Mississippi Department of Revenue

Invitation for Bid

Bid # 2015-08


Battery Changer/Handling System

Procurement Department

July 8, 2015

Table of Content

1.0 Purpose...... 3

2.0 Procurement Time Line...... 3

3.0 References...... 4

4.0 Business Longevity...... 4

5.0 Procurement Methodology...... 4

5.1 Approach...... 4

5.2 Rules of Procurement...... 4

5.3 Procedure for Answering Questions...... 5

5.4 Bid Amendment or Withdrawal...... 5

5.5 Amendments to the Invitation for Bid...... 5

5.6 Opening Procedures...... 5

5.7 Bid Evaluation...... 6

5.8 Approval Process...... 6

5.9 Award Notice...... 6

5.10 Right to Protest...... 6

5.11 Partial Bids...... 6

6.0 Submission Procedures...... 7

6.1 Procedures for Submitting Bids...... 7

6.2 Submission Format...... 8

Attachment A – Specifications for Battery Changer/Handling System.....9

Attachment B – Terms and Conditions...... 14

Form A – Cover Sheet...... 19

Form B - Certification...... 20

Form C - Bid Form...... 21

Form D - References...... 22

Form E - Acknowledgement of Amendments...... 25

Form F - Secretary of State Acknowledgement...... 26


Invitation for Bid

Battery Changer/Handling System


The Department of Revenue (referred to as “DOR” or “Department”) is seeking to obtain an industrial double stacker battery extractor system and storage. The purchase of this equipment will enhance the productivity of delivery of product to the trucks for delivery.

It is the responsibility of the prospective bidder to review all information contained within this Invitation and accompanying attachments. Notifications must be sent to the Department if a vendor believes the information contained in this Invitation is devised in such a manner that would restrict competition. The Department’s Purchasing Division may be reached at telephone number (601) 923-7676 or facsimile number (601) 923-7681.

2.0Procurement Time Line

It is our intent to follow the schedule below in the execution of this invitation for bid; however, DOR reserves the right to amend and/or change the below schedule of events, as it deems necessary.

  1. Invitation for Bid Issue Date:July 15, 2015
  1. First Publication:July 15, 2015
  1. Second Publication:July 22, 2015
  1. Deadline for Submission of Questions:July 31, 2015, 5:00 pm (CST)
  1. Last day Answers posted to website:August 4, 2015, 5:00 pm (CST)
  1. Bid Packet Submission Deadline:August 6, 2015, 12:00 noon(CST)
  1. Bid Opening: August 6, 2015, 2:00 pm (CST)
  1. Award Notification:August 12, 2015
  1. Protest Deadline:August 19, 2015, 5:00 pm (CST)

I. Projected Purchase Date: August 31, 2015

3.0 References

As part of its bid, each prospective provider must furnish contact information for at least four (4) current references for purchases with their largest clients of similar size and scope of services as specified in this IFB. “Largest client” is determined by the revenue paid by the client to the provider over the past two (2) year period. Failure to list a qualifying client may result in rejection of prospective provider’s bid. DOR will contact these clients as references to evaluate the quality of the Purchased equipment. Reference information must be provided on Form D, as part of the bid package submitted for consideration. References must report the vendor to be of good reputation in providing applicable products. DOR requires the provision of a minimum of four (4) references, references will be contacted in order listed until at least three (3) references have been interviewed. Bidders are encouraged to submit additional references to ensure that at least three (3) references are available for interview. The DOR staff must be able to contact three (3) references for a bidder to conform to the bid requirements. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure the reference contact information is current and correct. DOR will not seek to correct erroneous contact information or track down references.

4.0 Business Longevity

Each provider must have been in business a minimum of four (4) years prior to submission of its bid. Please indicate the length of time you have been in business providing equipment as specified in this IFB. Business longevity information must be provided on Form A, as part of the bid package submitted for consideration.

5.0 Procurement Methodology

5.1 Approach

It is understood that all bids are submitted on the basis of complying with the provisions, terms and specifications set out herein, provided that you can do so under the various government rulings and directives now in effect or which may be issued during the period of the contract. The Department reserves the right to waive minor technicalities on bid forms and specifications that can be waived or corrected without prejudice to other bidders when it is in the best interest of the Department. The Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any minor informality in the bids, and, unless otherwise specified by the bidders, to accept any items on the bid.

5.2 Rules of Procurement

All formal bids shall be binding for a minimum of forty-five (45) days after opening.

5.3 Procedure for Answering Questions

  1. All questions concerning this Invitation for Bid or the bid process must be submitted by email to:
  1. Questions and request for clarification must be submitted via email during normal business hours by the deadline reflected in Section 2.0, Procurement Time Line
  1. All questions and answers will be answered and published on the Mississippi Department of Revenue website ( in a manner that all bidders will be able to view by the date and time reflected in Section 2.0.
  1. The DOR will not be bound by any verbal or written information that is not contained within this IFB unless formally noticed and issued by the Purchasing Director, Tonya Davis.

5.4 Bid Amendment or Withdrawal

No bids shall be altered or amended after the specified time for opening bids. If a bid is withdrawn after opening, the bidder will be removed from the list of eligible bidders for a period of six (6) months.

5.5 Amendments to the Invitation for Bid

The Purchasing Division of the Department will prepare a written notification of all amendments to the IFB and forward a copy of it to all persons/companies that have requested a copy of the Invitation for Bid. The Purchasing Division of the Department will post the Amendment by number on the Department website in a manner all proposers will be able to view. Respondents shall rely only on this bid and any communication from the Purchasing Division of the Department in submitting bids. The Department’s Purchasing Division shall not be bound by any oral communications; bidders who rely upon any oral communications regarding the IFB do so at their own risk.

5.6 Opening Procedures

Bid openings shall be conducted open to the public. However, they will serve only to open bids. No discussion will be entered into with any vendor/bidder as to the quality or provisions of the specifications, and no award will be made either stated or implied at the bid opening. Although all bidders are invited and encouraged to attend the bid-opening meeting, the bids will be considered to be in the evaluation process and will not be available for review by the bidders. Questions will not be answered as a result of telephone inquiries.

5.7 Bid Evaluation

Contracts and purchases will be made or entered into with the lowestand best bidder meeting specifications. Factors to be considered in determining the lowest andbest bidder include:

  • Price, including product, installation, freight and shipping charges
  • Conformity to bid requirements
  • Responsibility of Bidder including warranties, guaranteed buy-back provisions and other relevant provisions if applicable
  • Bidder’s ability to deliver as per specifications
  • Reference response
  • Qualified to contract with the State of Mississippi

5.8 Approval Process

An evaluation committee will review all bid information. The most responsive and responsible bidder will be recommended and submitted to the Commissioner or his designee for final authorization.

5.9 Award Notice

The award, if made, will be by the Department within ten (10) days after the bid opening. After the Department makes the award, official notification will be sent to all participating vendors. This information will only be released in written form. The Department will not respond to telephone calls requesting the information. Actions taken by a bidder before the receipt of the official notification will be at the bidder’s own risk, and the Department will not be responsible for such actions. If the purchase is for an amount greater than $50,000, such award shall be subject to approval of the purchase by the Department of Finance.

5.10 Right to Protest

Any actual or prospective bidder, offeror, or contractor who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a contract may protest to the Director of Purchasing or the Commissioner of the Mississippi Department of Revenue. The protest shall be submitted in writing within seven (7) days after notification is received. The written protest letter shall contain an explanation of the basis of the protest. A protest is considered submitted when received by the Director of Purchasing or Commissioner of the Mississippi Department of Revenue. To expedite handling the protest, the envelope should be labeled “Protest”. Protest filed after normal business hours on the seventh day will not be considered.

5.11 Partial Bids Prohibited

Bids submitted must be all or none. Bids will not be accepted for any part of the total.

6.0 Submission Procedures

6.1 Procedures for Submitting Bids

  1. Bids must be formatted based on the forms furnished by DOR. You may attach other sheets if the space provided is inadequate. Letters will not be considered a part of your bid. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. Failure to submit a bid in the manner specified will be considered cause for rejection of bid.
  1. Bids should be typed and single-sided; not handwritten. The original packet shall be signed by a company official with authorization to bind the bidder to its provisions and submitted in a sealed envelope or package no later than the time indicated in Section 2.0 Procurement Time Line.
  1. All bids should also be entered into the Mississippi Accountability System Government Information and Collaboration (MAGIC) system.
  1. DOR reserves the right to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether to reject a bid with exceptions, modifications or additions outside the parameters set by this IFB, including specifications, as nonresponsive.
  1. Sealed bids should be mailed or hand delivered (strongly encouraged) and labeled as follows:

Mail to: Deliver to:

Mississippi Department of Revenue
Purchasing Department
Post Office Box 22828
Jackson Mississippi 39225
SESEALED BID – DO NOT OPEN / Mississippi Department of Revenue
Purchasing Department
500 Clinton Center Drive
Clinton MS 39056
  1. The parties submitting proposals are responsible for ensuring they are delivered by the required time assuming all risk of delivery. DOR will not be responsible for mail delays or lost mail. Delays due to system down time or weather will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and the bidder should notify DOR purchasing director of such occurrences. Bids and modifications or corrections thereof received after the closing time specified will not be considered. Any bid received subsequent to the specified date and time will be returned unopened.
  1. If the agency is closed for any reason, including but not limited to: acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, acts of war, epidemics, governmental regulations superimposed after the fact, fire, earthquakes, floods, or other natural disasters (the “Force Majeure Events”), which closure prevents the opening of bids at the advertised date and time, all bids received shall be publicly opened and read aloud on the next business day that the agency shall be open and at the previously advertised time. The new date and time of the bid opening, as determined in accordance with this paragraph, shall not be advertised, and all Vendors/Contractors, upon submission of a bid proposal, shall be deemed to have knowledge of and shall have agreed to the provisions of this paragraph. Bids shall be received by the agency until the new date and time of the bid opening as set forth herein. The agency shall not be held responsible for the receipt of any bids for which the delivery was attempted and failed due to the closure of the agency as a result of a Force Majeure Event. Each Vendor/Contractor shall be required to ensure the delivery and receipt of its bid by the agency prior to the new date and time of the bid opening.

6.2 Submission Format

The bid package must be sealed and must contain the following:

  1. Form A – Cover Sheet
  1. Form B – Certification Statement
  1. Form C - Bid Form
  1. Form D - References
  1. Form E - Acknowledgement of amendments or modifications
  1. Form F - Secretary of State Acknowledgement
  1. Any other requested information required within this IFB




ABC Warehouse is seeking to buy an industrial double stacker battery extractor system and storage that is compact, being overall system space limited to 50 feet long by 16 feet wide. The storage racks should accommodate the following quantity, type, size, batteries and chargers:

  • The battery handling and storage system racks are to be two levels high for batteries plus a third level for the chargers.
  • Battery storage area must be on both sides of the extractor to compact space
  • All 24 volt batteries are to be grouped to one side
  • All 36 volt batteries are to be grouped to one side
  • Storage area must include stainless steel drip pans
  • Limit overall system space to approximately 50ft long by 16ft wide
  • The storage area must accommodate the following quantity, type, and dimensions in inches (L x W x H)
  • (20), 12-125-15, 36 x 14 x 31, 24V general industrial batteries;
  • (12), 18-125-13, 38 x 15 ½ x 31, 36V general industrial batteries;
  • (5), 18-85-23, 38 x 27 x 23, 36V general industrial batteries;
  • (2), 18-125-17, 38 x 20 ½ x 30 ½, 36V general industrial batteries
  • (20), 24V industrial battery chargers
  • (19), 36V industrial battery chargers

The double stacker battery extractor key features:

  • Heavy duty magnetic extractor arm
  • Safety feature that will not allow the extractor to travel when battery or arm is extended outside of the roller compartment
  • Operator present floor mat/switch
  • Two level stacking of batteries
  • Keypad enable machine to function or key switched to allow only authorized users
  • Hydraulic powered
  • Magnetic arm reach, hydraulic extension, must be able to extract and load batteries from both sides
  • Heavy duty magnetic arm extraction
  • 12 month warranty

The winning bidder must provide their own installation equipment and necessary hardware to complete the installation.

ABC Distributors ‐ Battery Handling System Project Specifications


System Design Summary: One complete 2‐high Operator Aboard Battery Extractor System

  • System design to include battery stands on both sides of the extractor path
  • Battery Stands with stainless steel drip pans to hold (32) current batteries & (7) future batteries and (32) current chargers & (7) future chargers
  • Battery Extractor to have (2) 36 inch wide compartments
  • Freight & Delivery, installation, testing, and debugging of all equipment, including all necessary equipment and tools to accomplish installation, set up, and commissioning to Madison, MS

Work Not Included:

  • New lift trucks, batteries, and chargers
  • Plumbing (Property occupant will provide any plumbing requirements per approval drawing specifications)
  • Electrification (Property occupant will provide an electrician for final electrify to all equipment per approval drawing specifications)


  • All submittals shall include one complete set of printed documents and one electronic format set.
  • Provide “As‐Built” drawings and specifications
  • Equipment layout and details
  • Provide a printed operating and maintenance training, manuals, and instructions
  • Provide a copy of any and all written warranties that will cover equipment upon installation

Testing and Acceptance:

  • The furnished and installed equipment shall be a complete system
  • The Contractor shall be responsible for proper installation and operation
  • Purchaser will test the system in the Contractor’s presence after completion of installation. When all requirements of this specification have been met per the approval drawings and the Contractor demonstrates that the system operates in a trouble‐free and reliable manner, purchaser will accept the system as installed.


Manufacturing and shipment of the equipment shall be scheduled for 6 weeks after manufacturer receipt of all signed approval documents.


Operator Aboard Battery Extractor:

  • Frame Construction
  • Heavy duty Superstructure
  • Fully enclosed design to include guards that protect all components
  • Operator Compartment
  • A lever valve for each extractor function (NO single joysticks that control all functions)
  • Three‐point safety switch system to ensure system cannot be energized without proper gate closure, engagement of foot pedal, and key activation
  • Spring‐hinged entry gate that automatically closes and latches behind operator
  • Anti‐fatigue floor mat
  • Battery Compartments
  • Five (5) powered rollers incorporated into each compartment roller bed to traverse a battery in the extractor compartment as well as sustain a battery in a fixed position during transportation
  • Six (6) heavy duty idler rollers divided on either side of the powered rollers to minimize space between rollers providing battery support and load bearing capacity
  • Lead idler roller placed at each entry point with a 3/16” high‐visibility groove at the centerline for alignment aid with truck and/or stand
  • Battery Extractor Arm:
  • (2) 3” diameter chromed and hardened shafts to carry the extractor arm through the traverse motion while four‐point bearing contact with shafts ensure stability of mechanism
  • Arm traverse operated by a linear drive screw which traverses the extractor arm left and right
  • Fully guarded extractor arm housing to protect the drive screw and the chromed hardened shafts
  • Magnet battery extraction
  • Floor Drive System & Casters
  • Dual independent floor drive units utilized for positive drive and redundancy
  • Cross‐port relief valve system to provide controlled acceleration and deceleration of floor drive
  • Floor drive cut‐out system to prevent machine travel when extractor arm is outside of the frame parameter
  • Idler casters to employ Timken tapered roller bearings
  • Lift System
  • Four point cylinder lift to stabilize the roller bed and its load utilizing a non-inner-flow manifold system, designed to hydraulically lock the cylinders preventing stress and deflection of the mechanical components as the load shifts during the change‐out process
  • Velocity fuse protection to be located on the bottom port of all cylinders to prevent loss of load to hose bursts in the lift circuit
  • Synchronized cross bed eight‐point equalization to vertically maintain the extractor inner frame level during lift/lower function use
  • Extractor Power System
  • Hydraulic travel and lift design
  • Variable displacement hydraulic pump to maximize extractor operating efficiency
  • Safety & Maintenance
  • Service Stand Kit included to secure the inner frame in an elevated position
  • for facilitating maintenance and repairs

Double Stack Product Specifications Double Stack – (2) 36” Compartments