1.1To consider the decision made regarding the Traffic Regulation Order relating to Sandringham Road and Balmoral Road at the Newtown and Parkstone Area Committee of 7th September 2011.
2.1The reasons for the call-in have been given as follows:
(a)Ward Councillors had conducted a detailed residents survey and the results of this were given insufficient weight;
(b)A single yellow line along one side of the roads in question would resolve current difficulties and this solution was given insufficient consideration;
(c)The needs of residents in Osborne and Kingsbridge Roads who need occasional overnight parking for themselves and/or visitors was not given proper consideration.
3.1The following Order was advertised within a batch of advertisements:
(a)Sandringham Road and Balmoral Road – Yellow lines at the junctions and along one side
3.2Representations had been received in respect of this item and these have all been circulated to the Committee members. The representations are summarised, and recommendations made below.
3.3Objections and Support
Sandringham Road
Three letters of support had been received from residents of Sandringham Road.
Another resident had written to support the restrictions at the western end of the road and at the Sandecotes Road junction, but to ask that the remainder of the road is left unrestricted.
Another resident had written recognising the difficulties but suggesting that resident parking would be a better alternative, in fact this was also requested by two of the supporters and an objector
Two residents had objected that the restrictions are not needed. One suggested that the refuse should be collected outside the peak hour.
Balmoral Road
Twenty letters of objection had been received from residents and visitors to properties in Balmoral Road, Kingsbridge Road and Osborne Road. The objectors felt that there was no need for the proposed restrictions as they felt that large vehicles can usually get along the road. The restrictions would make it difficult for residents to park near their homes and displace parking problems elsewhere. Some of the objectors felt that the restrictions would lead to higher traffic speeds and volumes. Others suggest that there is not too much parking in the road during the day, but heavy parking overnight.
The proposals follow a joint study involving officers of Transportation Services the Emergency Services and Environmental and Consumer Protection Services (ECPS) to identify locations where their vehicles experience particular access difficulties. It is recognised that kerbside parking is a highly valued resource amongst residents and so the study concentrated on locations where the difficulties were a regular occurrence.
Sandringham Road
The road is narrower (nominally 6.7m wide) and longer than Balmoral Road and the bend on the hill at the western end causes particular problems. The refuse vehicle is often forced to turn away from the road and to try to make collections in the other direction and one of the supporters suggests that the fire brigade have also had to do this. The balance of representations is in support of the proposals.
Balmoral Road
The road is nominally just over 7m wide and relatively straight. The problems were identified by the Dorset Fire and Rescue Service but since the representations had been received ECPS had been monitoring their use of the road and feel that they can achieve access if a passing place is reserved in the centre of road. While this would not necessarily address emergency access concerns overnight, improved access through Sandringham Road and a passing place would give the emergency services other options. The frontage of nos. 6&8 Balmoral Road is predominantly dropped kerb giving access to forecourts and imposing a yellow line here would actually involve minimal loss of parking space.
Sandecotes Road junctions
While most of the objectors expressed concerns about the loss of parking space in the area, generally, several acknowledged the problems caused when vehicles parked on the junctions.
It is recommended that:
(a)The Orders in Sandringham Road and Sandecotes Road are made as advertised.
(b)The proposals in Balmoral Road are reduced to apply only across the frontage of Nos 6&8 and at the junction with Sandecotes Road.
Julian McLaughlin
Head of Transportation Services
Background Papers: None
Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact
Steve Dean(01202) 262071
27 October 2011