Study Guide for Microbiology and Molecular Biology


8.L.1.1 Microbiology, Viruses, Bacteria, Protozoa, Parasites, Fungi, Algae, Vaccines, Antibiotics, Host Cell, Unicellular, Multicelluar,

8.L.1.2 Vectors, Infectious, Pathogens, Epidemic, Pandemic, Antimicrobial

8.L.5.1 Mitosis, Meiosis, Plasma Membrane, Multicellular, Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic, Organelle, Photosynthesis, Cells , sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction, binary fission, chemical energy, glucose (sugar), cellular respiration

8.L.5.2Toxins, Addiction, nutrients


1. What are the 4 types of protists? How do they move around? How do they eat?

2. Cells

a) Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

b) Where do all cells come from?

c) Be able to tell me what different organelles in the cell do. What is their job?

d) Who discovered cells?

e) What 2 things did Louis Pasteur invent?

3. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

a) Be able to answer the questions: What do plants need? What do humans/animals need?

b) Know how to use the answers for question (a) to write the formulas for photosynthesis and cellular respiration

c) Where do these two processes take place in the cell?

4. How to materials move in and out of a cell?

a) Be able to explain the difference between osmosis and diffusion.

b) What is the difference between active transport and passive transport?

5. Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites

a) How does a virus replicate? What does it need?

b) How does a bacterium replicate?

c) Why do we not consider a virus a living thing?

d) What helpful things can bacteria do? What harmful things can bacteria do?

e) How does fungi replicate?

f) What are the major concerns of a fungal attack?

g) What do parasites need in order to adapt and feed on other organisms?

6. Mitosis vs. Meiosis

a) What are the steps of mitosis? What happens in each step?

b) How many cells are made after mitosis?

c) How many cells are made after meiosis?

d) What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

e) Why do we need mitosis to happen in our bodies?

f) What is cancer? How does it relate to mitosis?

7. Infectious Diseases

a) How are diseases spread to different people?

b) How do we usually treat bacterial infections?

c) What can be done to prevent disease? (think of cowpox and smallpox)

d) How does a disease outbreak differ from an epidemic and a pandemic?

e) What is a vector? Be able to name an example.

f) What is a pathogen?

g) What is antibiotic resistance? Why is it important to take all of your antibiotics when they are prescribed to you? Why would antibiotic-resistant bacteria be such a terrible thing?

8. Toxins, Addictions and Good Health

a) How does social and psychological factors potentially contribute to the usage of harmful substances or addictions?

b) What 3 factors contribute to the metabolic rate of the body?

c) How does the body systems (focus on respiration and digestion) must work together in order to release and store energy?