Classroom Set (CIF 2015)
Outstanding / Good / Requires ImprovementLearners respond enthusiastically to inspirational teaching and are curious to learn. / The promotion of equality and diversity is very good and opportunities to do this are well planned. / Learners enjoy their lesson and most take an active part in group work. They have the confidence to ask questions and share their own experiences.
The teacher demonstrates a high level of enthusiasm and commitment to their subject and learners. / Learners experiment with a unusually wide range of materials and are encouraged to take risks in the techniques they use. / Learners respond well to the challenges set for them.
Learners’ curiosity is captured through interesting and innovative approaches to the teaching of principles. / Learners take responsibility and make very good progress. / The use of mobile learning technology complements classroom learning.
Assessment is thorough and well-organised. The outcomes are effectively used for planning future learning and training with learners undertaking demanding work. / Learners respond positively and purposefully in lessons, willingly answering questions and participating in discussions. / Teaching methods engage learners.
Learners are fully engaged, working hard, concentrating and applying themselves with minimum supervision. / Teachers make comments on learners’ written work so that they know how well they are doing and how to improve which consolidates and deepens learners’ knowledge. / The teacher takes steps to encourage learners to work effectively on their own.
Learners negotiate their targets maturely, ensuring that they set themselves demanding goals during progress review. / Learners respond positively to the challenging questions and benefit from good individual coaching. / Additional learning support staff inputs are not always coordinated or planned with the classroom lecturer.
Learners work independently and with others and gain high levels of knowledge and understanding. / The teacher makes make effective use of ILT and provides clear direction, using tasks and activities designed to stretch learners of different abilities well. / Casual use of homophobic language is not always consistently challenged.
Learners able to confidently and appropriately challenge sexist language used by peers. / The lesson is well planned to ensure that there is productive use of learners’ time. Staff assess learners’ knowledge and understanding frequently to ensure they are making at least the expected progress over time. / Not all staff promote equality of opportunity or diversity.
Casual use by learners of oppressive terms for disability turned by lecturer into a learner-led discussion about disability and human rights. Staff are quick to challenge stereotypes and derogatory language. / The teacher uses good questioning techniques to develop and check learning. / Staff do not always develop where appropriate learners’ English, mathematics, ICT and employability skills.
Resources and teaching strategies reflect and value the diversity of learners’ experiences and provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities. / The trainer uses very effective questioning and answering techniques to engage students and check their understanding.
Learners discuss and debate issues, showing respect for others’ ideas. / The teacher uses ILT confidently, giving lessons a brisk pace and challenging students appropriately. Teamwork and peer assessment is used particularly well to motivate students.
Learners can explain how to keep healthy; physically and emotionally. / Learners develop employability skills that prepare them for work. / Learners generally show respect for others’ views.
Staff promote English, mathematics, ICT and employability skills exceptionally well to ensure learners re prepared for their next steps. / Learners use impartial careers guidance to make choices about their next steps. / Most learners are punctual and ready to learn.
Subject examples drawn from a variety of cultures, religions and traditions throughout the lesson. / Not all learners have a sufficient understanding of how to stay safe online.
Cardsort activity - classroom CIF 2015Note: not to be used as a checklist