Chromatin3D First Annual Meeting Agenda

First Annual Meeting Agenda


Innovative Training Network (ITN)


“Chromatin3D – 622934”

Joint training and research network


Chromatin Dynamics in Development and Disease

What / Chromatin3D - First Annual Meeting
When / February 03-05 2016
Where / Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Via Adamello 16 – 20139 Milan
Contact / Organizer
Bruno Amati

+39 0257489824 (office),
+39 3351539289 (mobile) / Meeting Secretary
Giuliana Scisci

+39 0294372281 (phone)
Chromatin3D Coordinator
Babis Spilianakis

+30 2810 391163 (office),
+30 6947075542 (mobile) / Chromatin3D Project Manager
Effie Paggiou

697 3340891 (mobile)
Day 1 ( February 03 2016 – Meeting Rooms 1 & 2)
When / What / Who
9:00-11:15 / Session I - Managerial (duration: 1:30’)
09:00-9:15 / Welcome & Introductions (especially our students)
Overview of the First Chromatin3D Annual Meeting / Bruno Amati
09:15-10:00 / Management
1.  Amendment update
2.  Consortium Agreement update
3.  Cost categories (in/eligible)
4.  Continuous reporting
5.  Recruitments
6.  Deliverables
7.  Milestones / Babis Spilianakis
10:00-11:15 / Training
1.  Workshop 1
2.  Workshop 2 (dates, “Cancer Epigenetics”)
3.  First Summer School
4.  Next Annual Network Meeting
5.  Secondments
6.  Course on Laboratory Animal Science
1.  Bioethics
2.  Communication
3.  Business & Entrepreneurship
4.  Project Management
5.  Scientific Writing & Presentation
Dissemination & Outreach activities
·  Personal Career Development Plans (of each ESR) / Babis Spilianakis
11:15-11:45 / Coffee break
Presentation of ESR’s Individual Projects (15min: presentation & Q/A)
11:45-13:00 / Session II
Epigenetic regulation of developmental processes in the context of chromatin”
11:45-12:00 / Epigenome stratification during Drosophila embryogenesis.
(Peter Becker lab, LMU-MUENCHEN) / Alessandro Scacchetti (ESR1)
12:00-12:15 / The functional role of XPC in cancer and development.
(George Garinis lab, IMBB-FORTH) / Ourania Chatzidoukaki (ESR2)
12:15-12:30 / Role of SATB1 in gene networks that define CD4+ T cell plasticity. (Babis Spilianakis lab, IMBB-FORTH) / Theodoros Savvidis (ESR3)
12:30-12:45 / “Defining the SATB1-dependent three dimensional chromatin structure in CD4+ cells”
(Babis Spilianakis lab, IMBB-FORTH) / Tomas Zelenka (ESR4)
12:45-13:00 / The role of FOG-1 in mediating chromatin looping.
(John Strouboulis lab, IMBB-FORTH) / Ioannis-Marios Roussis (ESR5)
13:00-14:00 / Lunch (+ GROUP PHOTO)
14:00-15:45 / Session III
“Deregulated chromatin dynamics and the cause of disease “
14:00-14:15 / The role of chromatin regulators in Myc-induced lymphomagenesis.
(Bruno Amati lab, IIT) / Nina Tanaskovic (ESR6)
14:15-14:30 / Mechanisms of long-range gene regulation by chromatin topology. (Wendy Bickmore lab, UEDIN) / Nefeli Dellepiane (ESR7)
14:30-14:45 / microRNA profiles in tumors associated with epigenetic defects. (Manel Esteller lab, IDIBELL) / David Hanly (ESR8)
14:45-15:00 / "The interplay between higher order chromatin structures and transcriptional regulation in development and disease".
(Rolf Ohlsson lab, KI) / Mirco Martino (ESR9)
15:00-15:15 / "Epimutations,spatial regulation of transcription and the evolution of cancer" (Rolf Ohlsson lab, KI) / Ilias Tzelepis (ESR10)
15:15-15:30 / From genotype to phenotype: The effect of genetic variation on chromatin organization.
(Eran Segal lab, WEIZMANN) / Anastasia Godneva (ESR11)
15:30-15:45 / Cell-Based Models for Chromatin-Targeted Therapeutic Intervention. (Colin Wilde lab, ACS) / Florian Gruber (ESR15)
15:45-16:15 / Coffee break
16:15-17:00 / Session IV
“Development of novel approaches for the study of chromatin dynamics”
16:15-16:30 / Mass Spectrometry compatible chromatin extraction.
(Renaud Shoemans lab, DIAGENODE) / Himanshu Chauhan
16:30-16:45 / Bioinformatic approaches to integrate transcriptomic, epigenomic and lipidomic datasets
(Laszlo Nagy lab, UD-GENOMED) / Nikolas Giannakis (ESR13)
16:45-17:00 / Proteome analysis for identification of disease-related biomarkers.
(Thomas Koeck lab, MOSAIQUES) / Iwona Belczacka (ESR 14)
END of DAY 1
Free evening
Workshop: “Folding chromatin in Three dimensions”
Day 2 ( February 04 2016 – Conference Room)
When / What / Who
8:30-11:00 / Session I – Chair: Bruno Amati
08:30-09:15 / Arrival & Registration / ALL
09:15-09:30 / Welcome Address / Bruno Amati
09:30-10:00 / The functional 3D genome and novel chromatin conformation applications / Wouter De Laat
10:00-10:30 / Genome-wide suppression of non-coding transcription in mammals / Gioacchino Natoli
10:30-11:00 / Entrepreneurship – Diagenode’s history / Renaud Schoemans
11:00-11:30 / Coffee break
11:30-13:00 / Session II - Chair: Bruno Amati
11:30-12:00 / Chromosome-wide regulation of the X chromosome for dosage compensation / Peter Becker
12:00-12:30 / Cohesin and gene regulation / Matthias Merkenschlager
12:30-13:00 / Cistromic and long-range interactions of lineage- and signal specific transcription factors integrate macrophage specification and control lipid signaling / László Nagy
13:00-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / Session III – Chair: Babis Spilianakis
14:00-14:30 / Control of Cell Identity by Polycomb Group Proteins / Diego Pasini
14:30-15:00 / Unraveling chromatin and gene regulation through thousands of synthetically designed regulatory sequences / Eran Segal
15:00-15:30 / Locating and counting nucleosomes / Marco Bianchi
15:30-16:00 / Coffee break
16:00-18:10 / Session IV- Chair: Babis Spilianakis
16:00-16:30 / Circadian chromatin transitions in the 3D nuclear architecture / Anita Gӧndӧr
16:30-17:00 / Nucleotide Excision Repair and its functional Role in Development and Disease / George Garinis
17:00-17:30 / The role of DNA damage-induced RNAs in the control of genome stability / Fabrizio d’Adda di Fagagna
17:30-18:00 / Spatial proximity of homologous alleles and long noncoding RNAs regulate a switch in allelic gene expression / Babis Spilianakis
18:00-18:10 / Concluding remarks / Babis Spilianakis
20:30 Dinner at Trattoria la Trebia ( Via Trebbia 32, 20135 Milan )
Course: “Project Management”
Day 3 (February 05 2016 – Silver Room)
(All students’ participation is mandatory)
When / What / Who
09:00-10:30 / Session I – Designing a project plan / Babette Regierer
10:30-11:00 / Coffee break
11:00-12:30 / Session II - When the project starts / Susanne Hollmann
12:30-13:30 / Lunch break
13:30-15:00 / Session III: Managing and finalizing a project / Susanne Hollmann
15:00-15:30 / Coffee break
15:30-16:30 / Session IV: Exploitation strategies and IP / Babette Regierer
PARTICIPANTS – Chromatin3D First Annual Meeting
Chromatin3D – Partners – Scientists in Charge
Name: / Peter Becker
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (Adolf-Butenandt-Institute) (Germany)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Charalampos (Babis) Spilianakis
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / University of Crete & Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / George Garinis
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / University of Crete & Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / John Strouboulis
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Bruno Amati
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Wendy Bickmore
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / The University of Edinburgh (UK)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Maria Menendez, Berdasco (she represents Manel Esteller )
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / IDIBELL - Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (Spain)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Anita Gӧndӧr
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Eran Segal
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Renaud Schoemans
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / DIAGENODE SA (Belgium)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / László Nagy
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / UD-GenoMed Medical Genomic Technologies (Hungary)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Thomas Kӧeck
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / Mosaiques Diagnostics GmbH Germany)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Colin Wilde
Role: / Chromatin3D Scientist in charge
Organization: / AvantiCell Science Ltd (UK)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Chromatin3D – Workshop – External Speakers
Name: / Marco Bianchi
Role: / External Speaker
Organization: / Università Vita-Salute San Rafaele (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 04 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Wouter De Laat
Role: / External Speaker
Organization: / Hubrecht Institute (The Netherlands)
Attendance (date): / February 04 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Fabrizio d’Adda di Fagagna
Role: / External Speaker
Organization: / IFOM - FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 04 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Matthias Merkenschlager
Role: / External Speaker
Organization: / Imperial College London (UK)
Attendance (date): / February 04 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Gioacchino Natoli
Role: / External Speaker
Organization: / IFOM-IEO (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 04 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Diego Pasini
Role: / External Speaker
Organization: / IFOM-IEO (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 04 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Babette Regierer
Role: / External Speaker
Organization: / LifeGlimmer GmbH
Attendance (date): / February 05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Susanne Hollmann
Role: / External Speaker
Organization: / LifeGlimmer GmbH
Attendance (date): / February 05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Chromatin3D – Early Stage Researchers
Name: / Alessandro Scacchetti
Role: / ESR1 (P.Becker’s lab)
Organization: / LMU-Muenchen (Germany)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Ourania Chatzidoukaki
Role: / ESR2 (G.Garinis’ lab)
Organization: / Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Theodoros Savvidis
Role: / ESR3 (C.Spilianakis’ lab)
Organization: / Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Tomas Zelenka
Role: / ESR4 (C.Spilianakis’ lab)
Organization: / Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Ioannis-Marios Roussis
Role: / ESR5 (J.Strouboulis’ lab)
Organization: / Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Nina Tanaskovic
Role: / ESR6 (B.Amati’s lab)
Organization: / Center for Genomic Science, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Nefeli Dellepiane
Role: / ESR7 (W.Bickmore’s lab)
Organization: / The University of Edinburgh (UK)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / David Hanly
Role: / ESR8 (M.Esteller’s lab)
Organization: / IDIBELL (Spain)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Mirco Martino
Role: / ESR9 (R.Ohlsson’s lab)
Organization: / Karolinska Istitutet (Sweden)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Ilias Tzelepis
Role: / ESR10 (R.Ohlsson’s lab)
Organization: / Karolinska Istitutet (Sweden)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Anastasia Godneva
Role: / ESR11 (E.Segal’s lab)
Organization: / Weizmann Institute (Israel)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Himanshu Chauhan
Role: / ESR12 (R.Schoemans’ lab)
Organization: / DIAGENODE (Belgium)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Nikolas Giannakis
Role: / ESR13 (L.Nagy’s lab)
Organization: / UD Genomed (Hungary)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Iwona Belczacka
Role: / ESR14 (T.Koeck’s lab)
Organization: / Mosaiques Diagnostics (Germany)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Florian Gruber
Role: / ESR15 (C.Wilde’s lab)
Organization: / Avanti Cell Science (UK)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Chromatin3D – Personnel
Name: / Effie Paggiou
Role: / Chromatin3D Project Manager
Organization: / Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Giuliana Scisci
Role: / Meeting’s Administrative Person of Contact
Organization: / Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Arianna Sabò
Role: / Bruno Amati’s team
Organization: / Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Name: / Andrea Bisso
Role: / Bruno Amati’s team
Organization: / Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Attendance (date): / February 03-05 2016
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
Attendance (date):
Signature: / Day 1: / Day 2: / Day 3:
