Date:January the 30th, 2017
Personal Information:
a. Sex: Female
b. Place of Birth: Pescara (ITALY)
c. Date of Birth: 31-10-1973
Address and Telephone Numbers:
a. Work Address: Dept. of Neuroscience and Imaging, State University “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, University Hospital of Chieti, via dei Vestini, 66013 Chieti.
CESI Aging Research Center University Campus- via Colle dell’Ara, 31- 66013 Chieti-Italy
Phone: 0039-0871-562019. Fax: 0039-0871-562019
b. Home: via Caduti di Nassirya, 11, 65124 Pescara, Italy
Phone: 0039-085-2924149.
Present Position:
Assistant Professor in Neurology at the University “G. D’ Annunzio” School of Medicine Chieti-Pescara, Italy. Neurologist at the Neurology Unit-Chieti Hospital. Chieti, Italy.
Graduate: (High school) Liceo Classico “G. D’ Annunzio” Pescara, Italy Sep 1988-Jul 1992 with 60/60.
Postgraduate: University “G. D’ Annunzio” School of Medicine Chieti, Italy
Nov 1992-Jul 1998.
Residency in Neurology: University “G.D’Annunzio” School of Medicine Chieti, Italy, Nov 1998-Nov 2003.
PhD in Neuroscience: University “G.D’Annunzio” Nov-2003-Nov 2006.
From Feb 2001 to Feb 2002 visiting Scientist at University of California at Irvine- Department of Neurology.
From Nov 2003 to May 2004 visiting Scientist at Yale University- School of Medicine- Department of Endocrinology- Neuroscience Laboratory.
Aug 2007, 2008. 2009: Visiting Scientist at the Neurobiology laboratory of the Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA.
Professional Societies and Organizations:
Board Member of the Italian Neurology Society Dementia (SINDem)
Italian Neurology Society (SIN)
Italian Neuroimmunology Society.
Society for Neuroscience.
Author of 83scientific papers in English in peer reviewed international journals.
3 scientific papers in Italian
4 book chapters
More than 200 abstracts published as proceedings of International and National Conferences
Reviewer for the following journals:
Movement Disorders, Brain, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, The International Journal of Neuroscience, PlosONE, Cortex, Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Cell Death and Differentiation, Neurology, British Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Cerebral Cortex, Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, Medicine, Brain Research, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Reviewer for :
-American Alzheimer Association,
-UK Alzheimer Association,
-Medical Research Council (UK).
Work experiences in Italy
June 2007-Oct 2008: Research Fellow in Neurology at University G.d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy with the project: “Clinical, electrophysiological and laboratory phenotype of synucleinopathies”.
Co-investigator in Experimental protocols of new pharamacological agents for Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia at Centro Studi dell’Invecchiamento (CE.S.I.) University G.D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, via Colle dell’Ara, 66013 Chieti.
Neurophysiological and clinical management of PD patients treated with DBS.
From feb 2006 to Feb 2008. Outpatient neurological clinics of the Abruzzo Down Syndrome Association (Associazione Down della Regione Abruzzo, via Perugia, Pescara).
From 2004 to 2008 outpatient movement disorder clinic at Servizio di Neurofisiopatologia of the Department of Oncology and Neuroscience, University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara . In the same period of time, supervisor of Neurology residents.
From may 2011 to 2012 chair of the Neurology Clinic at Casa di Cura Villa Pini d’Abruzzo.
From dec 2012 (ongoing) Neurologist at the Neurology Clinic of the Chieti Hospital).
Work experiences abroad.
1 Feb 2002-15 Feb 2003: Research Scholar at the Neural Injury Research Lab, Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA (USA)
Nov 2003- Giu 2004: Research Fellow at the Neuroscience Lab, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Endocrinology, School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT (USA).
Aug 2007, 2008. 2009: Visiting Scientist at the Neurobiology laboratory of the Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA.
Research experience:
1992-1993: training in Medical Genetics. Acquired experience in the use of the following techniques: mapping of chromosomes, in situ ibridization.
1997-2001: research activity at Neuroimmunology Laboroatory of the Institute of Neurology at University G.D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara: study of the cytokine and T-cell repertoire in serum, cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis In particolar, acquired experience in the use of the following techniques:
Isoelectrofocusing for the detection of oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid and blood.
Separation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
mRNS extraction and retrotranscrition.
Primary culture of lymphocytes.
TUNEL, Cell Death Kit ELISA for the study of apoptosis.
Flow cytometry (acquisition and analysis).
2002- 2003 at the Neural Injury Research Lab, Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA (USA)
Acquired experience in the following research methodologies:
Neuronal and glial primary cultures: cloture media preparation, microdissection of embrional mouse brain, preparation and maintainance of neuronal (cortical and hippocampal) and glial cultures.
Excitotoxicity experiments: study of damaging effects of various agents (glutamate receptor agonisits) on neuronal cultures. These studies require experience in the evaluation of cell health, in the preparation of experimental solutions, and quantitative measurements of the resulting degree of neuronal damage.
Elextrophysiology: considerable experience in Patch clamp recordings on cultured neurons and in extracellular patch clamp recordings of hippocampal tissue slices.
These studies require experience in the use of perfusion media, amplifiers (Axopatch 200A), and microeletrode pullers.
Acquired experience in the study of kainate activated currents in whole cell patch and in perforated patch configuration, data acquisition with software Clampex and data analysis with Clampfit. These studies led to the acquisition of new data on the pH-related regulation of AMPA channels and of their interaction with Zn2+ ions.
For electrophysiological studies on hippocampal slices, acquired experience in the preparation of neonatal rat brain slices by means of a vibratome, and stimulation and recording from hippocampal pyramidal neurons in whole cell patch and in extracellular modality, during exposure to different drugs.
Fluorescence microfluorimetry: acquisition of experience in fluorescence imaging techniques and study of physiological intracellular neuronal Use of fluorescent dyes, exposure of cell to chemical stimuli, and recording and analysis of fluorescence with software Metafluor (Universal Imaging).
Staining: Histochemical and immunocytochemical methods (Co2+-staining).
Study of the excitotoxic cell death: propidium iodide assay.
Active participation at weekly seminars. Poster presentation (2 posters) at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting (Orlando, FL, Novembre 2-6 2002).
Feb 2003 – Nov2003: preparation and maintainance of neuronal and glial at theCell Death Laboratory of the Institute of Neurology of the University G.D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy.
Nov 2003-May 2004 at the Neuroscience Lab, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Endocrinology, School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT (USA):
1. Isolation of mitochondria from ischemic rat brains.
2. Acquisition and analysis of electrophysiological data (patch clamp) on intact mitochondria isolated from ischemic rat brains.
3. Fluorescence imaging technique with a specific dye for Zn2+ (Rhod-Zin-3) on isolated mitochondria.
4. Leading of two experimental study:
the first, published on J Neuroscience in 2006, verifies the tole of Zinc the increate activity of ion channels in mitochondria isolated from ischemic rat brains.
The second aimed to create and implement an apparatus for patch clamp recording of mitochondrial ion channels inside intact hippocampal neurons.
5. Preparation (and teaching of methods to coworkers) of hippocampal neuronal coltures.
From 2001: acquisition and improvement of electrophysiological methods for the study of synucleinopathies, specifically quantitative analysis of EEG signals and analysis of event-related potentials and brain stem reflexes.
Research projects
- Coordination of a research project for the study of mitochondrial function in a Parkinson’s Disease animal model at the Aging Research Center of the University G.d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy, in collaboration with the Neurobiology lab of the Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
- Coordination of a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health ( grant young researchers 2007) on the study of Dementia with Lewy Bodies, including a neuroimaging, neurogenetical, neurochemical (peripheral biomarkers), neurophysiological, basic science (mitochondrial function) studies.
- Study of mitochondrial function in PINK KO mice as part of a project on the study of PINK1 function in the brain, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (grant young researchers 2009).
- Coordinator of a research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (grant young researchers 2010): Frontal circuit dysfunction as a marker of dementia in parkinsonism (Project Code:GR-2010-2313418)
- Co-investigator in JPND project entitled: Multi-centre cohort-studies in Lewy-body dementia: Challenges in harmonizing different clinical and biomarker protocols” within the EU Joint Programme for Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND) (PI Dag Aarsland).
- Co-investigator in Network of Centres of Excellence in Neurodegeneration (COEN): Pathfinder Call 2015 “Screening for Lewy pathology in mild Alzheimer’s disease: the LeSMAD initiative”, coordinated by Thibaud Lebouvier, LICEND, Lille, French National Research Agency (ANR) France;
- Co-investigator in JPND “Connect clinical data resources on neurodegenerative disorders” coordinated by Philip Scheltens/Pieter Jelle Visser, University Medical Centre Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (VUmc);
7. Co-investigator in the Italian study group for Frontotemporal Dementia, coordinated by Barbara Borroni, University of Brescia.
8. Coordinator of the Italian DLB study group (under the aegis of SINdem, Italian Society of Neurology-Dementia).
Invited speaker:
1. Aggiornamenti sulla Malattia di Parkinson: strategie di intervento. Centro Adriatico di Pescara (PE).08/07/2006
2. La gestione terapeutica nel paziente con Malattia di Parkinson. Montesilvano (PE)28/09/2007
3. XXXIX Congresso Nazionale SIN 2008. Comunicazione orale nella sezione Scienze di Base: STUDIES OF INNER AND OUTER MITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE COMPONENTS OF PUTATIVE CELL DEATH CHANNEL. 22/10/2008
4. XXXV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE LIMPE Salerno, 19/22 novembre 2008. SESSIONE DI PRESENTAZIONI LIBERE – PROGETTO GIOVANI. Studio delle componenti di membrana di un putativo canale mitocondriale legato alla morte cellulare in un modello animale di Malattia di Parkinson. 19/11/2008
5. Invited Speaker at: Newcastle u.t., UK. Institute for Ageing and Health Newcastle University Wolfson Research Centre Campus for Ageing and Vitality Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 5PL. October 2011 Titolo della relazione: Dementia with Lewy Bodies phenotype: focus on tremor.03/10/2011
6. Invited lecture at Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, UK. Titolo della lecture: Mitochondrial involvement in Parkinson's disease pathogenesis: clues from PD animal models.05/10/2011
7. Invited speaker at .ICGP meeting, Seville, Spain, October 2012. Titolo della lecture: Diagnostic utility and predictive value of EEG in DLB.26/10/2012
8. PD Forum. Clinico e paziente nella Malattia di Parkinson: la multidimensionalità nella pratica clinica . SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO 7 dicembre 2012. Invited speach: la diagnosi differenziale.07/12/2012
9. Giornata di aggiornamento in riabilitazione. Parkinson: dalla diagnosi alla riabilitazione. Sabato 18 gennaio 2014- Centro Universitario di Medicina dello Sport-Chieti.18/01/2014
10. Organizzazione del 2° Convegno Sezione Abruzzese SINDem. La gestione clinica e farmacologica del paziente affetto da Demenza 25 novembre 2014 Sala 1- Fondazione “G. d’Annunzio” presso CE.S.I. Università “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara via Luigi Polacchi, Chieti Scalo25/11/2014
11. “Le Demenze: dalle terapie future e inquadramenti diagnostici ai nuovi aspetti organizzativi, sociosanitari e CDCD” 10 Giugno 2016 Aula Convegni Ospedale Civile “Madonna del Soccorso” di San Benedetto del Tronto. Invited speach: Criteri diagnostici della Demenza a Corpi di Lewy. 10/06/2016
12. Second International Meeting of the Milan Center for Neuroscience (NeuroMi) PREDICTION AND PREVENTION OF DEMENTIA: NEW HOPE Milan, July 6 ¬-8, 2016. Invited Speach: Other dementias.07/07/2016
14. Electrophysiology PIA (EPIA) Day 2016 in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference® (AAIC®) Saturday, July 23, Toronto. Invited Speach: Comparing qEEG Biomarkers in Dementia due to Lewy Body, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Disease: Results of the European DLB Consortium.24/07/2016
15. Invited speaker at: ICGP meeting Atene 8 settembre 2016. Simposio 21 dell'8 ottobre 2016: Neuroimaging in Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Titolo della lecture: Thalamic involvement in cognitive and behavioral symptoms in Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB): Magnetic resonance evidence.08/09/2016
16. Joint Symposium 3 - EANM/E-DLB 29th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine – EANM’16 (October 15 – 19, 2016, Barcelona/SPAIN) Consortium: Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB): What Have We Learned in the Last Years? Invited speach: OP098 The Concept of Prodromal Dementia of Lewy Body is Ongoing.16/09/2016
17. XLVII CONGRESSO SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI NEUROLOGIA Venezia, 22-25 Ottobre 2016 Polo Congressuale - Lido di Venezia. CORSO D’AGGIORNAMENTO A NUMERO CHIUSO I CRITERI DIAGNOSTICI PER LE DEMENZE Invited speach: Demenza con corpi di Lewy e Parkinson.22/10/2016
18. International Pharmaco EEG Society (IPEG) Meeting & Training Course- 19th Biennial Conference. Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2016, October 26-30. Oral Presentation: Cortical network reorganization in mild and prodromal Alzheimer disease: graph theory approach on resting state EEG recordings.29/10/2016
19. GESTIONE INTEGRATA DEI PAZIENTI. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Roma, 25 novembre 2016. Titolo della lecture: Un gruppo italiano sulla demenza a Corpi di Lewy: attività ed i primi risultati 25 novembre 2016.
- Alves G and Bonanni L.Neurofilament light. A heavyweight diagnostic biomarker in neurodegenerativeparkinsonism?Neurology 2017;88:1–2.
- Marco Onofrj, Danilo Carrozzino, Aurelio D’Amico, Roberta Di Giacomo, Stefano Delli Pizzi, Astrid Thomas, Valeria Onofrj, John-Paul Taylor, Laura Bonanni.Psychosis in Parkinsonism: an unorthodox approach. Neuropsychiatry Disease and Treatment, 2017, in press.
- Bonanni, L., Franciotti, R., Nobili, F., Kramberger, M.G., Taylor, J.-P., Garcia-Ptacek, S., Falasca, N.W., Famá, F., Cromarty, R., Onofrj, M., Aarsland, D. EEG Markers of Dementia with Lewy Bodies: A Multicenter Cohort Study(2016) Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 54 (4), pp. 1649-1657.
- Bonanni, L., Di Giacomo, R., D'Amico, A., Frazzini, V., Franciotti, R., Manzoli, L., Thomas, A., Onofrj, M. Akinetic crisis in dementia with Lewy bodies (2016) Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 87 (10), pp. 1123-1126.
- Padulo, C., Delli Pizzi, S., Bonanni, L., Edden, R.A.E., Ferretti, A., Marzoli, D., Franciotti, R., Manippa, V., Onofrj, M., Sepede, G., Tartaro, A., Tommasi, L., Puglisi-Allegra, S., Brancucci, A.GABA levels in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex during the viewing of appetitive and disgusting food images(2016) Neuroscience, 333, pp. 114-122.
- Bonanni, L., Cagnin, A., Agosta, F., Babiloni, C., Borroni, B., Bozzali, M., Bruni, A.C., Filippi, M., Galimberti, D., Monastero, R., Muscio, C., Parnetti, L., Perani, D., Serra, L., Silani, V., Tiraboschi, P., Padovani, A., for the Italian DLB study group. The Italian dementia with Lewy bodies study group (DLB-SINdem): toward a standardization of clinical procedures and multicenter cohort studies design(2016) Neurological Sciences, pp. 1-9. Article in Press.
- Delli Pizzi, S., Chiacchiaretta, P., Mantini, D., Bubbico, G., Ferretti, A., Edden, R.A., Di Giulio, C., Onofrj, M., Bonanni, L.Functional and neurochemical interactions within the amygdala–medial prefrontal cortex circuit and their relevance to emotional processing(2016) Brain Structure and Function, pp. 1-13. Article in Press.
- Van Steenoven, I., Aarsland, D., Weintraub, D., Londos, E., Blanc, F., Van Der Flier, W.M., Teunissen, C.E., Mollenhauer, B., Fladby, T., Kramberger, M.G., Bonanni, L., Lemstra, A.W.Cerebrospinal fluid Alzheimer's disease biomarkers across the spectrum of lewy body diseases: Results from a large multicenter cohort(2016) Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 54 (1), pp. 287-295.
- Colloby, S.J., Cromarty, R.A., Peraza, L.R., Johnsen, K., Jóhannesson, G., Bonanni, L., Onofrj, M., Barber, R., O'Brien, J.T., Taylor, J.-P.Multimodal EEG-MRI in the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies(2016) Journal of Psychiatric Research, 78, pp. 48-55.
- Martella, G., Madeo, G., Maltese, M., Vanni, V., Puglisi, F., Ferraro, E., Schirinzi, T., Valente, E.M., Bonanni, L., Shen, J., Mandolesi, G., Mercuri, N.B., Bonsi, P., Pisani, A.Exposure to low-dose rotenone precipitates synaptic plasticity alterations in PINK1 eterozygous knockout mice(2016) Neurobiology of Disease, 91, pp. 21-36.
- Delli Pizzi, S., Franciotti, R., Bubbico, G., Thomas, A., Onofrj, M., Bonanni, L. Atrophy of hippocampal subfields and adjacent extrahippocampal structures in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease(2016) Neurobiology of Aging, 40, pp. 103-109.
- De Angelis, M.V., Di Giacomo, R., Di Muzio, A., Onofrj, M., Bonanni, L.A subtle mimicker in emergency department Illustrated case reports of acute drug-induced dystonia(2016) Medicine (United States), 95 (41)
- Anzellotti, F., Onofrj, M., Bonanni, L., Saracino, A., Franciotti, R.Giant early components of somatosensory evoked potentials to tibial nerve stimulation in cortical myoclonus(2016) NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 212-218.
- Onofrj, V., Delli Pizzi, S., Franciotti, R., Taylor, J.-P., Perfetti, B., Caulo, M., Onofrj, M., Bonanni, L.Medio-dorsal thalamus and confabulations: Evidence from a clinical case and combined MRI/DTI study(2016) NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp. 776-784.
- Cromarty, R.A., Elder, G.J., Graziadio, S., Baker, M., Bonanni, L., Onofrj, M., O'Brien, J.T., Taylor, J.-P.Neurophysiological biomarkers for Lewy body dementias(2016) Clinical Neurophysiology, 127 (1), pp. 349-359.
- Onofrj, M., Bonanni, L., Delli Pizzi, S., Caulo, M., Onofrj, V., Thomas, A., Tartaro, A., Franciotti, R.Cortical Activation during Levitation and Tentacular Movements of Corticobasal Syndrome(2015) Medicine (United States), 94 (45), p. e1977.
- Delli Pizzi, S., Franciotti, R., Taylor, J.-P., Thomas, A., Tartaro, A., Onofrj, M., Bonanni, L.Thalamic involvement in fluctuating cognition in dementia with lewy bodies: Magnetic resonance evidences(2015) Cerebral Cortex, 25 (10), pp. 3682-3689.
- Franciotti, R., Delli Pizzi, S., Perfetti, B., Tartaro, A., Bonanni, L., Thomas, A., Weis, L., Biundo, R., Antonini, A., Onofrj, M.Default mode network links to visual hallucinations: A comparison between Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy(2015) Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society, 30 (9), pp. 1237-1247.
- Onofrj, M., Thomas, A., Martinotti, G., Anzellotti, F., Giannantonio, M.D., Ciccocioppo, F., Bonanni, L.The clinical associations of visual hallucinations(2015) The Neuroscience of Visual Hallucinations, pp. 91-117.
- Thomas, A., Bonanni, L., Di Muzio, A., Onofrj, M.Dropped head syndrome with necrotizing myopathy: A drug class effect confirmed by 3 repeated exposures to non ergolinic dopamine agonists, due to L-Dopa phobia(2015) Basal Ganglia, 5 (2-3), pp. 47-50.
- Capasso, M., De Angelis, M.V., Di Muzio, A., Anzellotti, F., Bonanni, L., Thomas, A., Onofrj, M.Critical illness neuromyopathy complicating akinetic crisis in parkinsonism: Report of 3 cases(2015) Medicine (United States), 94 (28), art. no. e1118, .
- Martino, G., Capasso, M., Nasuti, M., Bonanni, L., Onofrj, M., Thomas, A.Dopamine transporter single-photon emission computerized tomography supports diagnosis of akinetic crisis of parkinsonism and of neuroleptic malignant syndrome(2015) Medicine (United States), 94 (13), art. no. e649, .
- Bonanni, L., Perfetti, B., Bifolchetti, S., Taylor, J.-P., Franciotti, R., Parnetti, L., Thomas, A., Onofrj, M.Quantitative electroencephalogram utility in predicting conversion of mild cognitive impairment to dementia with Lewy bodies(2015) Neurobiology of Aging, 36 (1), pp. 434-445.
- Alavian, K.N., Dworetzky, S.I., Bonanni, L., Zhang, P., Sacchetti, S., Li, H., Signore, A.P., Smith, P.J.S., Gribkoff, V.K., Jonas, E.A.The mitochondrial complex V - Associated large-conductance inner membrane current is regulated by cyclosporine and dexpramipexole(2015) Molecular Pharmacology, 87 (1), art. no. A2, pp. 1-8.
- Delli Pizzi, S., Franciotti, R., Taylor, J.-P., Esposito, R., Tartaro, A., Thomas, A., Onofrj, M., Bonanni, L.Structural connectivity is differently altered in dementia with Lewy body and Alzheimer's disease(2015) Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7 (NOV), art. no. 208.
- Delli Pizzi, S., Padulo, C., Brancucci, A., Bubbico, G., Edden, R.A., Ferretti, A., Franciotti, R., Manippa, V., Marzoli, D., Onofrj, M., Sepede, G., Tartaro, A., Tommasi, L., Puglisi-Allegra, S., Bonanni, L.GABA content within the ventromedial prefrontal cortex is related to trait anxiety(2015) Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11 (5), pp. 758-766.
- Borroni, B., Turrone, R., Galimberti, D., Nacmias, B., Alberici, A., Benussi, A., Caffarra, P., Caltagirone, C., Cappa, S.F., Frisoni, G.B., Ghidoni, R., Marra, C., Padovani, A., Rainero, I., Scarpini, E., Silani, V., Sorbi, S., Tagliavini, F., Tremolizzo, L., Bruni, A.C., Agosta, F., Alberoni, M., Appollonio, I., Arighi, A., Avanzi, S., Baglio, F., Benussi, L., Bianchetti, A., Binetti, G., Bonanni, L., Bottacchi, E., Bruno, G., Canevelli, M., Canu, E., Cerami, C., Chiari, A., Conti, M.Z., Costa, A., Costa, M., Cotelli, M., Cotelli, M.S., Cupidi, C., Daniele, A., D’Anna, S., de Caro, M.F., De Togni, L., Dell’Osa,