Lythe Church of England School
Friday 11th March 2016
Not sure what’s going on? Worried or unhappy about something in school? Would you like to speak to your child’s teacher? Please call the office on 893373 or email on

Please check the “Policies” page on our new website to find out the correct procedure for dealing with any issues.
Church and Community Action
Members of churches in Whitby are joining with other groups in town to collect items for refugees who are arriving in Greece.
The items being collected are:
  • Toiletries
  • Long-life shelf foods and sacks of rice, beans etc – large bags of nuts are great.
  • Calpol, paracetamol, aspirin, bandages, plasters, nappy cream etc.
  • Women’s sanitary wear
  • Men’s clothing and socks
  • Women’s clothing and socks
  • Children’s clothing and socks – all ages
  • Waterproof shoes for men, women and chidlren
  • Fully complete tents
  • Sleeping bags
  • Warm blankets
It would be helpful if clothing and shoes could be packaged separately and labelled for men, women and children as appropriate. Please also make sure that shoes, socks and gloves are sent as pairs.
These items will be collected in Whitby and then transported to Huddersfield, to be taken to Greece through a charity called Refugee Aid. They will go to camps where the boats are coming in.
If anyone wants to support this appeal, please send items into school and I will ensure that they are delivered appropriately.
Thank you.
Mrs Sue Mason / Attendance
We mentioned last week that we are looking closely at absences at the moment and will be concerned at any cases where attendance falls below 90% (excepting serious medical reasons that we already know about). We will also be concerned about children who are repeatedly late for school and arrive after classes have been taken in at 9:00am (please note in addition that arrival after registers have closed at 9:10am is recorded as an unauthorised absence for the whole morning session).
Please could you ensure that unless it is absolutely impossible through illness, your child is in school and on time every day?

Lythe School Easter Bingo
Thursday 17th March 2016
6 – 6.30 p.m. in the School Hall
Many lovely prizes
Refreshments available
Please bring your Friends and Family
See you all there
New Gymnastics Club
Gymnastics club will be starting on Mondays after school. This will replace Monday's football club. It is parents’ evening this coming Monday, so the club will start on the following Monday. I will send a letter home with any children that are interested. I can take up to 26 children.
Mr Stansfield
Change of Date
Last week we invited parents to the Class 2 Celebration Assembly on 29th April. This is incorrect: school is closed on this date, so we will be holding the Class 2 Assembly on
Thursday 28th April at 9.10 a.m.
Updating Information
We are updating all our records and need to make sure that we hold all the latest information about your child.
We sent home a selection of important forms last week – please would you complete these and return them to the school office as soon as possible?
Come and Join SATs Club!
We would like to invite all Year 2 and Year 6 children to our after school SATs club on a Wednesday after school from 3:15-4:15.p.m.
Staff will be available to help children look at past papers, access online revision materials and go over any tricky bits. SATs are a bit trickier this year and the more we practise, the easier it all gets. It would be great to see as many children as possible there.
Please let your teacher know if your child would like to attend.
SATS Preparation in Class 2 and Class 4
Years 2 and 6 are now working hard on familiarising themselves with the new-style test materials and we hope that everyone will feel relaxed and confident when the tests come around.
We have extra staff available to help “boost” any children who need it – if you have looked at the sort of homework that children have had and feel that your child would like extra help in any areas, please could you let the class teacher know? Information from home is very valuable to us when helping children with the preparation for these tests.
Dinner Money
Please be kind enough to settle any outstanding dinner money before the end of term.
There is also Milk Money, Swimming Money and Peat Rigg Money still outstanding and it would be appreciated if this could also be settled.
Thank you
Mrs Welford
Talking Pants!
In the last week of term the whole school will be discussing the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule in our PSHE lessons. During these discussions we will aim to teach our pupils the following important safety skills without giving explicit information or telling scary stories. We will be teaching our pupils the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule, using the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which is like a green cross code for staying safe from sexual abuse. PANTS stands for:
• Privates are private
• Always remember your body belongs to you
• No means no
• Talk about secrets that upset you
• Speak up, someone can help
The lessons will introduce a range of ideas, all delivered in a way that’s fully age-appropriate.
These include:
• “appropriate” and “inappropriate” touching
• your child’s right to say no to things that make them feel upset or uncomfortable
• naming parts of the body
• Who your child can turn to if they ever feel upset or worried.
If you would like to know more about the NSPCC’s campaign and see how you can help keep your children safe in partnership with your child’s school, more information can be found at rule. You can also see the lesson resources we are going to use by following the link on the Safeguarding page of our new website: this page also has links to good resources for parents to do with all aspects of keeping children safe.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Friends of Lythe School Easter Fair
Thursday 24th March 2016
in the School Hall - 1.30 – 3.00 p.m.
The afternoon includes the following:-
Toy, Book and Teddy Sale – please send in any Toys, Books or Teddies that are in good, clean condition.
As always we would be very grateful if each family would be kind enough to send in either a donation of something chocolate for the chocolate tombola or a raffle prize.
Donations of baking for the cake stall to be handed in to Mrs Welford on the morning of the fair
A Treasure Hunt is planned around the school, Face Painting, Refreshments available; Guess how many Easter Eggs are in the jar, Name the Rabbit.
The children are asked to decorate an egg and bring it in on the morning of the fair.
Everyone Welcome
Sports News
Our year 5 and 6 Indoor Cricket team competed in the Whitby final on Wednesday at the Leisure Centre. We had qualified forthe event by winning our league earlier this term. The children played very well and finished runners up to a very good Lealholm team. Lealholm achieved the highest run rate in competition history in one of their games but the game they played against Lythe was much closer. Well done to our team and well done to Lealholm.
On Thursday our Netball team competed in a final league game for the Whitby Schools. We welcomed two new players who have not played in competitive games before and played very well. I am still waiting for results and to find out if we will progress to the next stage of competition. Well doneteam.
Our hockey players were expectingto compete at Caedmon but due to bad weather the festival will have to be rearranged.
Mr Stansfield PE Co-Ordinator