Shadow and Milo and driving away from a group of four police cruisers. Their sirens on.


Milo in the passengers' seat, and Shadow at the wheel. They turn to each other for a moment, then back at the road nervously. In Milo's hands, and all over the floor... is cash.

MILO: They'll never believe it! We were set up!

SHADOW: I know! I know!

He presses the gas pedal down further.


The big truck goes faster now, up past a few cars. The cruisers continue at their speed, now backing down as a Saleen comes down on us... top speed!

It speeds away from us, we get a glimpse of the passenger and driver. The driver with dark hair, and the passenger with gray.

We pan up from the street that passes by quickly, up to the no-roof car. It's The Magician and DeraiLer.

MAGE: (eyes to the road) Get a deal on that thread yet?

DE: (dialing a number on his cell phone) Dickin' me around, but I'm working on it.

As De puts the phone to his right ear, Mage presses down on the pedal. It moves just behind the cement truck.


Shadow looks in the side view mirror. He sees the Saleen and Mage.

SHADOW: Just great! It's TeamAction!

MILO: Well maybe they'll listen to us!

SHADOW: Well... maybe if you flash them.

MILO: Shadow!

SHADOW: Okay fine! I'll just stop!

Milo turns to the street to see a police bumper set up out in front of them. She turns to Shadow's foot hitting the brake pedal.



The cement truck BUMPS into the bumper! Shadow comes crashing through the windsheild, just as the saleen comes around and stops. De shakes his head. Now the four cruisers come up and stop. They get out as Mage and De walk over to the front.

DeraiLer aims his gun at Milo as she unbuckles herself and steps out with her hands up.

MILO: We give up!

DE: (on phone) Thanks much Bub. You take care of it. (hanging up) You damn right you do.

The Magician hand cuffs the lifeless like Shadow to the antenna.

MAGE: (patting his head) You have the right to remain unconscience. (putting gun in holster) Anything you say ain't gonna' be much.

De and Mage walk around to the back as three of the eight cops come around the side to escort Milo away. Suddenly a mini-crane off to the side is seen sending it's hoo [*hehehmm*] ker towards the cement truck. The carrier is RUPTURED and cement pours out onto the three, wasting them off the side.

As they fall down onto the second lair of traffic, hardening, a big pick-up truck drives by crushing two of them. The third, and last copper, tries to move out of the way... but is stuck.

Up above the hooker swings around, snatching Shadow and Milo. De and Mage come running over the side, hopping onto the rail as not to get in the cement. They pull out their guns and fire at the crane as it gets away.

MAGE: I'm going for!

DE: No Mage, we can't! We gotta' stick around here now and take care of this. Let it go. They'll be another time.

MAGE: That's bullshit! What about TeamAction.

Bub comes driving up in his truck, smacking the back of the Saleen.

MAGE: (cont.- at the sight of this) Son of a bitch.

Bub gets out and walks over to the two as the other cops investigate the cement truck. Mage takes one last look at the mini-crane... as it drives out of sight.

BUB: You guys sure screwed up this time!

DE: Sorry Bub.

BUB: I'm not in the mood for apologies. I'm suspending both of you for two days!

A breif pause as they shrug.

BUB: Fine! Two weeks.

DE: What?! We didn't do anything!

MAGE: Yeah, the bastard stopped at will and...

BUB: I don't want to hear any excuses! You're finished! I'm making it two MONTHS!

DE: Shit, did your cat run away or something?

BUB: My goldfish!

De and Mage look at each other in shock, then back at Bub who walks over to the sight of his car up against the saleen.

BUB: (cont.) Ohh, that's it! (turning back to them) TWO YEARS!

He turns back to his truck and trips on an crack in the street. His open mouth SMACKS into the side view mirror. Bub SCREAMS!

[b]Narrator[/b]: [i]Bub would die from this. And because his goldfish had ran away... TeamAction would be no more for two years.[/i]

We cut over to TeamAction. Mage heads for his car, and De heads for a passing city bus. We pan away... far away. Revealing the night city.


[b]Narrator[/b]: [i]And would change... in that time.[/i]


Bright lights shine on the wood. Milo and Shadow are seen struggeling in a chair, tied up. Someone approaches.

MILO: Who's there?! Show yourself!

A brief pause. Suddenly someone comes into frame... and it's Pythoness!

SHADOW: Ut oh.

PYTHONESS: Where's my money Shadow?

MILO: (to Shadow) You know this bitch?!

SHADOW: Actually Milo, I wouldn't...

Pythoness punches Milo across the face. She spits a bit of blood onto the concrete. She grunts in pain. Shadow sighs as Pythoness walks up face to face with him.



PYTHONESS: (grabbing him by the ears) I want my money.

SHAODW: I lost it okay?! Your little snatch screwed it up! And it wasn't my fault your husband died in that sewer gang's rampage!

PYTHONESS: (pulling ears down) IT WAS your fault!

SHADOW: AAAH! Okay! Okay!

PYTHONESS: And now if I don't get paid for the mental pain... I'll see to it the two of you are taken care of in the old fashion Pythoness way!

SHADOW: I know, but you gotta' believe me! I lost it!

She lets go of his ears and walks toward a switch on one of the wood panels. Milo looks back. The two watch Pythoness, scared.

PYTHONESS: I believe you.

She flips the switch and the bound couple now are being electrocuted. They jerk and scream... with oatmeal coming out their mouth, nostrils, and ears.

[b]Two Years Later[/b]


We hold on the station for a moment. A "Crow Orgy" sign is put up on the roof. An arrow aiming up. We pan up to see a flock of crows flying around each other, like a black patch in the sky.


We pan away from a picture on a filing cabinet. A picture of Bub and below it we read "Rest in Servitude". His smile is deranged.

We pan around the room to see DeraiLer at his desk. The phone rings.

DE: (answering it) RaiLer. (pause) Hi Doreen! Haven't talk to you in ages! (pause) Yes I know I haven't been getting cases like I used to... it's just been hard and all. (longer pause) No I... haven't spoken with him in... oh shit, two years. (pause) Calm down please. (pause) Doreen? Eh...?

He looks at the phone, then hangs up. He sorts through a few papers then sighs. His head slams down against the desk.

DE: (cont.) Damn't!!

An awkward silence as the cops turn to him.


We pan across the beach, up to the trailer where the saleen rests.


The Magician drinks some Vanilla Coke. He belches, his hand now reaching over to a bottle of oil. He pours some in his VC then takes a bigger sip. Another, louder, belch.

Suddenly the phone rings. Mage walks over to it, now picking it up.

MAGE: (drowsy) Magician. (pause) Oh, sorry. I'll be there in a couple minutes.

He hangs up, now falls down to the floor... passed out.



Sgt. McPfeiffer walks up to DeraiLer.

McPFEIFFER: Hey De, got something for yah.

She slams a file on his desk. He looks up at her, then back down at the file, opening it. He immediately sees a picture of The Magician.

DE: No way! I have to take him out?! NO!

McPFEIFFER: Actually, he's officially your partner again.

DE: But, he quit. Didn't he?

McPFEIFFER: Well he's got a new job and all. A new life. He's still under our hood though.

DE: So what's the problem? I got a new case, this means, right? No more scavenging for me' food?

McPFEIFFER: Actually fame may be the word, but no promises. It seems Pythoness, well... do you remember the missing persons assembly?

DE: Yeah?

McPFEIFFER: The evil Pythoness seems to have resurfaced with two of them.

DE: Which ones?

McPFEIFFER: (walking away) We don't know, but you two will have to find out.

DeraiLer stands up, almost losing his balance. He pauses then looks over at the sergeant woman.

DE: Hey McPfeiffer? (she turns to him) How are you two doing anyway? Haven't really seen much of you either, yah know? Don't really know you guys anymore. I... haven't seen him in two years.

McPFEIFFER: We're doing good De. Thanks.

She walks away. De looks down at the file, smiling.



The Magician stands before a group of sixteen, whom all sit.

MAGE: So what could you say we've learned folks? Judge less, and ALWAYS keep distance from Bermuda. (looking around the room) Any questions?

A woman's hand raises.

MAGE: Yes, you.

WOMAN: Do you have a girlfriend?

MAGE: Yes, I do.

The woman turns to her friend.

WOMAN: You bitch!

She jumps on her. A cat fight begins. The group gets in on it, chanting nonsense. The Magician sits back, then his eyes move towards the door where DeraiLer stands, chanting himself... keeping his distance.

DE: (w/ group) Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

The Magician runs up to him, pushing him out of the room.


The Magician closes the door. The two look at each other with astonishment, however Mage is even more shocked.

DE: Hi Magician.

A long pause. The Magician is speechless.

MAGE: How'd you find me?

DE: (short pause) I'm pyschic.

MAGE: (short pause) Really?

DE: No, not really. I'm a detective for fuck's sake. (leading him away) Come on, I'll buy you a donut. We've got things to talk about.

The Magician opens the door to his room again.

MAGE: Class dismissed. (they charge at him) Holy shit! (they trample him) De! RUN!

DeraiLer runs for it, away from the stampede. There's no sign of Mage.


DeraiLer and The Magician approach De's dark blue honda. Mage loads a clip in his beretta. De flaps his overcoat over his gun holster, showing off.

MAGE: Whatchu got in there?

DE: Four inch Likk.

MAGE: A lot of old timers carry those.

De turns to his partner, as he heads for the passengers' door. De gets in on the driver's side, shaking his head.


The doors shut. Mage rolls down the window as De starts up the car.

MAGE: Good to see you agian, anyway.

DE: Yeah, you too. And if you don't mind... (driving away) we're heading over to the Grand Gold Hotel.

MAGE: What do you mean by that?


As the car drives down the way...

DE: Well, I always knew you never really had any class. Nothing personal, I just don't want the GOLD getting the best of you.


Mage looks out the window, at nothing in particular, with the most awkwardly normal expression on his face.

DE: And we're questioning the witness, not damaging him.

MAGE: What did he witness?

DE: Pythoness eating a bear claw right after her takedown of the neighborhood in construction. You know the one.

MAGE: And we're getting the evidence before we strike.

DE: Right. (grabbing a donut) And that reminds me.

De hands a donut to Mage.

DE: Happy Birthday.

The Magician smiles, taking a bite.

DE: ([*odd*]) Wait 'till my hand let's go!

MAGE: (mouth full) Sorry.



The Magician and DeraiLer walk up and through the doors. They walk towards the elevator, when a guard stops them with a wave of the hand.

GUARD: Are you gentlemen guests of the hotel?

DE: No, we're here to speak with a witness.

GUARD: (flashing badge and gun) Well, I'm afraid I can't let you by then sirs.

MAGE: (sarcastic) Oh my god, he's got a badge and a gun.

DE: Get out of our way, prick.

GUARD: (shoving De) A cop's gonna' hit a cop now?!

DeraiLer clutches the guard's crotch. The guard falls to his knees, whining under his breath like a bitch. De eventually let's go.

MAGE: (arms folded- slight grin) That's a good suggestion.

The H.H. investigation theme plays as the two walk past the guard, whom now keels over... rocking himself back and forth.


The two walk up to a door. The Magician knocks.

MAGE: Police. Open up.


L-Face, a black gangster, comes up to the door.

L-FACE: How do I know it's the police?


MAGE: After we shoot you through the door, you can examine the bullets. Open up.

The door opens.


Mage and De barge in, sending L-Face stumbeling back.

MAGE: We hear you saw the crimeboss Pythoness.

L-FACE: Yeah, that's right.

DE: Where is she?

L-Face looks at the two, back and forth.

L-FACE: How much do I get paid?

They stare at L-Face. Straight expression.

MAGE: I don't have time for this. (taking L-Face by the neck) Come on, we're taking you in.

L-Face suddenly JERKS free, and leaps out the window!


We watch him fall, screaming, down to a dirty canal.


A SPLASH! A pause. Now L-Face resurfaces, and down slide Mage and De... via long drapes.

They land, De almost losing his stance.

DE: (watching L-Face swim away underwater) I'll get the car!

DeraiLer runs down to the left, and The Magician runs down the walkway, following a string of bubbles. Mage runs over a bridge, and right up to the end where L-Face pops up... spewing shit.

L-FACE: It's sick! There's rat shit everywhere!

MAGE: Rat shit, your shit. That's fine (pulling out his gun and aiming it at him) Get out of the water man!


MAGE: Get out man, you're under arrest.

L-Face swims to the middle of the canal, to a paddle boat.

MAGE: Get out of the water!

L-Face starts getting on the boat.


De's starting the car. He takes off.


Mage LEAPS onto the paddle boat, smacking L-Face's head against the side.

MAGE: You son of a bitch!

Mage lifts his head again and smashes it in once more. We see De's car come around the corner. L-Face turns around and begins to strangle Mage. Mage grabs his wrists and forces the hands away from his neck.

L-Face lifts a leg, kicking Mage off of him. Mage lands on the side, and L-Face dives back into the canal.

Just then De's car stops. He gets out, pulling out his Likk too. He aims it at the bubbles, and out comes L-Face again... spewing shit from his mouth. He puts his arms up at the sight of DeraiLer.

DE: What say you know, cockster?

L-Face sighs. The Magician laughs, putting his gun away.


L-Face sits in De's chair. DeraiLer holds up a picture of Pythoness.

L-FACE: That's her.

DE: (lowering the pic) Okay it's confirmed. And you can confirm it on tape?

L-FACE: (handing them a VHS tape) I told you, I got it all.

DE: (to Mage who stands up against a wall) All right, and what about the secondary lead.

MAGE: (nodding) Yeah.

The two cops start walking away. L-Face follows a few seconds after. SGT. McPfeiffer walks by, jumping on Mage. She starts to kiss him uncontrobally. De and L-Face wait a moment.


L-Face sits in the back seat of De's car. He plays thumb war with himself.


Rumblewolf is looking up a Salma Hayek 3D stand-up's dress. Mage, De and McPfeiffer come at him, with Mage pulling him out from underneathe it.

MAGE: Hiya cutie! Hey, we're looking for a friend of yours named Pythoness.

RUMBLE: Yeah, well I never heard of him.

MAGE: (right hand in face) ENH ENH ENH! Wrong answer! Wrong answer! (now left) ENH ENH ENH!

DE: (to Rumble) Pytho's a chick. NOW does it ring a bell.

RUMBLE: Who the fuck are you guys?

MAGE: (shoving badge in his face) Oh, I'm sorry. LAPD. We knew each other a couple year's back.

PUNK: (out of nowhere) HEY!

The three cops turn, De and Mage pressing Rumble up against the stand-up.

PUNK: So what's going on here, an orgy or something?

McPfeiffer approaches the punk, as four of his friends approach him.

DE: (to Mage) Shouldn't we help her Mage?

MAGE: No, I want you to see something De. She has a gift.