Minutes of the Joint Church Executive committee meeting
25th March 2015 in the church at Holy Trinity
Rev Carol Ball, Bob Hemmings, Frank Lo, Maureen Graham, Rev Jane Richards, Kath Gable, Peter Blackman, John Emmines, Sue Benjamin.
Carol opened the meeting with a prayer.
Tricia Tutin, Rosemary Tidmarsh. Steve Gallagher Judith Radley, Fr Niall, Rev Sue King.
2) Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.
3) Treasurers report
Steve reported by email,
In terms of our finances, our overall bank balance has increased from £11,131 at the start of the year to £12,393 today.
Our expenditure in 2015 has been only £1,516 spent on utilities, water and insurance. There has been no expenditure so far on repairs and maintenance.
The income from our contributions so far this year has raised £2,776. In April will receive both the next quarterly Catholic and monthly Anglican contributions, which will push our income up another £1,742.
Therefore - from a quick analysis of the accounts - I can recommend we have a budget of at least £5,000 to spend, with the potential for more later in the year.
Finally and with great sadness to say Bill Hallam who has audited and signed off our 2014 accounts has died.
Thanks, Steve
4) Any other Matters
No matters arising.
5 Fabric Report
Report from the Property and Fabric Committee for JCC on March 25th 2015
1. Kitchen. We are in the process of obtaining up-to-date quotes for the agreed layout. When we have these, there will need to be discussion re: details such as handles.
2. PAT testing will be done soon; we have been waiting for a decision from the schools as to whether they would appreciate having theirs and ours done together. Now we have that decision (they wish to do theirs separately), all electrical equipment used by the church will be tested and a log kept.
3. Screen. We bring a proposal to the JCC to have the screen replaced by the company which installed the original. For this, including alignment with the projector, the estimate is £567 plus VAT.
We ask the JCC for permission to proceed with this as soon as possible.
4. Carpet. We are waiting for quotes for replacement of the carpet in the church and chair store areas. We bring to the JCC a proposal that heavy duty carpet squares would be preferable and while this committee recommends a basic blue colour, we recognise that this will need a wider discussion.
When the old carpet is removed, the floor will need to be latex screeded, so we would like to move on with this project as a matter of urgency so that the work could be done during the school summer holidays.
We therefore need to contact the members of JCC again as soon as we have the necessary quotations.
5. Church ceiling. This has never been re-stained and as it would be sensible to do this before the carpet is replaced, we are seeking a quotation for this to be done.
6. Notice boards. We propose that we should purchase a new large board to be placed behind the outside cross, showing details of denominations.
In addition, provide 2 other boards for general notices.
We estimate the cost of these 3 boards to be in the region of £1,000 plus VAT and seek the permission of JCC to go ahead with this after further consultation.
7. A recurring problem with the church microphone has been traced to a switch being turned off when it should always be on. The switch will be taped to try to avoid this happening.
Notes from meeting
We need like for like quotes for the kitchen. We also need high level cupboards.
Pat testing £60 call out and £2.75 per item, estimate £75 to £100.
The schools will need to let us know their schedule for PAT testing on anything shared with the church. We should let them know anything we have tested that will be used by the,
It was agreed to go ahead with the new screen of approximately £567 plus VAT.
It was felt we should write to the schools to remove anything on the walls when lowering the new screen. Likewise all congregations to remove anything put up during services.
There should be a session to reteach use of the equipment in the autumn term and to create instructions to be kept.
Rosemary sent in comments on the carpet tiles that might look old fashioned. She thought it might look better and more durable with laminate or wood flooring. The church could look darker depending on the colour chosen.
The fabric committee will ensure that the carpet looks like a carpet and will look good. Two more quotes are needed and it was agreed to go with the fabrics recommendations .Colours will be available for the congregations to vote on preference.
Rosemary also the church would be lighter with a white or ivory ceiling and the wall behind the altar to be white to reflect light.
The ceiling will need sanding so it might be possible to make it slightly lighter. But if painted rather than stained would need to be redone much more often than the 35 years it has been there.
Carol suggested having the ceiling and carpet done to see the effect then looking at the wall to see if it would look okay.
Fabric to get quotes for the notice boards for the next meeting in June.
The outside painting of the premises to be considered again after notice boards are up.
It was suggested we have a plaque to commemorate the people instrumental to the church being built.
A huge thank you to the fabric committee who have done an enormous amount of work.
Holy Trinity Worship and Outreach Committee
Christmas – It was agreed that the format for the Town Carol Service had, on the whole, been successful. There were a couple of learning points which the Christian Council were taking on board.
Easter –
· Margaret Hill was producing a flyer with details of all Easter events
· Lent Course commences on Thursday 19th February 2015 and will look at Stephen Cottrell’s book “The Things He Carried”
· Bereavement Service – 21st March 3.00pm
· Ash Wednesday Service for the Anglican congregation will take place at 8.00pm
· Maundy Thursday – lay led Stations of the Cross at 10.00a.m. and Eucharist at 8.00p.m.
· Monday – Wednesday of Holy Week – Compline at 9.00 p.m.
· Good Friday – Walk of Witness from Warwick Parade to the Town Centre – 10.00a.m.; An Hour by the Cross at St. Mary’s, Woodham Ferrers – 2.00pm; Solemn Liturgy of the Passion of Our Lord (RC) – 3.00p.m.; An Easter Service of Light – St Mary’s , 7.00pm
· Easter Sunday – Sunrise Service – Riverside car park at 7.30 a.m.; RC Mass at 8.45 a.m.; Anglican/Methodist Eucharist at 10.30 a.m.
Special Projects
The Anglican congregation were hoping to produce an anthology of poetry. All schools had been invited to contribute and to date Elmwood and Collingwood had responded positively.
Civic Responsibilities
· Healthcare Group – a meeting was due to be held on 10th February focussing on the provision of GP and ambulance services.
· First Responders – Peter reported that there had been a good response to the recent recruitment drive and a further four responders had now been trained.
· Death café/Dying Matters – this was going ahead using Club Woodham as a venue, date to be agreed
· Police Chaplaincy – Revd Carol reported that she was taking up the position of chaplain to South Woodham Ferrers Police Station
Activities with other churches in the town.
· Ecumenical Breakfast – 4th March 7.30 a.m. at The Eatery
· Damaris Film Trust – Peter is working with Revd Lindsay on this
Date and Time of Next Meeting: Monday 27th April 2015 at 8.00pm at The Vicarage
Rev Carol is now chaplain to SWF police station.
7 A.O.B.
The Town Council have asked if we as a church have any objections to them siting a bench near the church.
We have no objections in principle, but would like sight of the proposal before it is actioned.
Kath to reply to them stating, they obviously are aware of the events that take place in the square when making their decision.
The nominations for the AGM are
Chair (to be decided)
Treasurer - Steve Gallagher
Secretary – Kath Gable
PLEASE NOTE WE NEED A SECRETARY FOR 10TH June as Kath will be away.
Date of the next meetings.
Wednesday 10th June 2015 AGM.
Monday 21st September 2015
Monday 30th November 2015
Carol closed the meeting with The Grace.
Signed Chair of JCC Holy Trinity…………………………………………………………………..
Seconded by…………………………………………………………………………………………………