June 18, 2009 Regular Meeting Board of Education
Carol Hamm 602 Farrish Street
President Madison, IL. 62060
A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Madison Community Unit School District #12 of Madison County, Madison, Illinois was held at Madison Accelerated High School, 600Farrish Street, Madison, Illinois in said District on the eighteen day, of June, 2009 at 6:00 P.M.
Members present: Celena Browley, Joseph Garcia, Carol Hamm, Marie Nelson, Steve
Skoklo, Sonja Vauters
Members absent: James Gardner Jr.
Also present: Sandra Schroeder, Toni Cromer, Sue Skoklo, Evelyn Kelly, Scott Cousins, Barney Mundorf, Bobbie Dallas, Charles Massie, Benny Boyer, Shaneyee
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 P.M.
Roll call: Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Gardner, absent; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye. 6 present. 1absent.
Public Input
Union Presidents
Bobbie Dallas addressed the board.
Shaneyee Hinkle from PMA address the board.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education goes into Executive Session to discuss Personnel Issues, Student Issues, Pending or Threatened Litigation at 6:05 p.m.;
Roll call: Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education return to Regular Session at 6:28 pm;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda
It was moved by Garcia, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approve the consent agenda as presented;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation from Harris Accelerated Elementary School paraprofessional, Felicia Pettiford effective the end of the 2008-2009 school year;
Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Vauters, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation from Madison Middle School teacher, Erica Goddard effective the end of the 2008-2009 school year;
Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education approve to employ David Gibson as Madison Accelerated High School Science Teacher, effective the 2009-2010 school year;
Roll call: Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Browley, seconded by Hamm that the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation from Madison Accelerated High/Middle School Industrial Technology Instructor, Mark White effective the end of the 2008-2009 school year;
Roll call: Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, nay; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Vauters, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education approve to employ
Shantavia Cox and Deionne Fletcher as Community Paraprofessionals for Prevention Initiative Summer Program effective June 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009;
Roll call: Roll call: Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye. 6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Nelson, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approve to employ Rachel Zerkel as Madison Accelerated High School Literacy Lab Monitor effective the 2009-2010 school year;
Roll call: Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Browley, seconded by Hamm that the Board of Education approve to employ Lindsey Davis as Madison Accelerated High/Middle School Language Lab Monitor effective the 2009-2010 school year;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Browley, seconded by Nelson that the Board of Education approve to employ, Alison Stambaugh , as Madison Accelerated High School PE/Health Teacher effective the 2009 – 2010 school year;
Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Browley, seconded by Hamm, that the Board of Education approve to employ Steven Ellis as Madison Accelerated High/Middle School Industrial Technology Instructor effective the 2009-2010 school year;
Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.
6ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approve to employ Sarah Schuenke as Madison Accelerated High School Special Education Teacher effective the 2009-2010 school year;
Roll call: Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education approve the annual salaries with increases for non-union employees;
Roll call: Skoklo, present; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye.
5 ayes. 1 present. Motion carried.
It was moved by Vauters, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approve the annual administrative contracts for the 2009-2010 school year for;
Special Education Coordinator, Suzi Fraticelli
Curriculum and Instruction, Coordinator, Anne-Marie Foret
Part Time Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator, Anetrise Jones
Assistant to the Superintendent, Evelyn Kelly
Director of Student Services, Karen Missey
Roll call: Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education accept the letter of resignation from Madison Accelerated high School Teacher, Ta-Tanisha Handy effective the end of the 2008-2009 school year;
Roll call: Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Browley, seconded by Garcia that the Board of Education approve to employ Renette Jackson and Jacqueline Sheard as long Accelerated Elementary School Summer Reading Interventionists effective June 15, 2009 through July 8, 2009;
Roll call: Garcia, aye; Gardner, aye; Hamm, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Browley, seconded by Skoklo that the Board of Education approve a stipend for Rob Miller for Madison Accelerated middle School Athletic Director;
Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Skoklo, that the Board of Education approve a Madison Accelerated High School Assistant Baseball Coach position;
Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.
6ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Nelson, seconded by Browley, that the Board of Education approve a Madison Accelerated Middle School Assistant Baseball Coach position;
Roll call: Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Garcia, seconded by Vauters that the Board of Education approve the Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Rates For Construction to be the same as those in Madison County as Determined by the Illinois Department of Labor;
Roll call: Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education approve the request to pay bills due in June that come in after the Board meeting since it is the end of the fiscal year;
Roll call: Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye.
6 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting at 7:03 p.m.;
Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.
6 ayes; Motion carried.
Date: ______
President, Carol Hamm
Secretary, Sonja Vauters