SOP 2.2.1

R. 10/1/04

(R. 7/1/07)



  • S14.3 Adoption Services - Services for the Child


  • 922 KAR 1:350 Family preparation
  • 922 KAR 1:100 Agency adoptions


1.The SSW emphasizes to both the family and the child (if age and developmentally appropriate) the significant differences in the relationships, roles, and expectations that are reflected by the signing of the adoptive placement agreement when the child has already been physically living with the foster family that plans to adopt the child. All related documents such as those pertaining to providing adoption assistance, obtaining Medicaid, and determining the child’s educational placement are completed.

2.The child’s SSW, the foster family’s R & C worker, their supervisors and any other appropriate staff consult to determine whether foster parent adoption is appropriate when the decision is made to change the goal to adoption.

3.The child’s SSW and the foster family’s R & C worker meet with the foster family within thirty (30) working days when the goal changes to adoption and when foster parent adoption is identified as the Cabinet’s preferred plan for the child to discuss the following:

(a)The difference between fostering and adopting;

(b)Importance of permanency to child;

(c)Legal relationship within adoption;

(d)Legal risks;

(e)Child’s options for a permanent home when foster parent does not adopt;

(f)Areas in which the foster family needs preparation as a potential adoptive resource;

(g)Adoption Assistance program and eligibility status of the child. Adoption assistance requests cannot be processed until after the termination of parental rights;

(h)Adoptive parent’s responsibility to retain an attorney for the purpose of finalization of the adoption;

(i)Benefits the child may be eligible to receive (Link to SOP 2.5.9 Social Security and Other Benefits);

(j)Resources in the community for children with special needs;

(k)Support services for adoptive parent;

(l)Adoption process from TPR through circuit or family court judgment of adoption finalization;

(m)Continued future contact with birth siblings;

(n)Foster parent’s attitudes about contact with birth siblings and thoughts on handling that contact;

(o)Answering child’s questions about adoption and about his past, and explore sample statements to determine impact of those statements on the child; and

(p)The status of the child’s Lifebook.

4.At the conclusion of the meeting or within five (5) working days of the meeting, the foster parent is asked to sign the DPP-198 Foster Parent Statement of Intent to Adopt, and return to the SSW if adoption by the foster parent is a suitable plan. Failure to return this statement does not preclude the adoption, however the SSW must clearly understand the foster parent’s intent to proceed with the adoption when the child is available. The SSW is to provide a copy of the signed Foster Parent Statement of Intent to Adopt to:

(a)Central Office Permanency Services Branch staff;

(b)SNAP offices;

(c)Swift Regional Chair; and

(d)SRA or designee in the region of the foster family’s residence.

5.The SSW considers the appropriateness of a placement change with another family who may adopt if the foster parent is not interested in adopting.

6.The SSW completes the presentation summary packet (Link toSOP 2.1.8 Preparing the Presentation Summary Packet)and gives the original packet to the foster family’s R & C worker and a copy to Central Office Permanency Services Branch staff within ten (10) working days of the termination of parental rights judgment. A copy may be provided to the regional office if required.

7.The R & C worker, after receiving the presentation summary packet,redacts identifying information about a child’s biological family.

8. The R&C workermeets with the foster family,and gives them a copy of the packet, discusses the confidentiality of shared information and the DPP 171 Notice of Confidentiality is signed.

9..The R & C worker begins negotiation of Adoption Assistance with the family if the child meets the eligibility criteria. (Link to SOP 2.5 Adoption Assistance)

10.The R & C worker submits the request for adoption assistance and recommendation for approval of the proposed foster parent adoption to the Service Region Administrator (SRA) or designee for approval or non-approval within thirty (30) working days of the termination of parental rights final order.

11.The SRA or designee prepares and signs the DPP 1258 Adoption Assistance Agreement, if approved.

12.The SRA or designee retains a copy of all the documents.

13.The signed Adoption Assistance Agreements are returned to the R & C Worker. The R & C worker obtains the signature(s) of the foster adoptive parent(s) on the Agreements and distributes them to the foster adoptive parent, Children’s Benefits Worker, and Regional Billing Clerk. The original is maintained in the child’s file.

14.The R & C worker prepares and signs the DPP-195, Adoption Placement Agreementwith the foster adoptive family and distributes copies to the family and the SSW for the child.

15.The R & C staff enters the DCBS foster home as a provide case in TWIST, if a case does not already exist in TWIST.

16.The R & C worker sends the Foster Parent Adoption Referral notice to the Central Office Permanency Specialist along with one copy of the Adoptive Placement Agreement and one copy of the foster parent adoption packet. The packet contains:

(a)A cover memo;

(b)Copy of the family’s original narrative packet;

(c)Current annual strengths/needs assessment;

(d)Foster Parent Statement of Intent to Adopt; and

(e)Request for adoption assistance if appropriate.