Chapter Three

Move-In Procedures

This section focuses on Tax Credit and Market move-in procedures. For Tax Credit move-ins, once the Applicant’s income level has been verified and approved by the compliance department, the application process can proceed. The application must be approved before completing the move-in.

When preparing to move-in a Resident, ensure that the new Resident has completed all TIC information (Tax Credit only) and signed all documents. On the day of move-in, collect the appropriate rent amount and any additional deposits as required.

In This Chapter

Executing the Lease 2

Adjust Move-In Dates 5

Reassigning a Unit 10

Canceling a Scheduled Move-In 15

Calculating Prorated Rental Amounts 17

Completing, Printing and Sealing the TIC (Tax Credit Only) 19

Printing the Lease (Tax Credit Only) 25

Completing the Move-In 29

Reversing a Move-In 32

Executing the Lease

IMPORTANT: Completing the “Execute Lease” function only changes the status of the Applicant from “Applicant” to “Future Resident.” The status of “Future Resident” does not indicate that the move-in is complete. The “Move In” step must be completed in order to make the resident “Current.”

To Execute the Approved Applicant’s lease, enter the Applicant’s last name in the “Search” field within the “People Search” tab on the dashboard.

Click “Search.”

Review the names which are listed as the results of the Person Search and click the name of the approved Applicant for whom the lease will be executed.

The Approved Applicant’s Prospect Guest Card will be displayed.

NOTE: The “Lease Doc” button within the Prospect Guest Card will not provide access to the corresponding printable Tax Credit lease. Refer to the section “Printing the Lease (Tax Credit Only)”on Page 23 for instructions on printing the Tax Credit lease.

Click the “Execute Lease” button.

A confirmation box will be displayed.

The “Date” automatically defaults to the current date. Select the appropriate “Agent.”

Click “Save.”

A confirmation message asking, “Do you wish to execute this lease” will be displayed.

Click “OK.”

The Resident screen will be displayed.

The Status has now changed to “Future.”

Adjust Move-In Dates

If the future Resident decides to change their move-in date after the lease has been executed, use the “Adjust Move In Dates” function.

To access the “Adjust Move In Dates” function, perform a Resident search by clicking on “Residents” on the Voyager toolbar and selecting “Find Resident.”

The Resident filter screen will be displayed.

Complete the following fields within the Resident filter:

·  Property – Leave as defaulted or, for users with access to multiple properties, enter the property code for the property into which the Future Resident will move.

·  Unit – Leave this field blank.

·  Resident – Leave this field blank.

·  Name – Enter the last name of the Future Resident.

·  Telephone Nos. – Leave this field blank.

·  Status – Select “Future.”

·  Lease Expires -to- – Leave these fields blank.

·  Notes – Leave this field blank.

Click “Submit.”

Voyager will list all corresponding results on the left-hand side, defaulting to the Resident page for the first result on the list. Review the name(s) which are listed as the result of the Person Search and, if more than one result appears, click the name of the desired Future Resident.

The Resident Record screen will be displayed.

From the Resident screen, click on “Adjust Move In Dates” located within the “Functions” section.

The Adjust Move In Dates screen will be displayed.

Complete the following fields within the Lease Dates section of the Adjust Move In Dates screen (Navigate from field to field with the <TAB> key.):

·  Move In Date – Record the new move in date for the Resident.

·  Lease From Date – Record the new Lease From date for the Resident.

·  Term (# of months) – Enter the number of months the lease term lasts.

·  Lease To Date – Verify the lease to date is correct.

Click “Post.”

The Resident will be displayed.

Tax Credit Only: A confirmation message will be displayed stating, “Dates have been adjusted. TIC’s Date Completed field has been cleared. Please review the TIC.”

IMPORTANT: The Lease Agreement MUST be reprinted when any changes are made to the “Lease From Date” or the “Lease To Date” information.

Reassigning a Unit

If the Future Resident decides to move into a different unit after the lease has been executed, it is possible to assign a new unit using the “Assign Unit” function.

To access the “Assign Unit” function, navigate to the appropriate Future Resident record via a Resident search (shown on Page 5).

From the Resident screen, click on “Assign Unit” located within the “Functions” section.

The Assign Unit screen will be displayed.

Click on “New Unit.”

The NewUnit pop-up screen will be displayed.

Select the corresponding unit which will be assigned to the Future Resident.

NOTE: The “Available units only” check box is defaulted to being selected to ensure that only available units show up based on the lease terms of the Future Resident.

Click “OK.”

The Assign Unit screen will be displayed.

The New Unit field is now populated with the new unit to which the Future Resident will be assigned.

Click “Post.”

The Resident screen will be displayed.

A confirmation message will be displayed stating, “Resident Rent and Prospect Rent have been updated to the New Unit Rent.”

IMPORTANT: The Lease Agreement MUST be reprinted when any changes are made to the unit selection.

Canceling a Scheduled Move-In

It is possible to cancel a scheduled move-in if the Future Resident decides not to live in the unit after the Lease is executed.

To cancel the scheduled move-in, navigate to the appropriate Future Resident record via a Resident search (shown on Page 5).

Click “Cancel Move In” within the “Functions” section of the Resident screen.

The Cancel Future Move In screen will be displayed.

Complete the following fields within the Cancel Future Move In screen:

·  Property – Leave as defaulted.

·  Unit – Leave this field blank.

·  Resident – Leave as defaulted.

·  Cancel Date – Enter the date on which the cancellation notice was given.

·  Reason – Select a reason for the cancellation.

·  Agent – Select the agent who received the cancellation notice.

Click “Submit.”

The Future Resident has been canceled and Voyager will automatically return to the Dashboard.

Calculating Prorated Rental Amounts

Prior to quoting a Future Resident a move-in or move-out prorated rental amount, use the Voyager Proration Calculator to calculate the total.

WARNING: Always use this function instead of a personal calculator to guarantee the accuracy of any amount.

To access the Proration Calculator, click on the “Proration Calc” link on the Voyager Toolbar.

The Proration Calculator will be displayed.

Complete the following fields within the Proration Calculator:

·  Type – Select “Move In” or “Move Out” from the drop down menu.

·  Date – Enter the date of either the Move In or Move Out.

NOTE: The system defaults to the current date.

·  Amount – Enter the total dollar amount to be charged on a monthly basis. This amount must include all monthly pet fees, garage fees, etc. This amount should not include any deposits or one-time charges.

·  Prorated Amount – This total will be calculated automatically by the software when the “Calc” button is clicked.

When all fields are complete, click the “Calc” button to calculate the prorated rental amount. To print, right-click within the Proration Calculator and select “Print.”

Completing, Printing and Sealing the TIC (Tax Credit Only)

Before moving in a Future Resident, the TIC must be thoroughly reviewed for accuracy, printed, signed and sealed (i.e., a date of completion must be entered and saved). To access the TIC, navigate to the appropriate Future Resident record via a Resident search (shown on Page 5).

The Resident record will be displayed.

Click “MI” under the “Cert Type” column within the Tax Credit Data section of the Resident record.

The Tax Credit screen will be displayed.

IMPORTANT: Subsidy (Voucher) Procedures – For subsidy voucher holders, ensure that the Tenant Rent and Subsidy (Voucher) fields are updated to accurately reflect the respective Resident & Subsidy portions of the Total Rent and click “Save.”

EXAMPLE: If a Future Resident will be receiving $300.00 in monthly subsidy, subtract $300.00 from the default amount in the “Tenant Rent” field and enter $300 in the “Subsidy” field. Click “Save” after the changes have been made.

Once the Tax Credit data has been thoroughly reviewed, the TIC may then be printed. To print the TIC, click the drop-down box under “Reports” and select “NCSHA TIC.”

Click “Go.”

The Tenant Income Certification (TIC) will be displayed in Adobe PDF format.

Review the TIC information and verify that the appropriate boxes are checked depending on the program to which the Resident subscribes.

To print, click the printer icon located in the upper left corner of the Adobe Acrobat toolbar.

The Print screen will be displayed.

Confirm the Name of the printer to which the TIC will be sent and click “OK.”

Close the TIC screen to return to the Resident screen.

The Resident screen will be displayed.

Prior to completing the move-in in Yardi Voyager, the TIC must be sealed. To seal the TIC, click “MI” under the “Cert Type” column within the Tax Credit Data section of the Resident record.

The Tax Credit record will be displayed.

To seal the TIC, enter the “Date Completed” date in the field and click “Save.”

This will prevent further changes to the TIC record. Close the screen and return to the Resident Record screen to complete the Move-in.

NOTE: Be sure all aspects of the TIC have been verified before sealing the TIC and proceeding with the Move In.

WARNING: Once the TIC is sealed and the move-in is completed, Yardi will automatically create the Lease Charges based on the numbers entered on the TIC within the “Tenant Rent” and “Subsidy” (Voucher) fields. Yardi will also create the move-in prorates based on the Lease Charges, so be sure to enter the correct number in the Tenant Rent and Subsidy (Voucher) fields before sealing the TIC.

Printing the Lease (Tax Credit Only)

The final step prior to completing the move-in is to print the Tax Credit lease for the Future Resident to sign and date.

To print the Tax Credit lease, navigate to the appropriate Future Resident record via a Resident search (shown on Page 5).

Click the “Leases” link within the “Reports” section of the Resident screen.

The corresponding Tax Credit leases will be displayed.

Review the Lease information and verify that it is populated with the correct lease terms.

To print, click on the printer icon located in the upper left corner of the Adobe Acrobat toolbar.
A confirmation pop-up will be displayed.

Click “Print Form.”

The Print screen will be displayed.

Confirm the Name of the printer to which the TIC will be sent and click “OK.”

Close the lease and return to the Resident screen.

Completing the Move-In

After the TIC has been sealed and signed, the lease has been printed and signed and the Resident has paid all appropriate move-in monies, the move-in may occur. To complete the move-in, navigate to the appropriate Future Resident record via a Resident search (shown on Page 5).

The Resident screen will be displayed.

To move-in the Resident, click on “Move In” located within the “Functions” section of the Resident screen.

WARNING FOR TAX CREDIT MOVE-INS ONLY: If the TIC is not sealed, the move-in cannot occur.

The Affordable Move In screen will be displayed.

NOTE: For market move-ins, this screen will be titled “Move In” instead of “Affordable Move In.”

Verify that the following information is correct:

·  Move In Date

·  Lease From Date

·  Term (# of months)

·  Lease To Date

Listed on the screen are all applicable “Move-in Charges.” Confirm that the prorated rent amount contains the accurate total in the “Move In Amt” column. To include any additional move-in charges, check the box next to the applicable charge(s).

Once all information has been recorded and is correct, click “Post” to complete the move-in.

The Resident screen with a confirmation message stating, “Move In has been posted” will be displayed.

A confirmation message will be displayed stating, “Move in has been posted.”

The Resident has now successfully been moved into the system and the status now shows “Current.” The Address has also changed to show the property’s address.

Reversing a Move-In

If a move-in has been processed, it can be reversed. To reverse the move-in, navigate to the appropriate Resident record via a Resident search (shown on Page 5).

The Resident record will be displayed.

Click “Reverse Move In” within the “Functions” section of the Resident record.

The Undo Move In screen will be displayed.

Complete the following fields within the Undo Move In screen:

·  Resident – This field will default to the Resident’s code and cannot be changed.

·  Date – Leave as defaulted to the current date.

Click “Submit.”

A confirmation pop-up window will be displayed stating, “Undo Move In Successful.”