1.TITLE:Analyse the dynamics of different interactive styles in client relationships


2.UNIT STANDARD NUMBER:242585 replaces14522


4.CREDITS:3 changed on review

5.FIELD:Business, Commerce and Management Studies

Sub Field:Finance, Economics and Accounting


This Unit Standard empowers learners to use knowledge of their own behaviour in creating sustainable client relationships. It provides space for learners to explore their own and clients’ interactive styles and to accommodate their behaviour to that of the client. It will be useful for learners who are in positions where they interact with both internal and external clients including, but not limited to, Intermediaries, Managers, Human Resource Practitioners, Broker Consultants, Call Centre Staff, Support Staff, Account Executives, Fund Managers and learners in Client Relations.

The qualifying learner is capable of:

  • Analysing interactive styles in managing interactions with people in different situations.
  • Exploring the basic principles of a client centered relationship.
  • Applying a selected behaviour/interactivestyle model to a specific client relationship.


It is assumed that learners are competent in Communication at NQF Level 4.


Specific Outcome 1:Analyse interactive styles in managing interactions with people in different situations

Assessment Criteria:

1.1Personal interactions with people in different situations are analysed and the appropriateness of the learner’s own response in each situation is interpreted based on personal reflection.

1.2Strategies to manage responses are suggested for different predictable and unpredictable scenarios.

1.3The chain reactions that emanate from specific interactivestyles are explored and an indication is given of the impact of negative and positive interactions.

Specific Outcome 2:Explore the basic principles of a client centered relationship

Assessment Criteria:

2.1The fundamentals of sustainable client centered relationships are researched and applied to aspecific work environment.

2.2A strategy to ensure sustainable client relationships is proposed that is consistentwith a selected work environment.

2.3The dynamics between personal, corporate and client values are explained with reference to the implications for client relationships.

Specific Outcome 3:Apply a selected behaviour/interactive style model to a specific client relationship

Assessment Criteria:

3.1Different models of interactive style/behaviour are researched and compared in terms of their theories of people interaction.

3.2A model of behavioural/interactive style is selected and applied to a specific client relationship.

3.3An individual behavior/interactive style is adapted to different client behavioural/inter active styles and different scenarios.


  1. Anyone assessing a candidate against this Unit Standard must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA or ETQA where a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) exists with the relevant ETQA.
  2. Any institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this Unit Standard must be accredited as a provider through the relevant ETQA or ETQA where a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) exists with the relevant ETQA.
  3. Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the moderation guidelines and the agreed ETQA procedures.

The typical scope of this Unit Standard is:

  • A selected work environment refers to the learner’s own work environment.
  • Clients may be internal or external.



This Unit Standard supports in particular, the following Critical Cross-field Outcomes at NQF Level 5:

  1. The learner is able to identify and solve problems in which responses show that responsible decisions using critical thinking have been made reflecting on own behaviour, proposing a strategy to sustain client relations and applying a selected model of behaviour/interactive style to a specific client relationship.
  2. The learner is able to collect, organise and critically evaluate information in researching the fundamentals of sustainable client relationships and models of behavioural/interactive style.
  3. The learner is able to organise and manage him/herself and his/her activities responsibly in analysing own interactions with people and the appropriateness of own responses in a variety of situations with a view to managing interpersonal relationships.
  4. The learner is able to communicate effectively in demonstrating strategies to manage responses and in presenting the findings of the required research.
  5. The learner is able to demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems understanding how personal behavioural/interactive style impacts on relationships in different scenarios.
  6. The learner is able to work as a member of a team by managing own personal behavioural/interactivestyle and using strategies to ensure sustainable client relationships.

Search words:interactive style, behavioural style, personality style, social style, DISK


L5 Personal interactive style: 18 June 2006