Bulk Density , Specific Gravity &Water Absorption Of Fine &Coarse Aggregates:
Specific Gravity:
Introduction :
Specific gravity define as the ratio of the weight of given volume of material to the weight of an equal volume of material to the weight of an equal volume of water.usually, water is used as the base with a specific gravity of (1.0) . in concrete mix design calculation the saturated surface–dry specific gravity is used .
Definition :
Saturated, surface-dry specific gravity : is the ratio of the weight of agiven volume of material in a satyrated
Gssd = Assd/(Assd-W)
Where :
Gssd : the saturated surface-dry gravity .
Assd : the weight (in g ) of saturated surface-dry aggregates sample in air .
W : weight ( in g ) of aggregate in water .
1. apparent (G.s) :
the ratio of apparent volume of material in a dry condition to the weight of an equal volume of water .
Gapp = Ad/(Assd-W)
Where :
Gapp : the apparent specific gravity of a material.
Ad : weight ( in g ) of sample, oven dry; in air .
2. absolute ( G.s ) :
is the ratio of weight of absolute volume of the material in a dry condition to the weight of an equal volume of water .
Gabs = Ad/(Ad-W)
Where :
Gabs : the absolute specific gravity of the material .
-Surface moisture : a measure of free or surface .
-moisture on aggregate surface.SM% = ( wt. Of surface moisture/ssd)x100 % .
3. unit weight :
4. is the weight of aggregate in agiven volume .
unit Wt. = weight of aggregate / given volume .
A- Bulk denisty :
To determine the un compacted bulk density of fine .
B.S. B12-1967
1-A cylindrical metal container of nominal capacity.
2-A scale or balance accurate to 0.2%of the weight of the material to be used.
3-A straight metal tamping rod.
B- Specific Gravity &Water Absorption Of Fine &Coarse Aggregates
1.To determine the specific gravity & water absorption for fine smaller than ( 4.76 mm) .
2.To compare those results with the standard &needed results.
B.S. B12-1967
1-A balance of capacity not less than 3 kg, accurate to 0.5gr and of such a type that permit the weighting of the vessel containing the aggregate & water.
2-A wide mouthed glass vessel such as a gas gar of about 1% liters capacity with a flat ground lip and a plane ground disc of plate glass to cover it, giving virtually water-tight fit.
3-A means of supplying a current of warm air such as hair drier.
4-A try of area not less than 325 cm2.
5-An air tight container large enough to take the sample.
6-A container of size sufficient to contain the sample covered with water and to permit vigorous agitation without loss of any part of the sample or water.
7-A No 200(75microns) BS sieve & A NO 14 (1.20 mm) BS sieve.
Bulk density = ( mass of aggregate )/(volume of aggregate )
1. mass of container + plate = 3420 g .
2. mass of container + plate + water = 6213 g
3. mass of container + plate + fine aggregate = 7360 g .
4. VH2O = W2-W1 =2793 g .
5. weight of aggregate = W3-W1 = 3940 g .
------bulk density = 3940/2793 = 1.411 Kg/m3
A-Bulk denisty :
To determine the un compacted bulk density of coarse aggregate the test sall be carried as work as in the process of the bulk density determination of fine aggregate, except that :
Two cylindrical metal container sall be used .
B-Specific Gravity &Water Absorption Of Fine &Coarse Aggregates
To determine the specific gravity & water absorption for fine larger than ( 9.5 mm ) .
BS 812-1967
. A semi-automatic balance capable of weight up to 5 Kg .
. A seamless bucket shaped container .
. A 16 mm diameter metal stirring rod .
. Distilled water .
An air-tight container of similar capacity to the bucket .
Bulk density = ( mass of aggregate )/(volume of aggregate )
6. mass of container + plate = 3420 g .
7. mass of container + plate + water = 6213 g
8. mass of container + plate + fine aggregate = 6843 g .
9. VH2O = W2-W1 =2793 g .
10. weight of aggregate = W3-W1 = 2423 g .
------bulk density = 3940/2793 = 1.23 Kg/m3
Final Calculation:
Bulk unit weight :
fine / CoarseWt.of agg. / g / 3940 / 3423
Vol. Of given container / cc / 2793 / 2793
Bulk unit wt. / Kg/m3 / 1.411 / 1.23
Specific gravity & water absorption :
FINE / COARSEWt. Of SSD sample A
/ g / 533 / 2513Wt. Of vessel +sample + water B / g / 3425 / 4628
Wt. Of vessel filled with water C / g / 3106 / 3106
Wt. Of oven-dried sample D / g / 506 / 2419
G.s on an oven-dried basis GD / D/A-(B-C) / 2.36 / 2.4
G.s on a SSD basis GSSD / A/A-(B-C) / 2.49 / 2.5
Apparentr G.s Gapp / D/D-(B-C) / 2.71 / 2.7
Water absorption W% / 100(A-D)/D / 5.34% / 3.89%
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