PVPV/Rawlings Elementary School
School Advisory Council
April 19, 2016
Call to Order: 3:15 PM Ended: 3:55 PM
Attended: L. Brubaker, Y. Cubero, L. Cabo, G. Volen, B. Morgan, K. Butler, L. Berger, G. Moss, V. Riegert-Johnson, P. Wilkinson, K. Zarczynski, J. Cox, K. Furness, R. Keene, C. Woolston, C. Whitty
Guest: K. Barerra
1. Call to order
a. Approve agenda – Agenda approved by: G. Volen and K. Butler
b. Approve minutes from March 15, 2016 meeting – Minutes approved by: V. Riegert-Johnson and J. Cox
2. SAC Needs Assessment Online Survey –
a. https://surveys.stjohns.k12.fl.us/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=76K33836
b. Survey open until May 20
c. Can be found on our SAC Website
3. Needs Assessment Data - Yvette Cubero
a. Survey is now closed
b. Results are attached
c. Questions about the “skipped” questions were brought up and is currently being looked into for a future solution.
4. SAC Membership for 2016-17
a. Survey of members who would like to return for the consecutive school year.
b. Need 3 parents to fill positions, one instructional staff and one non-instructional staff for next year. The application to serve on SAC will be placed in The Wave. Positions need to be voted on.
5. Principal Updates
a. Survey looks as it typically does. Reponses from teacher survey is helpful.
b. Many activities going on at this time such as: FSA, DE, Field Day.
c. Upgraded programming: Achieve 3000 (2-5) A computer program that correlates to the Lexile growth of students. Lexile leveling is important because it bridges the primary and intermediate measurements in reading; which then bridges into college readiness. It provides strong common language. PVPV/Rawlings is piloting the program until the end of year and then making a decision for the upcoming year.
d. Razz-Kids (K-2) – Computer program providing stories and quizzes students after stories. Program is also being piloted this year and decisions will be determined for next school year.
e. Science – Teams at each school are pulling all common science tools and organizing them in containers. Teachers are making a list of needed items to make investments as necessary. We have already purchased 25 stem kits for the Science Lab. Classes will be able to go in as scheduled and complete STEM activities. Taylor Morris will be assisting with implementation.
f. Turtle Terrace is launching. Cost of bricks is more than what the materials cost. This is being created as a fund raiser for the school at a profit of 3500.00. An article for local newspapers will be out soon.
g. Teacher Leader meeting is forthcoming. This year they will work on the daily schedule.
h. Fifth grade students have so much to look forward to with the upcoming Mayport trip, talent show, trip to Landrum, fifth grade graduation
i. Parent teacher conferences are in motion.
j. Gifted-blended program is in the form of a lottery system – no guarantee a student gets in program.
k. PVPV/Rawlings typically loses 75 students per year. We are at 1035 and are projected 1025 for next year.
l. Thank you to all those working in SAC this year.
m. May 17th Last SAC meeting.
6. New Business
a. Kelly Berrara - Ryan Player is new principal at Landrum and will be here July 1st.
b. Survey went out on the superintendent replacement for Dr. Joyner.
c. Explanations were discussed about school growth, school choice, and new schools opening.
7. Adjournment – Motion made by: G. Volen and V. Reigert-Johnson