Field-Comm to Field Forward

Connection Setup and Communication

About this Manual

This document serves as a guide for setting up your vendors to receive orders using Field Forward. Whether your vendors have been using In-Field Express to receive work or are just coming on board, this document will help you with the setup process and outline exactly what work order information transmits between your Field-Comm system and their Field Forward accounts.


About this Manual 2

1. Creating a Field Forward Account 4

Logging into Field Forward 6

Adding your Client 7

2. Adding your Vendor to Field-Comm 8

Updating your Vendor’s hub Subscriber Id 9

Sending current work to your Vendors 10

3. Orders and Results 11

Memos and Notes 11

Order Completion 11

Conclusion 11

1.  Creating a Field-Forward Account

Your vendors can create their Field Forward accounts quickly and easily by going to Vendors are responsible for creating and paying for their own Field Forward accounts. The cost of Field Forward is currently $35.00/month per user.

Follow or provide your vendor with this account creation process:

To create a Field Forward account, visit in a web browser. Click on “Sign Up” in the top right corner of the page. New users will need to create a main contact for their account. Fill in all required fields and be sure to create a password that includes at least 8 characters, 1 uppercase character and 1 number. Move on to enter your company information by clicking “Continue”.

Under Company Setup, fill in the fields with your company name and information. When you enter your zip code and press the tab button on your keyboard, the City, State, County and Country fields will automatically fill in with the correct info. Move on to select a Field Forward payment plan by clicking “Continue”.

Under Choose Plan, click in one of the available columns to select the plan outlined in that column.

The cost associated with the plan you have selected will appear on the orange authorize button. Click on this button to confirm your selection.

Enter your payment information and click “Pay”. The ‘Authorized, Thank you.” Message will appear when your payment information is verified. Finally, check the box to agree to the Terms and Conditions before clicking “Finish” to complete the account creation process.

Any of your vendors that wish to receive work from you using Field Forward are responsible for creating and paying for their own accounts. The cost of Field Forward is currently $35.00/month per user. As the client, a connection to each of your vendors will have an associated fee of $35.00/month.

Logging into Field Forward

When you return to the main Field Forward page at, you can log into your new account by clicking on “Sign In” at the top right corner of the page. Enter your email address and password and click “Sign In”.

Click on “(forgot password)” if at any time you need to reset your password. If you experience any issues logging in, please contact our support team at (860) 761-0001 or by emailing .

Adding your Client

Once you have successfully logged into your Field Forward account, you will need to add your client’s hub Subscriber ID to establish a connection to them. To do this, navigate to the Integrations section by clicking on “Settings” in the left panel and selecting “Integrations”.

From the Integrations section, click on “Hub”. This page displays your hub Subscriber ID number. Provide this number to your client so that they can update or create the connection on their end and begin to send you work.

Next, click on the “+” button to the right of External Connections to setup a connection to your client. Enter your client’s name and paste their hub Subscriber ID into the External Id field and click “Create”.

At this point, your Field Forward account is ready to receive work from your client.

2.  Adding your Vendor to Field-Comm

When your vendor creates a Field Forward account, they will be able to provide you with a hub Subscriber Id number unique to that account. Whether your vendor has a Vendor record in your Field-Comm system currently or they are just coming on board, the setup process will take place in the Vendors screen. Click on the “Vendors” button on the tool bar at the top to view your vendors in Field-comm. *Skip to the next section if your vendor already exists in your Field-comm system*

To add a new vendor to your system, click on the button at the top of the screen. Select Field-Comm Exchange vendor and click “OK”.

Once your vendor provides you with the hub Subscriber Id number associated with their Field Forward account, you will paste that number into the Subscriber Id field of the window shown below.

When prompted to enable communication with your vendor, click “Yes”. Save & Close the Vendors screen to complete the setup process.

Updating Your Vendor’s hub Subscriber Id

In the case that your vendor has already been added to your Field-Comm system, you will need to update their hub Subscriber Id number. First, find your vendor’s name in the list of vendors on the left side of the Vendors screen. Select the vendor’s name and click on “Map to Field-Comm Exchange Services Directory…”.

Clicking on this button will display the Exchange Services Directory window where you can paste your vendor’s Field Forward hub Subscriber Id.

Save & Close the Vendors screen to complete the setup process.

Sending current work to your VendorAfter updating your vendor’s Hub subscriber Id, you may wish to resend all of the order that were currently being worked on so that the vendor can view and complete those orders in their Field Forward account. You can easily view a list of these open orders for each vendor by running a search in the Order Search screen. Below is a screen shot of a search for all New, In Field, Follow Up and HOLD status orders for a specific vendor.For orders with a status of New Order or In Field, you can simply select those orders and use the Batch Function ‘Send To Field’. The next time the Exchange runs, those orders will be sent to the vendor’s Field Forward account. As for orders with a status other than New Order or In Field, you will first need to set the status of the orders back to New Order or In Field before marking them to be sent. This can also be done using the Batch Functions as shown below.

3.  Orders and Results

Whether a vendor uses Field-Comm, In-Field Express or Field Forward, sending orders to that vendor will be done using the same process. Assigning the orders to the vendor, marking the orders to be sent and running a “Send” in the Exchange screen will send the orders to the vendor. When it comes to receiving results on these orders, you need to be aware of a few slight differences between results submitted by a vendor using Field Forward rather than Field-Comm or In-Field Express.

Property Condition reports, Inspection reports and other report forms submitted via Field Forward will show up in the Documents folder along with any other document file attachments. The Documents folder is located in the Filing Cabinet of the order in your Field-Comm system. Photo attachments submitted from Field Forward will show up in the Photos folder of the Filing Cabinet as expected.

Memos and Notes

In Field-Comm, Memos will appear and behave normally. Users will be able to communicate with vendors on Field Forward using Memos and the vendors will be able to see and respond to those Memos from the order in Field Forward. The main difference here is that Memos will appear as Notes in the Notes tab of the order in Field Forward. From the Notes tab of the order the vendor can add a new Note, unmark the Note as “Private” and save it. The Note will then attach to the order in Field-Comm as an Order Memo the next time a “Receive” Exchange occurs.

Order Completion

In In-Field Express, the vendor must Save & Submit the order before the order’s forms and document attachments will travel up to the office. In Field Forward, work order lines display as tasks and all tasks must be marked as Complete by the vendor before forms travel up. The same is true of the order’s Completion Date. Only when all of the tasks of the order have been marked as Complete by the vendor will the form and Completion Date be sent to the office. The vendor can send any Document or Photo attachment they choose at any point in time.


Thank you for reviewing this manual; we hope that you have found it helpful. If you have any questions about using the Field Forward website, please call the East Point Systems Training line at

860-761-0001 ext 2 or send an email to us at .

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