Ahlcon Public School, Mayur Vihar-I, Delhi

Class: XII Subject: HISTORY Assignment No. 10

Academic Session: 2015-16

Theme 10: Colonialism and the Countryside (Questions marked with an ** are to be done for H.W.)

  1. With reference to the auction of estates in Burdwan, answer the following questions:

(a)When was the Permanent Settlement introduced in Bengal? What were its chief features?

(b)Where is Burdwan and when did the auction take place?

(c)What were the peculiar aspects of this auction?

  1. ** Explain what the East India Company hoped to achieve through the Permanent Settlement with regard to the problem of unpaid revenue.
  2. Describe why the zamindars of Bengal used to default on payment of land revenue.
  3. What did the ‘Sunset Law’ mean?
  4. Who were the jotedars? What role did they play in Bengal during the 18th century?

OR Why did the jotedars try to get the zamindars into trouble?

  1. Examine the strategies adopted by the zamindars to retain and maintain their authority. OR Explain how the zamindars resisted attempts to displace them by the Company.
  2. What was the Fifth Report? Analyze its importance as a source of information about the administration and activities of the East India Company, especially in Bengal during the late 17th century.
  3. Why were the activities of the East India Company closely watched & debated?

OR What did the British private traders demand from the British Government in the mid-1760’s, on the issue of trade with India?

  1. What does Buchanan tell us about the life of the Paharias? What relationship did the Paharias have with the plains people? OR Who were the Paharias? Analyze the impact of the British upon the life of the Paharias. How did they respond?
  2. ** “The battle between the hoe and the plough (in the Rajmahal hills) was a long one.” With reference to the above statement, explain how the Paharias and the Santhals came into conflict with each other. Mention the role played by the British in this regard. (Page 269-72)
  3. Who were the Santhals? Explain how the British made use of them for their own imperialistic purposes. How did the Santhals react to this situation? OR Assess the reasons that led to the Santhal Revolt in 1855-1856.
  4. How relevant / significant was Buchanan’s account as a source of information about Bengal?
  5. Why did the peasants of the Bombay Deccan participate in revolts against the British throughout the 19th century? How did their dissatisfaction manifest itself in 1875?

OR Describe the anti-moneylender riot that took place at Supa near Poona

  1. ** Explain the reasons why the British did not introduce the Permanent Settlement beyond Bengal. Examine the features of the Ryotwari Settlement. What impact did it have upon the ryots/ peasants in the Bombay Deccan?
  2. Why did peasant indebtedness increase during the period of British rule?
  3. **Describe the impact of the increased British demand for cotton on the peasantry in the Bombay Deccan. Analyze how political developments in America had repercussions/ consequences for the Indian ryots (explain both positive & negative impact).

OR Explain the impact of the American Civil War upon the Indian peasants.

  1. ** What were the customary norms that regulated the relationship between the moneylenders and the ryot in India? How were they violated by the moneylenders during British rule? OR Describe the attitude of the moneylenders towards the ryots in the Bombay Deccan before and after the American Civil War.
  2. Examine the British- Sahukar nexus in cotton production.
  3. Why were deeds and bonds seen as a symbol of an oppressive system?
  4. To what extent is the report of the Deccan Riots Commission a dependable source of information about the situation in the Bombay Deccan during the late 19th century?
  5. Passage/ Source- based questions can come from the following pages:

Pg. 262- The jotedars of Dinajpur pg. 265- From the Fifth Report Pg.274- Buchanan on the Santhals pg.274- The rocks near Kaduya Pg. 275- On clearance and settled cultivation pg.276- On that day in Supa Pg. 276- A newspaper report Pg. 282- A ryot petitions Pg. 283- Deeds of hire Pg.284- How debts mounted