URL-Checking.Doc 10/26/2009 lh, td


Search Cruzcat by Title or Call Number (http://cruzcat.ucsc.edu/)

Check All Links Containing the Phrase “Access Restrictions May Apply”

Only check the “Access Restrictions May Apply” links; it is not necessary to check the others.

Check for Access

Most links go to the journal homepage, or list of volumes. Check for broken links, error messages, or prompts for username and password.

Compare Coverage to Available Content

Check for missing volumes or issues. It may be necessary to expand the list of volumes, or page forward and backward to view the complete list.

Examples of Coverage:

·  v.48(2004)- Highwire. Access restrictions may apply = Online access from volume 48 (2004) through the current volume, on the Highwire platform. The current volume may or may not belong to the current year.

·  v.3(1992)-v.14:no.3(2003:Dec.). ScienceDirect. Access restrictions may apply = Online access from volume 3 (1992) through volume 14, number 3 (December, 2003) only, on the ScienceDirect platform.

·  v.1(1988)-v.5(1988), v.7(1990)-v.81(1995), v.83(1995)-v.120(1997), v.124(1997)-v.155(1998) ADS article services. Access restrictions may apply. = Online access from volume 1 (1988) through volume 155 (1998) only, through the ADS database. Volumes 6, 82, and 121-3 are not included and we do not have online access to those volumes.

Check for Access to Full-Text of Articles

Open the current issue to view its articles, then open an article to make sure full-text is available. Do not check book reviews or similar content, as these are often free.

“Full-text” means that the entire article can be viewed and printed. Articles not available in full-text may display only an abstract and/or a prompt for payment.

Also check the first volume in our coverage for full-text (i.e., for v.48(2004)- Highwire. Access restrictions may apply, check the current volume and the earliest volume, 48(2004)).

Report Problems to

If a problem is found, or if you are not sure, stop checking. Report the problem to ejournals. Send a separate email message for each title and send only one message per title.


Subject: [Journal Title] [(Your Name in Parentheses or Brackets)]

Message: Include a short message describing the problem(s) such as…

“broken link”

“requires password”

“missing volumes/issues”

“no access to current/old issue(s)”

Create and view list of 856 48 (*example 856 48*)

·  Create according to desired criteria; sort by record number

·  Open created review file; view bib record

·  Right click URL in subfield |u, select Open URL

Ø  Take note of problematic, or broken, URLs and report to Electronic Resources staff

Ø  If desired, attempt to fix problems; see Repair Invalid URLs, below

Verify Access to Journal Platform

·  On the home page, there should not be prompt for payment or request for username/password.* If either, and an active order, see procedure Ejournal_Activate for instructions to Activate/Restore online access; take appropriate action

*Some resources require a username/password, which will be displayed on a “Protect Page” after Open URL is selected. Log in to the resource with provided username/password, and proceed to check access, as above (ex., see protect page for American Ceramic Society Bulletin). Contact vendor or publisher, as applicable, for username/password problems.

Verify Coverage in |3 Subfield

·  Scan range of content, verify presence of all vols, checking for gaps in coverage

o  If more vols/yrs are accessible than specified in |3 subfield: this is ok

o  Do not edit coverage in |3 to match*

*Frequently, extra access is temporary and has not been purchased. Therefore, it is preferable to ignore extra volumes/years in most circumstances, and exclude them from |3.

·  If fewer vols/yrs are accessible than specified in |3 subfield, or if vols/yrs are missing:

o  Inaccessible or missing content must be claimed

o  See procedure Ejournal_Activate for instructions to Activate/Restore online access; take appropriate action

Verify Access to Journal Content

·  Examine in detail a minimum of three vols/yrs (current, oldest, and one from the middle)

o  Verify presence of all issues within selected volumes

o  Verify access to each issue contained in selected volumes

§  Presence of a [green] indicator indicating “Access” is not sufficient confirmation of access

§  Attempt to view content at the article-level: click to view PDF or HTML (Full-text) of an article; do this to ensure the retrieved document is full-text and not just an abstract

Repair Invalid URLs [back]

·  If Open URL does not return expected results, but results in an error message, notice of relocated document, or it appears that our URL is incorrect, it may help to consult the following:

Ø  Order record: Check the order record STATUS, and/or y [ACCESS], i , and payments to check for important updates that may explain the problem

Ø  Vendor websites: Seek publication details; an updated URL may be available

Ø  If an active order, contact vendor for assistance

Ø  Publisher website: Seek info about publisher and/or platform changes

Ø  OCLC: Search for print and electronic records; an updated URL may be available

Ø  Google, et al.: Search by title, etc.

Ø  Wayback Machine: Search for notices indicating impending website move, etc.

·  If it is necessary to edit the URL in subfield |u, it may be necessary to update SFX, and/or EZProxy for off-campus access. See linked procedures for more information.

v  Example 856 48: [back]
y 856 48 |3v.44(1996)-|zAccess restrictions may apply|nAIAA_AMERICAN_INSTITUTE_OF_AERONAUTICS_A |uhttp://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=318&pubid=2|xonline sub
v  Subfields are defined as follows:
|3 / Coverage Specified: / |3v.44(1996)-
|z / Public Note: / |zAccess restrictions may apply
|n / Name of Location of Host:
i.e. Publisher, or Platform (required for serials activated in SFX; serials not present in SFX should have subfield |nno ucelink) / |nAIAA_AMERICAN_INSTITUTE_OF_AERONAUTICS_A
|u / URL: / |uhttp://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=318&pubid=2
|x / Nonpublic Note:
(not a required subfield) / |xonline sub

Created 10/09