Athletic/Parent Hand Book

“SHOW class, HAVE pride, and DISPLAY character.

If you do, winnings takes care of itself”

Paul “Bear” Bryant

We are very pleased that you have decided to become involved in the athletics at CMS. To be a good athlete it will take a considerable amount of time and effort on the part of both the athlete and parent. There will be the responsibility of participating as a player and fan in a very positive and good sportsmanship manner, as will as obeying and supporting the rules and regulations contained in our athletic code.

We strive to have all our athletics achieve in the classroom as well as in athletics; emphasizing that academic success is the number one priority of school. With the proper attitude and the willingness to work, we feel all our athletes will have a positive experience while participating in our athletic program.

CoosaMiddle School Sports Offerings



Cross Country











Table of Contents


CMS Athletic Code of Conduct

Athletic participation requirements


CMS Code of Conduct


Athletic Permission Form

Emergency Form

Floyd County Code of Conduct

Heat Policy


  1. A student may not be 16 on or before May 1st of the school year of participation.
  2. A student is immediately eligible for participation upon entering the 6th grade. After the first semester, aforementioned students must meet the requirement of passing five (5) subjects in order to be eligible. Under no circumstances shall 5th graders be allowed to participate.
  3. Any student participating must have medical insurance. If the student has a family policy, there must be an insurance waiver on file.
  4. A student must have an annual physical exam on file with their respective school prior to participating in any practice or contest. Physical exams are in effect for that entire school year. Cheerleaders are included in this requirement.
  5. A student must pass five (5) subjects during each grading period (semester or quarter ) in order to be eligible. A student may attend an accredited summer school and receive credit in order to achieve eligibility requirements. Summer school is an extension of the last quarter or semester. Eligibility is established on the first day of the new quarter or semester. A student who is ineligible can regain eligibility on or after the first day of the new quarter or semester.
  6. An ineligible student may regain eligibility by passing five (5) subjects, with eligibility being restored on the first day of the new quarter/semester.
  7. The “migratory rule” as defined by the G.H.S.A. is in effect for all students moving from member schools only. A student entering a member school from a private school is eligible for participation if the student lives in that school’s attendance area, and has met the Association’s eligibility requirements. A student who transfers among member schools without a change of residence is eligible provided the transfer occurs prior to the beginning of the Associational practice date, and meets all age and grade requirements.
  8. Eligibility lists will be provided to the Executive Secretary at least three days prior to the beginning of any season for both athletic and cheerleading squads. An updated list should also be submitted if changes occur after the beginning of a grading period. Schools may call in the additions/changes and submit the changes in writing.
  9. Students who participate on their school team may not be a member of a Recreation Department or YMCA team in that same sport. Students may participate as a member of a church, RA, or USA wrestling team without penalty or violation. Upon completion of a sports activity, 8th grade students may participate on a junior varsity team as long as they do not exceed the 60% GHSA rule.
  10. Member schools may not participate in any type of interscholastic scrimmage or practice against another school or team. This rule will apply to those schools that have grades 6-12 on the same campus. Additionally, teams may not practice against a team from a higher level.
  11. No middle school athlete participating on a middle school team will be allowed to participate or practice with a junior varsity team prior to, or during the middle school season for that particular sport.
  12. Eighth grade students who are not eligible for middle school participation because of age or the migratory rule will be eligible to participate at the junior varsity level.

CMS Athletic Code of Conduct

A participant in extracurricular activities represents not only himself/herself but also the school, school system and the community. Since participation is a privilege, it is important, it is important that students and parents/guardians be aware of the rules and expectations. A violation of the Extracurricular Code of Conduct may result in the denial of the privilege to participate in a sport or activity. Students volunteering to participate must assume the responsibilities of this privilege and are required to meet expectations beyond those set for non-athletes and non-participants in extracurricular activities.

Attendance (A student athlete must inform their coach prior to a missed practice or game).

  1. If a student athlete has 3 unexcused absences he/she will be dismissed from the team. (An excused absence is court order, doctor’s note or a letter from a parent/guardian).
  2. 3 tardies equal 1 unexcused absence.
  3. If a student athlete misses the practice prior to the game they will not be allowed to participate in the game.
  4. A student athlete must attend at least one half of the school day in order to participate in any game, practice, try-out or conditioning unless a school administrator approves the school absence.
  5. Out of School Suspension or In School Suspension
  6. A student athlete will not be allowed to participate in practice or games during the time of the suspension.
  7. A student athlete assigned OSS more than 3 days will be dismissed from the team.
  8. A student athlete assigned ISS more that 5 days will be dismissed from the team.
  9. Any student athlete placed in the TransitionalAcademy or expelled will be dismissed from the team.

Grades (School comes first).

  1. A student athlete must pass 5 of 6 classes. No pass/no play.
  2. At any time a student athlete is not passing they will be required to attend study hall and/or office hours.
  3. If a student athlete is failing 1 or more subjects at the end of a grading period (this includes progress reports) they will be suspended until their grades have been pulled up.


  1. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, theft, weapons see Floyd County Extracurricular code of Conduct Student Form.

If a student athlete quits or is dismissed from any sports during that semester may not try out or participate in any other sport during that semester.


1. Students must bring a signed note from parent/guardian in order to walk home after practice.

2. Athletes must be picked up at the end of practice time. Thirty minutes after practice ends, the police will be called to take your child home.


1. All tryouts will be closed. Only coaches and athletes will be allowed at tryouts.

I have read and understand the CMS Code of Conduct and Sports rules.


Parent/Guardian Signature Student Athlete SignatureDa



I hereby give my permission for my son/daughter/ward, ______, (participant) to participate in the interscholastic athletic program at Coosa Middle School, from August 1, 2014 until the 31st day of May, 2015.

It is understood by me that neither the Floyd County School System nor the school carries liability or medical pay insurance which covers participation in the athletic program, nor may school funds be used to pay for medical treatment for personal injuries sustained while practicing for or playing or otherwise participating in such athletic program or events or while on trips in connection therewith. It is further understood that I will and do assume full responsibility for all medical treatment for the above named student may need or require for such injuries.

I do hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Floyd County School System and the above named school, its agents, servants and employees from and for all claims and loss on account of injuries, medical expenses and damages of whatever kind which may be sustained by me or said student on account of any injury resulting from or in any way related to participation in such activities.

I certify further that I have insurance which provides adequate medical coverage for said student with ______policy number ______. (Insurance company)

I agree to inform the principal of the school in the event that such medical coverage for said student should for any reason cease to be in effect for and during the term stated above.


(Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian)(Date)


(Street Address)(Telephone)


(City, State, Zip)

Dear Parents,

With the start of practice and with our concern for the well-being of our student-athletes, we will be taking several precautions during our August practice schedule:

  1. Before and during each practice we use a digital psychrometer to measure the Wet Bulb Temperature (WBT). The WBT is derived by evaluating the combined dry air temperature, humidity, ground radiated heat and the wind speed. We then use the Heat Index Calculation Chart to make decisions regarding the duration and intensity of practice. Practice may be cancelled if conditions warrant.
  2. When possible, we will adjust our practices and games to early in the morning to later in the evening to avoid times when the environment conditions during generally more severe.
  3. Our coaches/supervisors will inform all students participating that cold water is always available and an unlimited supply of cold water is available during practices and games.
  4. We will give adequate rest periods, in which players may remove equipment and clothing when possible, as we gradually acclimatize our players to the heat.

Parents, you can help in the process by insuring that your son/daughter makes hydration and fluid replacement a daily process. Students should hydrate themselves before, during and after practice. Meals should include and appropriate amount of fluid intake in addition to a healthy diet. Avoid carbonated drinks as they cause bloating and decrease the amount of fluid intake and avoid caffeinated beverages as they cause the body to lose fluids.