Music: Talk dirty to Me by Tahlia Wittman, C.D.-Reckless Side of Me
Choreographed by Sue Fisher & Margaret Warren, Tasmania, April 09
64 Beat, 2Wall, Intermediate Line Dance, 2 Restarts Start Dance after 3 Beats, just before vocals
Beats Description
¼ Touch, Back Touch, ¼ Touch, Fwd Touch
1,2,3,4 Turn ¼ L step R to side, touch L beside R, step back on L turning ¼ R, touch R beside L
5,6,7,8 Turn ¼ R step R to side, touch L beside R, turn ¼ L step fwd on L, touch R beside L
(option-clap on touches) (12.00)
Kick Ball Point, Cross Point, Kick Ball Point, ½ Turn Pivot
1&2,3,4 Kick R fwd, step beside L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side
5&6,7,8 Kick R fwd, step beside L, point L to side, step fwd on L, pivot ½ R (weight on R)(6.00)
Toe Strut, Rock Replace, Side, Behind, ½ Turn Scuff
1,2,3,4# L toe strut to side, rock R behind L, replace on L 5,6,7,8 Step R to side, step L behind R, turn ¼ R step fwd on R, turn ¼ R scuff L to side (12.00)
Toe Strut, Rock Replace, Side, Behind, ¼ R Turn Fwd, Hold,
1,2,3,4 L toe strut to side, rock R behind L, replace on L
5,6,7,8 Step R to side, step L behind R, turning ¼ R step fwd on R, hold (3.00)
L Heel, Hook, Heel Strut, R Heel, Hook, Heel Strut
1,2,3,4 L heel fwd to 45dg, hook L in front of R, L heel toe strut fwd 5,6,7,8 R heel fwd to 45dg, hook R in front of L, R heel toe strut fwd (3.00)
Fwd Rock, Lift, Step, Kick, Back L, R, L, Point
1,2,3,4 Rock fwd on L, flick R behind L, step on R behind L , kick L fwd,
5,6*7,8 Step back L, R,* L (small running steps) point R to side (3.00)
¼ Turn Reggae, Fwd, Replace, Side, Replace
1,2,3,4 Cross R over L, turn ¼ R stepping back on L, step R to side, step L beside R
5,6,7,8 Rock fwd on R, replace on L, rock R to side, replace on L (6.00)
Fwd On R, Pivot ½ L, Toe Strut, Fwd On L, Pivot ½ R, Toe Strut
1,2,3,4 Step fwd on R, pivot ½ turn L, R toe heel strut fwd
5,6,7,8 Step fwd on L, pivot ½ turn R, L toe heel strut fwd (6.00)
64 Repeat
Restarts On wall 2, dance to beat 46* turn ¼ R step on L, point R to R side (restart at front) On wall 5, Repeat above (restart at back)
To finish dance at front, Dance to beat 20# then step R to side, L behind R, Big step to R, drag L & stomp beside R