Local Elected Officials / Board

July 25, 2014 – 10:00am

1. Attendance/Quorum

Committee Staff Visitors

Dick Waybright, Chair Joyce Okes Wade Coffindaffer, Ross

Judy Sutton Robin Sterling Katie Foster, TPMA

Pam Cook Gail Holleron

Randy Rapp Carol Jackson

Rickie Yeager Tina Warfield

Ron Blankenship Kelli Lewis

Steve Whited

Wayne Dunn

Valerie Smith-Rebholz

Shannon Dugan

John Shaw

PJ Wilson-via phone

Jennifer Randolph-via phone

Judy Watson-via phone

Absent: Mayor Newell, B. Gunnoe, M. Pierson, R. Weaver, J. Powell, D. Casto, G. Dotson, T. Fox, J. Holmes,

C. Huffman, S. Parks, J. Parsons, R. Poling, C. Reynolds, J. Sheppard, D. Thompson

2. Public Notice of Meeting

A notice of all meetings was mailed to papers in all nine counties on and e-mailed to interested parties.

3. Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the June 2014 minutes by R. Rapp. Second by R. Blankenship. Motion carried.

4. Public Forum

None at this time

5. Fiscal Report

A. Monthly Update

Carol covered the monthly report. Introduction of Tina Warfield, new accounting employee that will be giving the fiscal report at future meetings. Still processing June invoices. Should have closeout numbers at the end of August. Auditors will be in the office in September. Handout

6. Committee Updates

A. Adult Services Committee

Judy reported the committee met and discussed demand occupations and approved the renewal of the one stop contract with Ross. Monthly report is included in handout.

B. Youth Committee

Ron reported that the committee met at the Shriners building in Parkersburg just before the Youth of Excellence celebration. Anna, Emily and Ryan (Ross Youth Staff) gave presentations of some of the nomination processes and talked about the youth that received special recognition during the celebration. The youth were treated to a year-end trip to Pittsburgh with many of the youth having never been out of the State, stayed at a hotel or eaten at a restaurant. The youth were very thankful for the experience.

7. Old Business

A. Youth Advantage Contract – Ross IES

Recommend contract with Ross IES for delivery of WIA funded youth services in the amount of $630,000 for PY14-15. Motion to approve by R. Blankenship. Second by J. Shaw. Motion carries. Handout

B. One Stop Contract – Ross IES

Recommend contract with Ross IES for coordination of One stop and delivery of WIA adult and dislocated worker services in the amount of $600,000 for PY14-15. Motion to approve by J. Sutton. Second by J. Shaw. Motion carries. Handout

C. Strategic Plan Update

Since the April kickoff, 3 teams were formed and have been meeting on a regular basis. Katie Foster, TPMA, gave an overview presentation of the progress. On July 9th, a combined team meeting was held at WVU-P. There were highlighted speakers, including Keith Burdette. A lot of progress is being made in the individual meetings. Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings. Oct. 8th is a save the date for the next quarterly meeting.

8. New Business

A.  Hit the Ground Running/Computer Training-Resa V

Recommend entering into agreement with Resa V for delivery of soft skills training through Hit the Ground Running and short term computer training. Contract not to exceed $50,000. Motion to approve by J. Sutton. Second by W. Dunn. Motion carries.

B.  PY14-15 Budget

Joyce reviewed all line items within the proposed budget. Recommend approval of PY14-15 budget. Specifics are outlined in budget handout. Motion to approve by J. Sutton. Second by W. Dunn. Motion carries. Handout

C.  Demand Occupations

Recommend approval of specific occupations as “in demand” in the Mid-Ohio Valley area. For an individual to receive training assistance through WIA funds, the training must be in support of occupations identified as a demand occupation. Motion to approve by J. Sutton. Second by J. Shaw. Motion carries. Handout

D.  Appointment of WIB Members (LEO only)

Recommend appointment/re-appointment of individuals on handout sheet. Motion to approve by W. Dunn. Second by R. Rapp. Motion carries. Handout

E.  Election of Officers (WIB only)

Nominating committee recommends appointments as follows: Chair-Ron Blankenship, Vice-Chair-Todd Fox, and Secretary-Randy Rapp. Nominations stand. Motion to approve by J. Sutton. Second by S. Whited. Motion carries.

9. Director’s Report

- WIB Directors agenda included in packet.

- State has rec’d an NEG (for long-term unemployed) for $6.1 mil. We are waiting for further information on this grant and how much each regional WIB will receive.

- Signed agreement with WVDE for simulated workplace monitoring. Staff will conduct monitoring at Roane Jackson Technical Center in our region.

- WIA is now WIOA, Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act, passed in Congress and signed by the President. Will be effective July 1, 2015. There are significant changes, specifically in the Youth program.

11. Next Meeting

The next regular Board/Local Elected Officials meeting will be Friday, October 24, 2014 at 10:00am at the Lakeview Center, Parkersburg WV.

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