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Chronological Table
Jewish Tradition / Western Tradition / Chinese Tradition / Indian Tradition3200 B.C.E. Writing is invented in Summer / (8th century) Uddalaka
(8th century) Yajnavalkya
4000-3000 B.C.E. Mohenjo-
daro culture and civilization
2697 B.C.E. Huang Ti,
Yellow Emperor
2357 B.C.E. Yao, Emperor
2255 B.C.E. Shun,
2205 B. C. Yu, Emperor
1850 B.C.E. Epic of Gilgamesh. Avram(Abraham) journeys to Canaan
1750 B.C.E. Code of Hammurabi proclaimed 1720-1522 B.C. Semitic Hyksos rule Egypt
1700 Children of Israel arrive in Egypt
1377-1358 Akhnaton rules Egypt, enforces worship of Aton, the sun god
1347-1338 Tutankhamon rules Egypt
1304-1290 B.C.E. Seti I, enslaves the Children of Israel rules Egypt / 1400 B.C.E. Moses
1290-1224 Ramses II rules Egypt
1250 Escape of the Israelites under Moshe (Moses),encounter at Sinai 1220-12-- B.C.E. Joshua and Israelites invade Canaan
1200-1025 Judges and confederation of the tribes of Israel in Canaan
1030-1010 Saul rules the Israelites
1010-970 David rules United Kingdom of Israel / 1200 B.C.E. Chou Kung Duke of Chou
970-931 B.C.E. Solomon rules Israel. The stories of what will become the Torah begin to be collected
931 Israel divided into Israel and Judah / 900 B. C. Brhadaranyaka Upanisad
874-853 Ahab rules Israel
w/Jezebel Elijah prophesies
750-740 Amos/Hosea, Isaiah, Michah
722 Israel overrun by Assyrian king Sargon II and inhabitants deported ten northern tribes lost
716-687 Hezekiah, rules 687-642 Manasseh rules Judah establishes pagan cults executes Isaiah
640-609 Josian rules / 8-700 B.C.E.THALES
Hylozoism, Orphic and Apollonian religions
7-600 B.C.E. ANAXIMANDER Hylozoism religion
ANAXlMENES PYTHAGORAS, Mysticism of reason, philosophy of numbers / 600 B. C. MAHAVIRA (599-527), founder of Jainism BUDDHA
(563-483) Founder of Buddhism
597 B. C. Nebuchadnezzar captures Jerusalem, deports Jews to Babylon
539 B. C Cyrus, King of Persia, enters Babylon, Edict of Cyrus proclaimed, allowing exiles to return to the Promised Land
537-515 Second Temple completed
450 Job, Song of Sons, Ruth and Psalms written / 6-500 B.C.E. HERACLITUS Philosophy of becoming ANAXAGORAS, Discoverer of Nous
(515) PARAMENIDES, Sophists, Change of interest from cosmology to man
(460-370) DEMOCRITUS, Atomism
PROTAGORAS, man as the measure of all things subjectivism & relativism
(470-399) SOCRATES, Dialectic rational universal man as the measure of all things, reason as the essence of soul
(428-348) PLATO, Idealism, Ideas as norms ARISTIPPUS Hedonism 5-400 B. C. ANTISTHENES, Cynicism
(341-270) EPICURUS, Hedonism
(384-322) ARISTOTLE, Realistic Idealism
(365-270) PYRRHO, Skepticism
(315-241) ARCESILAUS / 551-479 B. C. CONFUCIUS, interest in
human relationships YANG CHU, Absolute affirmation of man
LAO TZU, founder of Taoism
479 B. C. MO TZU Founder of Mohism
5-400 Shang Yang, Legalism
Shen Pu-Hai, Legalism Shen Tao, Legalism / 500 B. C., Manu, author of the Code of Manu Mhabharate Epic
Bhagavadgita (pert of the
400 B.C.E. Ramayana epic Kanada, author of Vaisepkasutras
Gautama, author of Nyayasutras
Patanjali, author of Yogasutras
Jaimini, author of Mimamsasutras Badarayana
(214-129) CARNEADES
(99-55) LUCRETIUS / 369-286 B.C.E. Chuang Tzu, Taoism
371-298 Mencius
298-238 Hsun-Tzu, Confucian realism
4-300 B.C.E.Han Fei Tzu, Rigorism & legalism
Hui Shih, Dialectician Tsou Yen, Yin-Yang School
Li Ssu, Rigorism & Legalism
213 B.C.E.Buming of books
179-104 B.C.E. Tung Chung-Shu, Confucian Old Text School
2-100 B.C.E. Liu Hsin Confucian Old test school
25-40C.E. PHILO Platonic Judaism / 27-100 C.E. Wang Chung,
Naturalist & critic Entry of
Buddhism 1st century / 100B.C.E.-100C.E. Prajnaparamitas source of the Mahayana
1-100 C.E., Vasumitra, Classifier of the Hinayana school
Asvaghosa, Bhutatathata School
1-200C.E. Mou Tzu,
Confucian admirer of
Buddhism / 1-200 C.E. Maitreyanatha,
founder of Yogacara or Vijnauavada
Nagarjuna, founder of
204 C.E., PLOTINUS, Neo-Platonism
3rd cent. SEXTUS
EMPIRICUS / 221-300 A.C. Hsiang Hsiu, Rationalist, Neo-Taoism / 2-300 C.E. Umasvati, Author of Jainasutras
354-43O C.E.
Platonism / 312 Kuo Hsiang, Rationalist Neo-Taoism
314-366 Ch'ing-Tan movement. Sentimental Neo-Taoism
344-413 Kumarajiva Indian Buddist in China
486-536 Bodhidharma, Indian Buddist in China, founder of Chanism / 3-400 C.E. Asanga, Yogacara
Vasubandu, Sarvastivada &
Prasastapada, Commentator
on Vaisesikasutras
4-500 C.E. Seng Chao, Propagator of Buddhism Hui-Yuan, Founder of Pure Land School (aka Lotus School)
Tao-Hsuan, Liu (Vinaya) School
Tao-Sheng, Chart School 531 C.E.ChihoKai, T'ien-T'ai School / 350 C.E. Bhartirhari
480-540 Dignaga
596-664 Huan-Tsang,
Yogacara & Chu-she
(Kosa) Schools
636-713 Hui-neng
670-762 Shen-hui
643-712 Fa-tsang / 5-600 C.E. Gaudapada,
founder of Advaita
600-660 Dharmakirti
7-800 C.E. Vajrabodhi, Indian to introduce yantrik Buddhism into China, Ch'ng-Yen (True World) School
Amoghavajra, Disciple of Vajrabodhi
768-824 Han Yu Forerunner of Neo-Confucianism
844 Li Ao forerunner of Neo-Confucianism / 7-800 Kumarila, Follower of Jaimini
Prabhakara, follower of Jaimini
Jayarasi, Expounder of Carvaka
700-750 Shankara
800 Sankara, Protagonist of the Advaita
8-900 C.E. Bhaskara,
Vedantin, Bhedabheda
(identity in difference)
Vasugupta, Kasmir Saiva
1035-1109 St.ANSELM, Ontological proof for existence of God / 10-11th Century Neo-Confucianism
1011-77 Shao Yang
1017-73 Chou Tun-Yi
1020-77 Chang Tsai
1032-85 Cheng-Hao Hsin Hsueh School (School of Mind)
1130-1200 Chu Hsi, follower of Cheng Yi
1139-93 Lu Chiu-Yuan, follower of Cheng Hao / 1050 Udayana
11th century Ramanuja, Vedantin, Vaisnava, Visistadvaita (soul-body relationship)
11-12th century Shriharsa, Advaita diialecticism, follower of Sankara
1227-74 St.THOMAS
AQUINAS, Christian
Aristotelianism / 1200-1253 Dogen
1473-1529 Wang Yan-ming
Shou Jen, Confucian
School of Mind / 12-13th century Gangesa, founder of Neo-Nyayas
13th century Madhva, Vedantin, Vaisnava, Dvaita (dualism)
Nimbarka, Bhedabheda (identity in difference)
13-14th century Srikantha, Saiva Visistadvaita (soul-body relationship)
1561-1626 FRANCIS BACON, revolt against Aristotelian logic and founding of empiricism 1596-1650 RENE DESCARTES, Rationalism and qualitative dualism 1631-77 BARUCH SPINOZA, Monism of substance
1632-1704 JOHN LOCKE, Empiricism
1685-1753 GEORGE
BERKELEY, Empirical idealism
1711-76 DAVID HUME, Empiricism, criticism of universal laws
1724-1804 IMMANUEL KANT, critical philosophy, reconciliation of rationalism & empiricism
1762-1814 JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE, Voluntaristic idealism 1770-1831 GEORGE WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL, absolute idealism of reason
1775-1854 FRIEDRICH VON SCHELLING, Idealism of identity 1788-1860, ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER, Pessimism of the will 1979-1857 AUGUSTE COMTE, Positivism / 1619-93 Wang Fu-Chih, Ch'ing Neo-Confucianism 1635-1704 Yen Yuan, Ch'ing Neo-Confucianism 1659-1746 Li Kung, Ch'ing Neo-Confucianism 1723-77 Tai Chen, Ch'ing Neo-Confucianism 1764-1849 Juan Yuan, Ch'ing Neo-Confucianism / 15th century Vallabha, Suddhadvaita (pure non-dualism)
Baladeva, Acintyabhedabheda (incomprehensible identity in difference)
Vinjnanabhiksu, Sankhya-Vedantin
15-16th century Raghunatha, Neo-Nyaya
16th century Sripati, Vedantin,
Saiva, Bhedabheda (identity
in difference)
1630 Gadadhara
1809-82 CHARLES DARWIN, natural evolution
1813-55 SOREN KIERKEGAARD, Existentialism
1818-83 KARL MARX, dialectical materialism / 1853-1920 Yen Fu, introduces western philosophy into China
Jewish Tradition / Western Tradition / Chinese Tradition / Indian Tradition
Chronological Table
1836-82 THOMAS HILL GREEN, Neo-Kantianism
1838-1916 ERNST MACH, expedientism of scientific concepts
1839-1914 CHARLES PEIRCE, pragmatism
1842-1910 WILLIAM JAMES, pragmatism
1844-1900 FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, doctrine of the superman
1846-1924 F.H. BRADLEY, absolute idealism, transcendence of reason
1848-1923 BERNARD BOSANQUET, Hegelian idealism
1852-1933 HANS VAIHINGER, fictionalism
1852-1936 LLOYD MORGAN, emergent evolution
1954-1912 H. POINCARE, conventionalism
1855-1916 JOSIAH ROYCE, Hegelian idealism
1855-1921 A. MEINONG, new realism
1859-1941 S. ALEXANDER, realism, emergent evolution
1859-1954 JOHN DEWEY, pragmatism, instrumentalism
1861-1947 A.N.WHITEHEAD, philosophy of organism, evolutionism
1863-1952 G. SANTAYANA, critical realism
1864-1937 F.C.S. SCHILLER, pragmatism humanism
1866-1925 J.M.E.McTAGGART, pluralistic idealism
1866-1952 B. CROCE, neo-idealism
1872-19 BERTRAND RUSSELL,neurtal monism, analysis
1873-19 G.E.MOORE, analysis
1873-1946 E.B. Holt, new realism
1873-19 A.O.LOVEJOY, critical realism
1875-1944 G. GENTILE, neo-idealism
1876-19 R.B. PERRY, new realism
1882-1936 MORITZ SCHLICK, logical positivism
1883-19 KARL JASPERS, existentialism
1889-19 M. HEIDEGGER, existentialism
1889-1951 L. WITTGENSTEIN, logical positivism, analysis
1889-19 G. MARCEL, existentialism
1889-19 R. CARNAP, logical position
1903-19 J.P. SARTRE, existentialism
1900-19 GILBERT RYLE, analysis
1910-19 A.J. AYER, analysis, logical empiricism / 1858-1927 K'ANG YU-
WEI, new text school of
Ch'lng dynasty
1865-98 TAN SSU-
T'UNG, new text school of
Ch'ing dynasty
1877-1927 WANG KUO-WEI, introduces western philosophy into China
1878-1945 Nishida
1893-19 MAO TSE-TUNG, Marxism as interpreted by Lenin and Stalin / 1861-1941 RABINDRANATH
TAGORE, personal idealism
1869-1958 BHAGAVAN DIAS,
realistic idealism
1872-1950 AUROBINDO
GHOSE, idealism absolutism of integral experience
1888-19 S.RADHAKRISHNAN, non-dualistic idealism