Historical Events

September, 2004 – August 2005

Spencer Baptist Church

In September, Super Buddies, our after-school tutoring ministry began it’s 5th year with 1st – 3rd graders from Spindale Elementary School. Mitzi Ensley is the coordinator for this ministry, which serves 12-15 children. Also in Sept., a choir chime ensemble was started for children in grades 2-5.

The children of our church were “treated” to a special “Trunk or Treat” and Fall Family Festival on October 31st. This was a wonderful alternative to trick or treating and our members enjoyed a special time of passing out treats from the trunks of their cars!

Spencer partnered once again with the Dept. Of Social Services during the month of December to provide Christmas gifts for children in our community in need of toys and clothes. Also in December, we joined forces with some of the Spindale Area churches for our 3rd Annual Tree Lighting! Children of Spindale made decorations for the tree, and we gathered on the corner of N. Oak and Main St. for a service of worship. The rest of the Advent season was full of activity around our church. Our children’s choirs presented “The Signs of Christmas” during the evening service on Dec. 12. The Adult Choir presented ”Celebrate the Gift” during a special Sunday worship service. The youth of our church presented “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” Our church family also gathered to go caroling to our Homebound Members during this month.

In February, Spencer members participated in the “Souper Bowl of Caring” project to help feed the hungry/homeless in our area. As attendees left the worship service, our youth held soup pots, collecting dollars for this ministry. Also after morning worship, a soup lunch was held in the Family Life Center to raise additional money. In mid-February, 35 of our youth and chaperones headed on their annual Winter Youth Retreat to Boone, NC.

Over Palm Sunday weekend, our Adult Choir and Drama Team presented the Easter Music Drama, “Crown Him Lord of All.”

Spencer participated once again in the Weekly Lenten Services sponsored by Spindale Area Churches. Area churches took turns providing the Worship Time and the Lunch Meal. These services were held each Tuesday at noon throughout Lent.

In April, our church held our Annual Easter Egg Hunt for children. Our handbell ensemble, “The Joyful Ringers’ participated in their first handbell festival in Charlotte during the 3rd weekend of April.

In May, our children’s choirs presented “Sticky Notes and Bible Quotes” as they completed the choir year. We held special services in recognition of our graduates as well.

Vacation Bible School was held the first full week of June. We enrolled 200 participants this year, with an average attendance of 180! Also in June, our youth spent a week at Caswell.

We held “Terrific Tuesdays” throughout the summer for children in grades 1-5. Participating children went to Linville Falls, Linville Caverns, Greenville Zoo, The Lazy 5 Ranch, and more.

Our youth and young adults traveled to Florida in July for a week long mission trip. While there, they participated in roofing projects in the morning and Vacation Bible School in the evenings.

In August, our WMU sponsored “Christmas in August.” After our holiday meal, we were blessed to have Forest Hoppes from Elizabeth Baptist Church, Shelby, speak with us about his participation in Disaster Relief Opportunities in Sri Lanka through the NC Baptist Men’s Organization.