Water Offset Nutrient Delivery Experiment



Interface Control Document

July 28, 2003


Document Approval Sheet

Document Number
July 28, 2003 / Number of Pages
Title:Water Offset Nutrient Delivery Experiment (WONDER):
PGBA to PTIM Interface Control Document
Prepared by: / Alexander Hoehn – BioServe Space Technologies
Prepared by: / Kevin Burtness – Bionetics/BIO-3, WONDER Hardware/Software Engineer
Approved by: / Kelly Norwood - Bionetics/BIO-8, WONDER Project Engineer
Approved by: / Bill Wells - Bionetics/BIO-3, Manager, Flight Experiment Development/Management
Approved by: / Howard Levine - Dynamac/DYN-3, WONDER Research Scientist
Approved by: / Jerry Moyer - Bionetics/BIO-3, Project Director, Life Science Support
Approved by: / Daniel Shultz – NASA/KSC/UB-1, WONDER Payload Mission Manager
Approved by: / David Reed – Bionetics/BIO-8, Project Engineering Management Lead
Date / Description / Change Letter / Approval
07/28/03 / Baseline / -

Pg 1 of 12

Table of Contents

1.Introduction and Background


1.2Experiment Background and Objectives

1.3Experiment Requirements

1.4WONDER Hardware Overview

1.4.1PGBA Overview

1.4.2PTIM Overview

2.PGBA – PTIM Interfaces

2.1Mechanical / Structural Interfaces


2.1.2Center of Gravity


2.1.4Off Gassing and Flammability

2.2Thermal Interfaces

2.3Electrical Interfaces

2.3.1Connector Pin Assignments

2.3.2Required Sensors within PTIM

2.3.3EMI / EMC

2.4Software Interfaces

2.4.1Data Storage

2.4.2Human Factors

2.4.3Experiment Environmental Control Operations

2.4.4Plant Imaging and Data Collection Operations

2.4.5Plant Feed and Moisture Sensing Operations

2.4.6Crew Interaction and Monitoring

2.4.7Plant Harvest Operations

2.4.8Plant Imaging and Data Collection Operations



EIS End Item Specification

EMIElectromagnetic Interference

EXPRESS Expedite the Processing of Experiments to the Space Station

HDDHard Disk Drive

ISPRInternational Standard Payload Rack

ISS International Space Station

JSC JohnsonSpaceCenter

KSC KennedySpaceCenter

MDLMiddeck Locker


LSSC Life Sciences Services Contract

NDS Nutrient Delivery System

PI Principal Investigator

PGBA Plant Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus

PTNDSPorous Tube Nutrient Delivery System

PTIM Porous Tube Insert Module

RH Relative humidity

STSSpace Transportation System

STSubstrate Tube


WONDER Water Offset Nutrient Delivery Experiment

Applicable Documents

LSSC-WONDER-EIS / Porous Tube Insert Module (PTIM) End Item Specification
LSSC-WONDER-ERD / Water Offset Nutrient Delivery Experiment (WONDER) Experiment Requirements Document
MSFC-HDBK-527E / Materials Selection List for Space Hardware Systems
NSTS 1700.7B / Safety Policy Requirements for Payloads using the Space Transportation System
NSTS-21000-IDD-MDK Rev A / Shuttle/Payload Standard Interface Control Document for Middeck Type Payloads
SSP30237 / Space Station Electromagnetic Emission and Susceptibility Requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility
SSP30243 / Space Station Systems Requirements for Electromagnetic Compatibility
SSP50005 / International Space Station Flight Crew Integration Standard
SSP50021 / International Space Station Safety Requirements Document
SSP 52000-IDD-ERP / Expedite the Processing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) Rack Payloads Interface Definition Document


Document: WONDER Feasibility Study for flight on the ISS

Date: September 28, 2018

1.Introduction and Background


This document has been prepared to define and describe the mechanical, electrical, thermal and software interfaces between PGBA and PTIM, as well as the required environmental capacity of PGBA.

1.2Experiment Background and Objectives

Experiment Title:“Development of a Microgravity Rated Hydroponic Plant Culture Apparatus”

Proposal #: 98-HEDS-01-036 (NRA 98-HEDS-01)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Howard Levine, Dynamac Corporation

Specimen: Wheat, Triticum aestivum

The WONDER will perform a side-by-side comparison of two separate nutrient delivery techniques in micro gravity utilizing the Porous Tube Insert Module (PTIM) as the plant feeding mechanism.

The PTIM will be contained within the Plant Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (PGBA). The PGBA is capable of regulating a number of environmental variables including temperature, humidity, lighting and CO2. The PGBA also commands the PTIM to perform specific functions.

1.3Experiment Requirements

The following requirements are based on the current STS middeck based WONDER experiment. These requirements were derived from the WONDER ERD and through the principal investigator (PI). They are based on a short duration shuttle mission (18 days maximum).

Table 1.1

Parameter / Set Point / Requirement / Range
Air Temperature / 20-25 C / +/- 1.0 C
Relative Humidity at Germination / 90-100% / +/- 5 %
Relative Humidity during Seedling Growth / 60- 80% / +/- 5 %
Carbon Dioxide / 400 ppm / +/- 10%
Photosynthetic Photon Flux / >250 umol/m2/s / N/A
Oxygen Provision / 20% / +/- 10%
(of 20% O2)
Ethylene / As low as possible
(< 50 ppb desirable) / N/A
Water Provision / 2 Liter Reservoir Minimum / N/A
Moisture Treatments / 0 to 1.0 ml/gram wetness range / +/- 0.05 ml/gm
Nutrient Provision / In Matting and/or Reservoir / N/A
Video Imaging / Imaged at 3 hour minimum intervals / N/A
Data Acquisition / Logged at 5 minute minimum intervals / N/A

1.4WONDER Hardware Overview


PGBA-‘i’‘i’ represents the configuration identification for a unique, mission-specific PGBA-type payload, consisting of the PGAB shell, PGBA insert, plant chamber insert (SAGE, PINE, PTIM), a unique software load and electric configuration as applicable. PGBA-i also represents the name of the top-level assembly drawing number and payload name for NASA integration.

PGBA-4PGBA configuration as flown on ISS.9A with Space Arabidopsis Genom Experiment insert (SAGE).

PGBA-5PGBA configuration as planned for ISS.13A1 with Pine tree insert (PINE).

PGBA-6PGBA configuration compatible and configured for PTIM.

PGBA-5 and PGBA-6 are mechanically and electrically compatible, but have different software loads. With exception of software, they are interchangeable.

For each mission-unique configuration, there may be various ‘versions’ as test results or science requirements require modifications.

1.4.2PGBA Overview

The PGBA is a double locker payload developed by Bioserve Space Technologies. It has successfully flown on STS-77, STS-83 and STS-94, and operated on ISS.9A increment. The PGBA is an environmental chamber that provides lighting, controls temperature and humidity and regulates CO2 and ethylene. It also provides a Command and Data Management System (CDMS) for the main WONDER sequencing and data logging software. The software to sequence the non-environmental related functions will be developed by The Bionetics Corporation.

PGBA Environmental Specifications

Temperature: 18 oC to 30 oC +/- 0.5 oC

Relative Humidity: 60% to 100% +/- 3.0%

Carbon Dioxide:250 to 3000 ppm +/- 30 ppm

Oxygen:21.0% +/- 0.1%

Lighting:280 uMol/m2/sec

Plant Area:0.25m x 0.30m (0.075m2)

PGBA Details:

1.4.3PTIM Overview

The Porous Tube Insert Module (PTIM) is a modular component of the WONDER. The PTIM is designed as an insert to the Plant Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (PGBA) and will be used as the plant growth apparatus for the experiment. The PTIM holds the necessary fluid delivery components to feed the plant specimens. The PTIM has been developed by The Bionetics Corporation.

Figure 1.1 – PTIM Model (Sidewalls Removed)

The PTIM is designed with 6 porous tubes. Three of which are designed to be embedded in a substrate material and three of which comprise the PTNDS. Each of these tubes is approximately 7” in length. The distance from the approximate seed location to the top cover (ceiling) of the growing compartment is approximately <TBD> inches.

Two 25-camera video boards will serve as walls within the PTIM. Each video board contains 25 color NTSC cameras whose outputs are multiplexed into a single signal fed to the PGBA frame grabber. Additionally, PTIM generated video images with data overlay. PTIM control computer has control over all video sequencing (50 internal cameras, data screens and the 4 PGAB cameras).

2.PGBA – PTIM Interfaces

2.1Mechanical / Structural Interfaces

PGBA mass and CG were measured in the following conditions to aid in the planning of the integrated WONDER payload (PTIM-PGBA). In this configuration, PGBA consists of the following:

  • PGBA shell. PMPs were not available and will be added mathematically as shown below.
  • PGBA insert assembly incl. water-filled coolant circulation loops, primed dehumidifier, filled humidity control reservoir (100 ml), plant chamber lid.
  • The PGBA as measured did NOT include the chamber insert (root tray, fans, reflective side walls, plant rooting matrix). The ‘standard’ PGBA chamber insert will be replaced in its entirety with the PTIM insert.
  • MPGBA-w/o-PTIM = 89.25 lbm
  • X-CG PGBA-w/o-PTIM =10.875” (forward, from PMP front surface (not wire tray surface)
  • Y-CG PGBA-w/o-PTIM = 0.000” (centered, measured from center)
  • Z-CG PGBA-w/o-PTIM =- 1.438” (low; measured from center; 12.625 from top, 9.250 from bottom)


The PGBA center of gravity is TBD (Alex) at x=TBD (Alex), y= TBD (Alex), z= TBD (Alex). Addition of the PTIM to the PGBA will TBD. At this center of gravity location, the PGBA is allowed a maximum mass of TBD for shuttle Middeck and TBD for ISS EXPRESS rack.

2.1.2Center of Gravity

The PGBA center of gravity is TBD (Alex) at x=TBD (Alex), y= TBD (Alex), z= TBD (Alex). Addition of the PTIM to the PGBA will TBD. At this center of gravity location, the PGBA is allowed a maximum mass of TBD for shuttle Middeck and TBD for ISS EXPRESS rack.


2.1.4Off Gassing and Flammability

Any PTIM components within the PGBA plant chamber must satisfy offgassing and flammability constraints imposed by NASA or the science PI to maintain a healthy plant growth environment.

2.2Thermal Interfaces


2.3Electrical Interfaces

PTIM has one single 27-pin electric connecter interface on the inside of the PGBA plant growth chamber. Pin assignments are as listed below. PTIM must provide adequate control signals on the assigned pins for PGAB to operate properly, namely Temperature, Humidity and CO2 (controlled). Other sensor signals are at PI / PTIM discretion (O2, light, root temperature = 2nd temperature sensors).

2.3.1PTIM Connectivity Requirements

The following interface (power, data) connections are required by PTIM for proper function:

Voltage / Signal / Current
(avg/peak) / Power
(avg/peak) / Remarks
1 / +5VDC / 1.8 Amp. / 9 Watt / Switched
2 / 5RET / 1.8 Amp. / 9 Watt
3 / +12VDC / Switched
4 / 12RET
5 / +RS485 / Sole network user
6 / -RS485
7 / +Video1 / Single ended video signal
8 / -Video1 / Same as
9 / +Video2
10 / +Video2
11 / Chassis ground to insert / shield termination

The following analog sensor signals must be provided by PTIM to PGAB for proper environmental control:

2.3.2PGBA-Required Sensors within PTIM

Wires / Voltage / Signal / Current / Power / Remarks
1-8 / CO2 GMM22 / PTIM will include the Vaisala GMM22 sensor head within their assembly, and provide the 8 GMM22 signal lines on the chamber interface connector.
9 / Temperature / Used for temperature control
10 / Rel. Humidity / Used for humidity control
11 / Analog Ground / Reference for above sensor signals
Optional (available, PTIM may use)
12 / +24VDC / Optional sensor power
13 / + 5VDC / Optional sensor power
14 / O2 Chamber / Optional oxygen sensor
15 / Light Sensor / Optional light sensor
16 / +12V Fan0 / Air circulation required for environmental control
17 / +12V Fan1
18 / 12RET / Power return for fans

2.3.3Connector Pin Assignments

The following pin assignment was agreed upon between PGBA and PTIM. Since PTIM provides its own air circulation fans, the PTIM 12V requirement was satisfied with the available 12V for the original PGBA insert fans.

Connector: / chamber wall / ODU-27-Socket / G83F1C-T27LFD0-0000 (bulkhead / sockets)
PTIM Insert / ODU-27-Pins / S43F1C-T27MFD0-90GP (inline / pins)
Pin 01 / +12VDC FAN0 (sw15) / WONDER – 12V switched by switch 15
Pin 02 / +12VDC FAN1 (sw16) / WONDER – 12V switched by switch 16
Pin 03 / 12RET / WONDER – 12V return for above 12V supply
Pin 04 / +24VDC / sensor power for Humitter-Y or similar
Pin 05 / + 5VDC / optional sensor power
Pin 06 / 24RET / Signal / analog ground to A/D system
Pin 07 / T chamber / Signal from Humitter-Y: 10mV/°C, 0V = -40°C
Pin 08 / rH chamber / Signal from Humitter-Y: 10 mV/%rH, 0V = 0%
Pin 09 / Light sensor / opt. (WONDER/PTIM not providing this signal)
Pin 10 / PP O2 chamber / opt. (WONDER/PTIM not providing this signal)
Pin 11 / +5V WONDER (sw.11) / WONDER CPU power (5V) on switch 11
Pin 12 / 5VReturn / WONDER CPU pwr return (same as pin 06, 25, 27)
Pin 13 / CO2 sensor, green / GMM220 sensor head to sensor PCB cable,

Pin 14 / CO2 sensor, yellow
Pin 15 / CO2 sensor, gray
Pin 16 / CO2 sensor, pink
Pin 17 / CO2 sensor, blue
Pin 18 / CO2 sensor, white
Pin 19 / CO2 sensor, shield
Pin 20 / CO2 sensor, brown
Pin 21 / chassis ground / for PTIM insert / shield termination
Pin 22 / +RS485 / for PTIM communication network
Pin 23 / -RS485
Pin 24 / +video to Video-MUX Ch.4 / PTIM first video signal
Pin 25 / -video Ch.4 (same as pin 27) / (5, 12, 24V and video returns are identical at PGBA)
Pin 26 / +video to Video MUX Ch.5 / PTIM second video signal
Pin 27 / -video Ch.5 (same as pin 25) / (5, 12, 24V and video returns are identical at PGBA)

2.3.4Power Requirements / Thermal Load

Peak 12V Current:

4 Fans (Istartup) = 1.40 A total

3 Pumps (Istartup,stroked at the same time) = 0.54 A total

Total12VPeak = 1.4 + 0.54 = 1.94 A (~ 23 Watts)

Average/Median 12V Current:

4 Fans (Isteadystate) = 0.60 A total

Pumps: Estimate a total of 6.5L throughput = 130,000 pump strokes = 65,000 seconds of pumps being energized (at 2 Hz pump rate). So for an experiment duration of 10 days (conservative), with 6.5 L of throughput, "some" pump will be energized for 65,000 seconds / 864,000 seconds = 7.5% of the time.

This pump draws 170mA of current. So 170 mA * .075 = 0.013 A on average

12V Average: 0.6A + .013 = 0.613 A (~ 7.6 Watts)

12V Median: 0.600 A (~ 7.2 Watts)

Peak 5V Current:

2 Video Boards continually switching through cameras =0.50 A (total peak)

1 Controller Board = 0.05A

1 Moisture Sensor Board Reading all Sensors (40 seconds every ~ 30 min):0.80 A

Total 5V Peak = 0.5 + 0.05 + 0.8 = 1.35A (~ 6.75 Watts)

Average/Median 5V Current:

2 Video Boards continually switching through cameras = 0.40 A

1 Controller Board = 0.05A

Moisture Sensor Boards: Every Hour, all four sensor boards will be read twice (serially), for 10 seconds per board. So, each board consumes 800 mA for 10 seconds. Thats 800 mA for 80 seconds per hour. (80 seconds/hour) / (3600 seconds/hour) = 0.02 = 2% "ON" time.

So the average current would be 800 mA * 0.02 = 0.016 A.

5V Average = 0.4 + 0.05 + .016 = 0.466 A (~ 2.33 Watts)

5V Median = 0.4 + 0.05 = 0.450 A (~ 2.25 Watts)

Power Consumption / Heat Dissipation:

Total Average Power estimate for PTIM = 7.6W + 2.33W = 9.93W

Total Median Power estimate for PTIM = 7.2W + 2.25W = 9.45W

Total Median Power for PTIM at ‘Wet-up’ =15.93 W

For the "wet-up" phase of the experiment, there will be 3 pumps running simultaneously for the first 1 to 1.5 hours. That means the 5V median current will be 0.45A (2.25W) and the 12V median current will be 0.6A (fans) + 0.54A (pumps) = 1.14A (13.68W). So for this first hour, the median PTIM power will be around 13.68W + 2.25W = 15.93W. This first hour will happen on the ground in a lab. From then on, the median PTIM power will drop down to around 9.5W.

2.3.5EMI / EMC

BioServe assessment assumes that the integrated PGBA/PTIM payload EMI signature will not change based on the addition of PTIM (same power usage, components inside metal plant chamber inside metal enclosure shell, Mil-spec conducted EMI filter).

This does not guarantee that PTIM will not be subject to some of the inherent PGBA emissions, that may affect communication or video signal transmission.

While it may be prudent (and more cost effective than an analysis) to retest integrated PGBA/PTIM EMI signature (emissions), it does not appear necessary to retest PGBA susceptibility, as PGBA was already tested for susceptibility at higher levels than necessary, and PTIM is connected to isolated power supplies only. Any EMI testing (emissions, susceptibility) is at Bionetics / Wonder discretion. If retest is deemed necessary, please consult with BioServe regarding test protocols and test setups for a cost-effective and cross-program compatible data collection..

2.4Software Interfaces

The PGBA is currently capable of interfacing with the ISS or STS for telemetry and command functions. Further software development is scheduled for CY2003 to extend telemetry and commanding functions to PTIM for STS operations. This effort could be focused toward ISS based functions at no additional unplanned expense. No Impact. Time is of the Essence.

2.4.1Data Storage

Experiment data is to be stored on the PGBA HDD. This function is internal to payload operation and will not be impacted. No impact.

2.4.2Human Factors

All PGBA labels, colors, displays and physical interfaces have been approved for ISS. The scheduled addition of WONDER experiment displays will require ISS compliance. No Impact.

2.4.3Experiment Environmental Control Operations

The PGBA remains the plant chamber and control system for the experiment. The PGBA environmental control capabilities are somewhat affected by the environment in which it is contained, but the effects due to change of venue are not deemed significant. No Impact.

2.4.4Plant Imaging and Data Collection Operations

All images captured with the PTIM and PGBA cameras are stored to HDD. For this analysis, the duration of the experiment is a maximum of 18 days. The PGBA HDD has adequate storage for this duration. No Impact.

2.4.5Plant Feed and Moisture Sensing Operations

The plant feeding and moisture sensing functions lie within internal payload functions and will not be affected by a change in venue. No Impact.

2.4.6Crew Interaction and Monitoring

It is intended that once the flight crew has installed the WONDER payload into the EXPRESS rack and initiated (continued) the experiment, there would be no need for crew interaction other than a daily status check via the PGBA touch screen. The required time for these operations is no longer than if the experiment were to take place on the orbiter middeck. Since ISS crew time availability is generally less than STS crew time, this leads to a minor impact with minimal course of action.

2.4.7Plant Harvest Operations

In this scenario, plant harvesting would take place on the ground with “living” specimens. This would require a powered payload and thus payload cooling while on the orbiter middeck. The impact of this issue is that the PGBA must have STS middeck cooling capabilities in addition to ISS approved cooling capabilities. Of the options presented in the EXPRESS rack cooling section of this document, only cooling configuration 2 would allow harvest operations on the ground and avoid a waiver for ISS front air cooling.

2.4.8Plant Imaging and Data Collection Operations

WONDER is designed to capture 54 still images at 3 hour intervals. This correlates to approximately 30 MB of archived images per day. Over a 3 month (90 day) period, the required storage space for all images is less than 3 GB. This is within PGBA HDD storage limits for WONDER. No Impact.

Data collected by the PGBA is also stored on the PGBA HDD. The size of this data file is negligible and is not a concern. No Impact.
