it’s on the SC Grand Lodge link. It will also give you directions to get there. If for some reason you want to see past Trestleboards they are archived for several years. Bro. Robin Olds is our webmaster and he does a great job.

As we explained in last month’s Trestleboard, we are trying to get the zoning changed for the Richland #39 building and were going to the Richland Co. Planning Commission Meeting, but they didn’t have a quorum and postponed it to this month. The Planning Commission Meeting is at the Richland County Building on Hampton St. and held in the Richland County Council Chamber Room, then later in the month we will need a lot of support at the Richland County Council Meeting in the same room. The first meeting is Oct. 7th at 1:00pm. (We realize you won’t get this in time to attend). The second meeting is Oct. 22nd at 7:00pm and this is the most important meeting where we need your support. Please try to attend so we can make the Richland #39 more attractive to sell and get this over with.

Work for the month.

Thurs. Oct. 17th Fellowcraft Degree dine at 6:30pm meeting at 7:30pm

Tues. Oct. 29th Square and Compass Meeting dine at 6:30pm at Dentsville Lodge

Meeting to follow

You don’t have to a member to attend but you do have to be a Mason.

On Thurs. Oct. 24th The St. John’s Lutheran Church on St. John’s Church Rd in Irmo is having their Fall Fish Dinner. As usual there will be plenty of food and desserts. This is very popular in the area and all should try to attend. The meal is at 6:30pm

Last month’s trivia question: What is a Smokey Brown?

That is most prevalent type of “Palmetto Bug” (cockroach)

in this area.

This month’s trivia question: What is the former name of the Virgin Islands of the USA?

Worshipful Master Senior Warden Junior Ward Bobby Lockaby Ronald Watson Jim Weih 803-798-3589 803-730-0053 803-518-1770

Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon

Dennis Gobble Bill Bouknight Richard White

803-750-2180 803-556-5670 803-777-1568

Junior Deacon Chaplain Steward

Barry Goen Fred Baxley Emory Johnson

803-476-7704 803-732-0058 803-622-8315

Steward Tyler

Blake Neeley Rick Janis

803-513-3978 915-208-3808