January 2014 IEEE P802-15-14-0106-00-007a

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / IEEE 802.15.SG7a OCC SG Meeting Minutes
Date Submitted / [22 January 2014]
Source / [Yeong Min Jang, Yu Zeng]
[Kookmin University, China Telecom] / Voice: [+82-2-910-5068,
E-mail: [,

Re: / Draft PAR for IEEE 802.15.SG7a Optical Camera Communication
Abstract / Meeting minutes for the January Interim.
Purpose / Meeting minutes
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Minutes for IEEE 802.15.SG7a Study Group

January Interim Meeting

19-24 January 2014

1. / January 2014 meeting: 4 Sessions (Mon. PM1, PM2 and Tue. PM1,PM2)
2. / Attendance: 10 attendees (Mon PM1), 9 attendees (Mon PM2), 25 attendees (Tue. PM1), 15 attendees (Tue PM2)
3. / Relative Documents:
1 / Monday PM1
1.1 / MEETING CALLED TO ORDER / Yeong Min Jang / 0
1.2 / Welcome / sign-in sheet / patent policy / Yeong Min Jang / 2
1.3 / Meeting Objectives and Minutes Approval / Yeong Min Jang / 3
1.4 / Call for Contributions and Agenda Approval / Yeong Min Jang / 10
1.5 / Contribution 1 - Draft PAR for OCC (15-14-0040-00-007a) / Yeong Min Jang / 60

Item 1.1: Meeting called to order by chair, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University) at 13:30.

Item 1.2: Chair went through P&P and Patent slides. No objections or raised hands noted.

Item 1.3: Motion to approve meeting minutes, approved unanimously.

Item 1.4: Chair called for contributions and agenda.

Item 1.5: Chair went through Draft PAR for OCC (15-14-0040-00-007a) and approved unanimously.

2 / Monday PM2
2.1 / MEETING CALLED TO ORDER / Yeong Min Jang / 0
2.2 / Welcome / sign-in sheet / patent policy / Yeong Min Jang / 2
2.3 / Meeting Objectives and Minutes Approval / Yeong Min Jang / 3
2.4 / Call for Contributions and Agenda Approval / Yeong Min Jang / 10
2.5 / Contribution 2 - Draft 5C for OCC (15-14-0039-00-007a) / Yeong Min Jang / 30
2.6 / Contribution 3- OCC Proposal of Scope of standardization and applications] (15-14-0037-00-007a) / Yuji Naito / 60

Item 2.1: Meeting called to order by chair, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University).

Item 2.2: Chair went through P&P and Patent slides. No objections or raised hands noted.

Item 2.3: Motion to approve meeting minutes, approved unanimously.

Item2.4: Chair called for contributions and agenda.

Item 2.5: Chair went through Draft 5C for OCC (15-14-0039-00-007a) and approved unanimously.

Item 2.6: Mr. Yuji Naito (Casio) presented OCC Proposal of Scope of standardization and applications (15-14-0037-00-007a).

3 / Tuesday PM1
3.1 / MEETING CALLED TO ORDER / Yeong Min Jang / 0
3.2 / Welcome / sign-in sheet / patent policy / Yeong Min Jang / 2
3.3 / Meeting Objectives and Minutes Approval / Yeong Min Jang / 3
3.4 / More discussion about the second draft PAR and 5C / Yeong Min Jang / 20
3.5 / Contribution 4- Synchronization and Flickering Issues of OCC (15-14-0041-00-007a) / Yeong Min Jang / 20
3.6 / Contribution 5- Technical Issues for MIMO OCC (15-14-0042-00-007a) / Yeong Min Jang / 20
3.7 / Contribution 6- Technical Topics for LED-based OCC (15-14-0XXX-00-007a) / Jaesang Cha / 30

Item 3.1: Meeting called to order by chair, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University) at 13:30.

Item 3.2: Chair went through P&P and Patent slides. No objections or raised hands noted.

Item 3.3: Motion to approve meeting minutes, approved unanimously.

Item3.4: Chair went through draft PAR and 5C (15-14-0039-00-007a), corrections made to the original draft.

Item 3.5: Chair presented Contribution 4- Synchronization and Flickering Issues of OCC (15-14-0041-00-007a).

Item 3.6: Chair presented Contribution 5- Technical Issues for MIMO OCC (15-14-0042-00-007a).

Item 3.7: Prof. Jaesang Cha (Seoul National University of Science & Technology) presented Contribution 6- Technical Topics for LED-based OCC (15-14-0XXX-00-007a).

4 / Tuesday PM2
4.1 / MEETING CALLED TO ORDER / Yeong Min Jang / 0
4.2 / Welcome / sign-in sheet / patent policy / Yeong Min Jang / 2
4.3 / Meeting Objectives and Minutes Approval / Yeong Min Jang / 3
4.4 / Call for Contributions and Agenda Approval / Yeong Min Jang / 3
4.5 / More discussion about the second Draft PAR and 5C / Yeong Min Jang / 30
4.6 / Discussion about Call for Applications / Yeong Min Jang / 10
4.7 / Discussion about Officer(Vice Chair and Secretary) / Yeong Min Jang / 20
4.8 / Plan for March Meeting / Yeong Min Jang / 10
4.9 / Straw Poll / 10

Item 4.1: Meeting called to order by chair, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University).

Item 4.2: Chair went through P&P and Patent slides. No objections or raised hands noted.

Item 4.3: Motion to approve meeting minutes, approved unanimously.

Item4.4: Chair called for contributions and agenda.

Item 4.5: Chair went through Draft 5C for OCC (15-14-0039-00-007a).

Item 4.6: Chair suggested call for applications from potential academia, industry companies and smart device manufacturers.

Item 4.7: The chair asked for a secretary, Yu Zeng (China Telecom) volunteered.

Item 4.8: Chair suggested submit PAR and 5C in March meeting and call more participations of OCC applications.

Item 4.9: Hearing no objections, meeting is adjourned by Chair at 18:00.

SG7a OCC Minutes Los Angeles Jan 2014 Page XXX Yu Zeng, China Telecom