Twist and Shout!
Musical and physical activities for the general education classroom
Rebecca Ludwig
CurtisBay Elementary #207
1. Noun/verb/adverb- In this activity, the students will create alliteration with a noun, verb, and an adverb. They act out the phrase, and the class tries to guess what the words are.
- PE-movement as action/locomotor
- Language Arts-Parts of speech
2. Paper plates/index cards abound! Students pick up 2 paper plates or index cards and move to the steady beat, following the teacher or a student leader. Some of the Open Court and other reading series have songs that go with stories. This is a good time to let the class get up and do a stationary movement activity!
- PE-Steady non-locomotor movement
3. The students will learn the continents of the world by moving to and chanting
“The Continent Chant”:
As-ia, Af-ri-ca,
North-A-mer-i-ca, South-A-mer-i-ca
Eur-ope and Ant-arct-ic-a
Aaaaaaand Au-stra-li-a!!
Cross-curricular connections:
- Geography: Continents-can tie in to locations on the map.
- PE- locomotor movement
- Language Arts-Syllables, pacing of words, counting syllables
4. Book-“Tikki Tikki Tembo” is the story of two boys who, through mishaps, learn an important lesson. This technique of adding sound effects can be used for any story. Just pull out a few reoccurring words from the text and create sound effects that fit the story (see story text at the end of the packet).
5. “The Preposition Song” is an excellent way to teach prepositions to students. Students will place words in alphabetical (ABC) order, and then raise their word when it comes in the song.
“The Preposition Song” to the tune of “Jingle Bells”
about , above, after, against, along, among, around, at
before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by
down, during, for, from, in, into, like, near, of, off, on
over, through, to, toward, under, until, with, within, without
Tikki Tikki Tembo
Sound effects
Tikki=Sing or chant
Well= Ohhhhhhh (a la Snow White)
Run= slap thighs with hands
Tikki Tikki Tembo
A chain tale from China
recalled by
D. L. Ashliman
Once upon a time in faraway China there lived two brothers, one named Chang, and one named Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo.
Now one day the two brothers were playing near the well in their garden when Chang fell into the well, and Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo ran to his mother, shouting, "Quick, Chang has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"What?" cried Mother, “Chang has fallen into the well? Run and tell Father!"
Together they ran to Father and cried, "Quick, Chang has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
“Chang has fallen into the well?" cried Father. "Run and tell the gardener!"
Then they all ran to the gardener and shouted, "Quick, Chang has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"Chang has fallen into the well?" cried the gardener, and then he quickly fetched a ladder and pulled the poor boy from the well. He was wet and cold and frightened, and ever so happy to still be alive.
Some time afterward the two brothers were again playing near the well, and this time Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo fell into the well, and Chang ran to his mother, shouting, "Quick, Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"What?" cried Mother; Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo has fallen into the well?” “Run and tell Father!"
Together they ran to Father and cried, "Quick, Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo has fallen into the well?" cried Father. "Run and tell the gardener!"
Then they all ran to the gardener and shouted, "Quick, Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo has fallen into the well. What shall we do?"
"Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo has fallen into the well?" cried the gardener, and then he quickly fetched a ladder and Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cheri Beri Roochie Pip Perry Pem Bo from the well. He was wet and cold and frightened, and ever so happy to still be alive. The poor boy promised Mother and Father that he would never disobey them ever again.
And from that time forth, the Chinese have given their children short names.
Curriculum Integration in Physical Education
Lisa Michael
Vocabulary Virus:
Select two students to be a virus and three students to be doctors. Explain how virus’ spread (that they are live germs that infect anyone in close contact).
The only way you may get better is to stay in bed until the doctor feels you are healthy enough to go back to school. While the students are sick in bed they must study for their spelling test that they will have to take when returning to school. The doctor will be able to tell if you are feeling better by how well you can spell your vocabulary words.
Once a virus has touched someone they must remain still to rest their weary body (raising their hand when they feel they are ready for a doctor visit). The doctor will visit and examine the students mind by asking the sick patient how to spell the word given to them by the virus.
If the patient spells the word correctly they may return to the activity.
If the patient spells incorrectly, they must stay in bed until another doctor comes to visit. This gives the student time to restudy the word.
When the second doctor visits, if the patient is still having problems the doctor’s may have to help. He helps with some vocabulary medicine: having the student spell the word 2x’s, sounding the word out.
Sometimes the master doctor must come to the rescue (the teacher). After three minutes, call all the students back into the circle, the viruses and doctors select other students to replace them that have had a great day in class.
Clothespin Scrabble Tag:
Place a hoop on each corner of a basketball court. Have students count off by 4’s. Give each number a hoop to go to. With 98 clothespins, you will have to figure equal amounts of pins for each student.
Example: 24 students, 4 groups of 6 students = 4 pins each (24 in each hoop). If you color code the pins in respect to your hoops it makes it easier for the students to know not to take from their own team. Have the students place the pins on their teammates’ lower back part of the shirt/pinnies (waist level). On the signal, each team will try to take the other teams pins. Rule: you may not grab a person to retrieve a pin!!! Once the student gets a pin they place the pins on the front on their shirt.
Grabbing a persons pin off the front is off limits =immediate dismissal from the game. After 2 minutes, the teams meet back at their hoops and place all the pins in the hoop. The teacher will state the task such as:
- States or capitals with six letters in their names
- States that begin with a vowel
- Countries, presidents, sports/health concepts, muscle/bones
- Spelling word, etc.
- Science facts
- Math concepts
After 3-4 minutes, have the teams total up their letters in the words they made. The team with the highest number wins.
To make game = 100 clothespins, scrabble values list.
Letter values to be placed on pins. Example: 9 pins with the letter A on them. Having more vowels insures that the students will be able to have an easier time making words. You may double the vowels amount of pins, or just add more of all letters.
A – 9H-2O-8V-2
Make 4 laminated point sheets: Points earned for letters used in task performed.
A=1B=2C= 1D=3
O, if a team list their clothespins to spell out a state with six letters like Hawaii = 3+1+5+1+1+1=12 points earned. Students will quickly realize what letters get the most points!!!!
Even/Odd Game:
Have the students get into pairs facing each other across the longer part of the gymnasium. Select one side to be odd and other side to be even. The students will place their hands into a fist. Example: Paper, Rock, and Scissor game. On the count of 3, the students will begin throwing out up to five fingers/thumb. At this time, the students tally their total. If the answer is even, the even student runs to the line behind them. The odd person chases the even student to the line. If the even student reaches the line before being tagged, she receives a point. If the odd student tags the even person before they reach the line, they receive a point, and vice versa.
Use of 2 hands
Circles Go 'Round and 'Round
Jennifer Fixman
Listen to this song.
This song is available on Jennifer Fixman's We Love Math with Miss Jenny.
One, two, a cow says ‘moo’
Three, four, a lion roars
Five, six, a monkey does tricks
Seven, eight, birds sitting on the gate
Nine, ten, a big fat hen
Start to count all over again!
Sight Words
Teaching 4-Letter Sight Words
Ron Brown
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and sing them.
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and read them.
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and sing them.
Sight words.
March 1 2 3 4
more this long most
many call know over
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and sing them.
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and read them.
only than find what
from just time when
Sight words. / Track with Open Words
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and sing them.
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and read them.
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and sing them.
Sight words.
March 1 2 3 4
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and sing them.
Sight words.
It’s fun to march and read them.
Sight words.
TWIST AND SHOUT!!! Using Music and Physical Education in the General Education Classroom
Presenters: Sena Robinson, Music
Rebecca Ludwig, Music
Lisa Michaels, Physical Education
Use a song to teach shapes and numbers
GradeK (can be used in PreK as well)
“Circles go ‘round and ‘round”
Counting song with pictures
VSC K.2.A.1.c Identify triangles, circles and squares
K.6.A.1.h Count to 31
(PK2A.1.c. Match triangles, circles, and squares
PK2A.1.d. Identify triangles, circles, and squares in the environment)
Objective: Students will show their understanding of shapes by forming shapes, and identify them in the classroom. They will sing “Circles go ‘round and ‘round.” Students will also learn to count from one through ten by singing a “Counting Song.”
- The teacher holds up the shape of a circle. Students are asked “What shape is this?”
- Student are asked to form a circle—teacher assists. If the class is large, form 2 circles;
- Teacher sings simple melody that describes the properties of a circle, as the students march around the space in a circle;
- A few students are asked to find things around the room that are in the shape of a circle. Extension: use circles to draw things such as a snowman, themselves etc…
- The teacher then holds up another shape and follows the same procedure for a circle;
- The teacher may introduce 2 or 3 shapes per lesson. In another lesson, the students may combine shapes to draw various things, such as a triangle and square to draw a school;
- Counting songs: The song is included. The teacher will sing the song. As the teacher sings, he/she will hold up the appropriate number card with pictures of the animals. As students learn the song, just show the numbers—numeral and written.
Learning Words With The Same Ending
Grade K
Flash cards with the hat, cat, fat, top, hop, mop, dog, log, hog
VSC Check open court curriculum: blend sound and syllables to form words (3c)
Objective: Students will learn words with the same ending by singing “I can’t spell Hippopotamus.”
- Teacher will review the blend of a-t. Different consonants will be added to the beginning of the blend; ex. m-a-t. Teacher sings the song and changes the 1st consonant.
- The same will be done with o-p, and o-g.
Using Music to Teach Sight Words
Grade K (can be adopted for grade 1)
Song/rap “Sight words”
Cards with the sight words—the, a, he, I
Objective: Studentswill identify sight words through singing and moving.
- Teacher assists students in lining up in pairs. They begin to step in time;
- Teacher begins to sing “sight words” and students echo sing. Teacher repeats until students are comfortable with it;
- Teacher then says the words and the students repeat it. Teacher then says the words, show the flashcard with the word, and students repeat it.
Grade PreK
VSC: PK6.PE.2.a. Identify body parts and explore how they move.
Objective: Students will body parts through singing and moving to the song “Hokey Pokey.”
One and two syllable words
Grade One
VSC Check open court curriculum
Lists of 1 and 2 syllable words
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of 1 and 2 syllable words by reciting them.
- Teacher review the difference between one and two syllable words—one sound or two sounds;
- Students are asked to form a circle—either stand or sit on the carpet;
- The teacher begins to tap the steady beat on his/her thighs. Teachers counts to 4 and asks each child in the circle to say a 1 syllable word;
- Teacher repeats the process for 2 syllable words.
(Other songs that can be used for general skills are Hokey Pokey, and Circle ‘round the Zero)
If you would like more information, please e-mail Mrs. Sena Robinson at
1, 2 MOO!3, 4, ROARS
9, 10
Many All
Other Call