Birmingham Community Crime Reduction Strategic Group

Representative Role

Role description and requirements


BVSC will work with the recruited representatives to establish a sustainable crosssector criminal partnershipthat

  • Will identify barriers and solutions to the development of cross sector Criminal Justice partnerships.
  • Will maximise Birmingham’s potential to engage in future Criminal justice opportunities


  • To provide a consultative forum that can effectively provide expertise on the strategic development of cross sector criminal justice services.
  • To evaluate collaborative delivery models to explore potential for wider implementation across services.
  • To evaluate and evidence good practice of cross sector partnership development within the Birmingham community crime reduction partnership.
  • To identify a set of priorities to implemented by the partnership.
  • To explore potential criminal justice investment opportunities to build on existing good practice
  • To support the sustainability of the Birmingham Community Crime Reduction Partnership.
  • To explore criminal justice investment opportunities.

Key requirement:

If applying for a representative seat on the BCCR strategic group you will need to be at manager/senior manager /director level and your skills and experiences /currant role must be in one of the following representative areas

1. Service user

2. Public or private prison service

3. Probation service

4.Criminal justice support services – Accommodation, ETE, Finance, Health .Children & families , Attitude & Behaviours, Substance misuse, Domestic violence ,Women involved in prostitution

5. Police

Tasks and responsibilities of representatives

  1. Make a commitment to serve for a minimum of one year and to attend all meetings of the group on time, or give apologies in advance if you are unable to attend.
  1. To attend BCCRP strategic group meetings –Bi monthly and BCCRP meetings when required
  1. Prepare appropriately for meetings –reading, minutes, responding to requests for information and completing any actions as agreed by the partners.
  1. To act as a positive ambassador for BCCRP strategic partnership and to operate in a professional manner at all meetings.
  1. Actively engage and reflect/represent the interests of the particular area that you are representing and not that of your individual organisation.
  1. Be responsible for giving feedback from meetings to the BCCRP network and partners.
  1. To declare any potential conflict of interests prior to meetings.
  1. To work with the other BCCRP Strategic reps to achieve the objectives as set out in the TOR


  • Knowledge and experience of the Voluntary and Community Sector
  • Knowledge and experience of Birmingham’s criminal Justice sector
  • Experience of partnership working.
  • Excellent communication skills including experience of operating and influencing strategic networks in multi agency settings
  • Commitment to equal opportunities
  • Ability to advocate, challenge and lobby on behalf of the Partnership
  • Ability to understand and inform policy and strategic development.

Funded by programme of