RISK ASSESSMENT No / RA019-C / Page 1 of 2
Workplace Noise (Sites and Branches) / 
Thornliebank Industrial Estate Glasgow G46 8JW
Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111
Various site locations and Branch workshops
Those at Risk / Y/N / Comments - enter names or general groups
Star Employees:
Other workers:
General Public: / Y
N / Service/maintenance and installation engineers.


1.  Noise - at levels above the HSE 's lower or upper action level of 80dB(A) and 85dB(A) and lower or upper peak sound pressure action values of 135 and 137 dB(C) which may lead to noise induced hearing loss.

The main noise sources identified on sites and in branch workshops are:

a.  One or more compressors running within a plant room

b.  Grinding.

c.  Release of OFN during pressure testing.

d.  Work with or in the vicinity of cartridge tools.

2.  Unaware of surrounding activities due to wearing hearing protection e.g. refrigerant leak detection, vehicle movements.

Control Measures (existing or planned)

Control / Details
PPE: / Hearing Protection to EN-352. The following are approved for use:
·  Peltor Optime II
·  Uvex Laser Lite.
Semi-inserts or ear caps
·  Not approved
Information, Instruction, and Training / Avoid exposure to noise (if possible) e.g.
·  By turning plant off
·  By using a saw rather than grinding, etc.
·  By releasing OFN slowly
·  Reprogram work to avoid working near noisy activities
Everyone shall wear ear protection:
·  In marked hearing protection zones
·  In plant rooms when any compressor is running
·  Whilst grinding or working in close proximity to grinding operations
·  Whilst using cartridge tools or working in close proximity to cartridge tool operations
·  In any other noisy workplace where it is difficult to hear normal speech at 2m away
Remove hearing protection when leaving noisy area, particularly where vehicles operate.
Store ear protection safely and keep it clean.
Ask your manager to replace damaged hearing protection.
Periodically attend audiometry testing if requested to do so by your manager.
Wear protection correctly and do not tamper with it, as this may reduce its effectiveness

Control Measures Continued

Control / Details
Supervision: / Branch managers will:
·  Maintain stocks of hearing protection.
·  Provide appropriate training in the use, fitting and maintenance of hearing protection.
·  Monitor all "at risk" staff by periodic audiometric testing and maintain records for 40 years.
·  Monitor and enforce the wearing of protection where necessary.
Procedures, documents etc / An assessment of workplace noise was carried out by The Engineering Employers Federation in 2001. They highlighted:
·  Excessive noise levels in all the surveyed plant rooms when one or more compressors were running.
Another assessment of workplace noise was carried out by TTS environmental Ltd on 2nd September 1998. They highlighted:
·  Excessive noise levels during grinding operations.
Low frequency noise dominates in plant rooms and high frequency noise dominates in grinding thus ear protection is selected with this in mind.

Risk Evaluation of Identified Hazards

Likelihood / Highly unlikely = 1 / Unlikely = 2 / Likely = 3
Severity / Slightly harmful = 1 / Harmful = 2 / Extremely harmful = 3
(Likelihood x Severity = Risk level) 1 = Trivial, 2 = Tolerable, 3-4 = Moderate, 6 = Substantial, 9 = Intolerable
Identified Hazards (base scores on existing or planned control measures) / Triv' / Tol' / Mod' / Sub' / Int'
1.  Noise 3x1
2.  Unaware of surrounding activities due to wearing hearing protection 1x2
/ 3

Note: Moderate scores; Thought should be given to reducing risk, but the cost and time requirements of prevention

should be carefully considered and limited.

Substantial: Work should not be started until the risk has been reduced, for work in progress, urgent

action is required. Considerable resources may have to be allocated.

Intolerable: If unlimited resources cannot reduce risk, work will be prohibited.

Is risk adequately controlled using the above control measures Y/N / YES / If "NO" State further action required
State further action required:

Note : This risk assessment is only valid when all control measures are in place before the work or activity commences and will be reviewed 16/09/2013 or earlier if the nature of the work changes or there is a dangerous occurrence.

Assessor: / C Haslam / (Sign) C. Haslam / Date 16/9/2008