Athena SWAN panellist

Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement


(1)[Please enter name and address](the Recipient)


(2)Equality Challenge Unit, a company registered in England under company number05689975whose registered office is at First floor, Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SP, United Kingdom(the Discloser)

In consideration of being given access by the Discloser to the Confidential Information (as defined below), the Recipient agrees to the following:

  1. The Discloser intends to disclose information (the Confidential Information) to the Recipient for the purpose of fulfilling the Recipient’sduties (as specified in the Athena SWAN Charter Guide to Processes, May 2015) as an Athena SWAN panellist(the Purpose).
  1. The Confidential Information is defined as:

a)The content of all Athena SWAN submissionsdisclosed by the Discloser to the Recipient as part of the Purpose;

b)Any feedback from any Athena SWAN applicant’sprevious application(s) that is disclosed by the Discloser to the Recipient;

c)Any additional information provided by any Athena SWAN applicant for the purposes of assessing their application that is disclosed by the Discloser to the Recipient;

d)Any other information that is disclosed by the Discloser to the Recipient as part of the Purpose; and

e)Any information which is generated by the Recipient relating to and/or containing any Confidential Information.

  1. The Purpose extends to use of the Confidential Information to decide,together with other Athena SWAN panellists,whether to recommend tothe Discloser that an award is conferred, specifically to:

a)Review the application in accordance with guidance set out for Athena SWAN applicants in theAthena SWANawards handbook;

b)Assess the application independently and complete the provided review sheets before thepanel meeting; and

c) Collectively review the application at the award panel meeting.

4.The Recipient undertakes not to use the Confidential Information for any purpose except the Purpose. The Recipient agrees to only take into account information included in the application (or any other information that the Discloser deems relevant, see Guide to Process 1.3 for more details) when considering an Athena SWAN application.The Recipient agrees and accepts that the Confidential Information may include personal data about individuals, including sensitive personal data, the use and disclosure of which is additionally protected by the Data Protection Act 1998.

5.The Recipient undertakes to keep the Confidential Information secure and not to disclose it to any third party.

6.The Recipient undertakes to use and store the Confidential Information according to the following data storage guidelines:

Hard copies

=Store securely somewhere only the Recipient can access, in a locked cabinet if possible.

Electronic copies

=View only on password protected computers, laptops and devices, to which the Recipient has exclusive access if possible.

=In cases where saving electronic documents is necessary:

=Save only to password protected computers, laptops and devices to which the Recipient has exclusive access

=Do not save to servers or shared drives which others can access

=Do not save multiple copies unless necessary for the Purpose

=Do not save any Confidential Information to any portable storage device ie memory sticks, external hard drives, etc.

  1. The Recipient will, on fulfilling their duties as anAthena SWAN panellist and on request from the Discloser, return and delete, as appropriate, all copies and records of the Confidential Information to the Discloser and will not retain any copies or records of the Confidential Information. The Recipient will return hard copies of the Confidential Information on the date of the Athena SWAN award panel meeting, and the Recipient will provide written assurance that the Confidential Information provided electronically has been destroyed within seven working days of the date of the Athena SWAN award panel meeting. Instructions on how to destroy the Confidential Information will be sent in a reminder email,seeking assurance that the Recipient has destroyed the Confidential Information.

8.The undertakings in clauses 4-5 above apply to all of the information disclosed by the Discloser to the Recipient, regardless of the way or form in which it is disclosed or recorded but they do not apply to:

a)Any information which is or in future comes into the public domain (unless as a result of the breach of this Agreement); or

b)Any information which is already known to the Recipient and which was not subject to any obligation of confidence before it was disclosed to the Recipient by the Discloser; or

c)Anonymised institutional or departmental practice to advance gender equality (in which no institution, department, or individual is identified).

9.Nothing in this Agreement will prevent the Recipient from making any disclosure of the Confidential Information which is required by law or by any competent authority.

10.Neither this Agreement nor the supply of any information grants the Recipient any licence, interest or right in respect of any intellectual property rights of the Discloser or any third party except the right to use the Confidential Information solely for the Purpose.

11.The undertakings in clauses 4-5 will continue in force indefinitely.

12.This Agreement is governed by, and is to be construed in accordance with, English law. The English Courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of, or in connection with, this Agreement.

I confirm my agreement to the above:

[Please enter name]


Signature of Panellist

Date of signature: ______