Use the following filename when submitting: Lastname_2015 FAR 2015 Faculty Activities Report




Name: / Click here and type name / Department: Click to choose Department
Rank: / Click to Choose Rank / Date Rank Attained: Enter month & year
Date Tenure Award: / Enter month & year / Date Initial Appointment: Enter month & year
Total Yrs. in COA: / Enter # of Years

Please provide the following information where appropriate and limit the total report to not more than 10 pages plus scholarly publications and creative efforts.

I. Extension Activities
Place an asterisk (*) by all multi-state activities.
A. Program Planning (attach approved plan of work): / Insert object. (See Instructions)
(1) Summary of activities related to Extension.
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B. Program Implementation:
(2) Summarize your interactions with Extension agents (give specific examples).
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(3) Accomplishments through personal contacts.
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(4) Accomplishments through group contact methods.
Click here to enter text.
(5) Accomplishments through result demonstrations.
Click here to enter text.
(6) Accomplishments through use of agent training.
Click here to enter text.
(7) Accomplishments through use of mass media.
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(8) Accomplishments through agent training
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(9) List publications and other educational products under Section V. C.
C. List contracts, grants, etc., under Section V. A.
D. Summarize the Nature of Your Service under Section V. B.
E. Other Extension Accomplishments:
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II. Research Activities
A. Accomplishments (summary of the programs and accomplishments).
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B. Report Financial (grants, contracts, patents, etc.) and Personnel Aspects of Program
under V. A.
C. List Research Publications (clarify books, book chapters, peer reviewed articles,
refereed articles, and others) under V. C.
D. Summarize the Nature of Your Service under V. B.
E. Plans for the coming year relative to continuation of current research, publications,
development of new research, and efforts to obtain extramural support.
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F. Other Research Accomplishments.
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III. Teaching Activities

A. Classroom and laboratory teaching:

Classroom and Laboratory Teaching
Nine-month faculty should only list courses taught during fall and spring semester, unless summer session courses were taught without compensation. Twelve-month faculty should list all courses. Courses for which faculty members received supplemental pay (e.g. distance education courses) should not be listed.
Semester / Course / Credits / Lecture Hrs. Per Week / No. Lab Sections / Lab Length (Hrs.) / Enroll-ment / Teaching Evaluation Score (Q4. The Instructor’s overall effectiveness was...)
Select Semester / Click here / Click / Click here / Click / Click here / Click here / Click here
Select Semester / Click here / Click / Click here / Click / Click here / Click here / Click here
Select Semester / Click here / Click / Click here / Click / Click here / Click here / Click here
Select Semester / Click here / Click / Click here / Click / Click here / Click here / Click here
Select Semester / Click here / Click / Click here / Click / Click here / Click here / Click here
Select Semester / Click here / Click / Click here / Click / Click here / Click here / Click here
Select Semester / Click here / Click / Click here / Click / Click here / Click / Click here

A.  Undergraduate Students Advised

Undergraduate Students Advised
Indicate the number of students advised or mentored each semester.
No. Undergraduate Advisees / No. Internship Students Supervised / No. Special Prob. Students / No. Undergraduate Research Students
Spr / Sum / Fall / Total / Spr / Sum / Fall / Total / Spr / Sum / Fall / Total / Spr / Sum / Fall / Total
Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click

B.  Graduate Student Involvement

Indicate the number of students advised or mentored each semester
Graduate Students
No. Students as Major Professor (Thesis) / No. Students as Major Professor (Non-Thesis) / No. of Students as co-major Prof. (Thesis) / No. of Students as co-major Prof. (Non-Thesis)
Spr / Sum / Fall / Total / Spr / Sum / Fall / Total / Spr / Sum / Fall / Total / Spr / Sum / Fall / Total
Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click
No. Students as committee members (Thesis) / No. Students as committee members (Non-Thesis)
Spr / Sum / Fall / Total / Spr / Sum / Fall / Total
Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click / Click
C. Course Revisions, New Courses Developed: Describe.
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D. Teaching Aids Developed.
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E. Report Contracts, Grants, etc. for Teaching under V. A.
F. List teaching publications and other educational products under Section V. C.
G. Summarize the Nature of Your Service under Section V. B.
H. Other Teaching Accomplishments.
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IV. International Program Activities
Briefly describe your international teaching, research, outreach and service activities in light of their significance to your scholarly career.
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B. Metrics for International Engagement Articles published with international colleagues (Include also in Section V.C.)
1) Grants for international programming (include grants from international funding sources and grants from domestic and/or internal sources with a portion of the budget dedicated to international activities; also include in Section V.A.).
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2) Teaching overseas and international curriculum development (include study abroad, 3+2 programs and international curriculum development on campus or via distance learning)
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3) Outreach or project development overseas.
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4) International fellowships, awards and recognitions (include international professional awards, international journal editor, member or fellow of an international society, Fulbright fellowship, etc.).
Click here to enter text.
5) Lectures, papers or posters presented at international meetings or institutions (include invited and other presentations).
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6) International students and visiting scholars mentored.
Click here to enter text.
7) International visitors hosted.
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V. General
A. Financial and Personnel Aspects of Program. Summarize for the past year listing most recent efforts first.
1) Grants, contracts, gifts patents obtained. Authors (PI underlined), Title, Source, Date Received, Amount [Specify the portion [amount] for each of PIs if it is a multiple PI grant.
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2) Describe attempts to obtain extramural funding.
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3) List personnel assigned to your present program (RA's, GRA's, technicians, etc.), indicate responsibilities
and list source of funding (soft or hard money).
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B. Summarize the Nature of Your Service Activities for the Past Year.
1) Departmental, School, or University Committees (list and indicate responsibilities).
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2) Administrative.
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3) Support of professional programs through providing consultative services (statistical,
technical, industry, etc.).
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4) Society affiliations Include offices held, committee assignments, and brief description of
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5) Professional development activities including travels, workshops, short courses, seminars,
professional meetings, consulting.
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C. Scholarly Publications (Teaching, Research, Extension, and International)
Publications, papers presented, symposia (INCLUDE COMPLETE CITATION; limit to
published papers only, do not include those "in press" or "in review"). This should be an
oneyear record for each category. Underscore the name of the principal author. List most
recent publication first.
1)  Refereed journal articles and books/book chapters.
Click here to enter text.
2) Symposia and conference publications.
Click here to enter text.
3) Experiment Station publications, theses and dissertations directed to completion, and
other publications.
Click here to enter text.
4) Extension publications.
Click here to enter text.
5) Published abstracts.
Click here to enter text.
6) Papers or posters presented at symposia and professional meetings/no published abstract.
Click here to enter text.
7) Other teaching aids and educational products (computer programs, video tapes, slide sets, etc.).
Click here to enter text.
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