Babies Name(s)

Life Skills—Miss Sobotka

If found- please return to room 221

Student Instruction Sheet

OBJECTIVE: To help you better understand the responsibilities involved in the day-to-day care of a baby.

To achieve this objective, you will be given the egg baby during your class hour on day one. You will carry the egg for two full days from that point (48 hours), and return the egg on day three of the project. You must provide the proper care and attention for your egg baby. You must also ensure the babies health and safety at all times.

In completing this activity, you will do more than just carry the egg baby around with you for two days. You will have many additional responsibilities that give you a better understanding of what it means to be a full time parent of a baby. The grade you receive on this project will be determined by how well you follow the following guidelines.

Egg Baby Guidelines:

I.  Care and Attention

a.  Baby must have a face

b.  Baby must have a sturdy basket or carrier

c.  Baby must have a car seat with a seat belt

d.  Baby must have a bottle

e.  Baby must have a blanket

f.  Baby must have books/toys


a.  Baby must be supervised at all times

b.  You may not leave your baby unattended (in locker, hallway, etc.)

c.  Babies are fragile, handle with care!

d.  You are the only person who if responsible for your baby. You may not send your baby around school with anyone acting as a babysitter. Such an act will be treated as abandonment.

e.  Must provide report of any/all accidents


a.  Birth Certificate

b.  Attendance Verification Form

c.  On-Call Project

d.  Egg Baby Reflections (Day One, Day Two, Final)

Good Luck and Happy Parenting J

Day One- Reflection

Please answer all questions in paragraph form, with a minimum of three sentences.

1.  The most interesting thing that has happened since I became a “parent” is:

2.  The hardest part about being a “parent” so far has been:

3.  My friends at school think:

4.  So far, I have learned (list at least 2 things):

Day Two- Reflection

Please answer all questions in paragraph form, with a minimum of three sentences.

1.  The biggest problem I have experienced so far has been:

2.  This happened when I took my “baby” to a public place:

3.  My family thinks:

4.  The best part of this experience so far has been:

Final- Reflection

Please answer all questions in paragraph form, with a minimum of two sentences.

1.  The biggest mistake I made as a “parent”:

2.  If I were to “grade” my parenting abilities right now I would give myself a(n) ______because:

3.  I think the most rewarding part of being a parent would be:

4.  I think the most difficult part of being a parent would be:

5.  Name 3 ways this experience was similar to caring for a real baby, and 3 ways it is different.

6.  The most important thing I learned from this experience has to be:

Time / Hourly Activities
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12 noon
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
9:00 pm
10:00 pm
11:00 pm
12:00 midnight
1:00 am
2:00 am
3:00 am
4:00 am
5:00 am
6:00 am
7:00 am

Fill in the table below. Indicate where your baby is, and what it is doing each hour for the first 24 hours of life. Remember babies need to eat and have a diaper change every 4 hours. For Extra credit, call Miss Sobotka’s voicemail and leave a message at your 2 am or 6 am feeding (313) 432-5524, be sure to say your name and hour.

“On Call”

Objective: To give you some idea of the time and frequency involved in caring for an infant.


1.  On one evening of your choice, you are to stop whatever you are doing at the times listed below and carry out the written directions.

2.  Determine a signal or alarm to represent the “cry” of your baby.

3.  In order to receive credit for this assignment, you MUST have a parent/guardian signature below. This indicated they witnessed your completed efforts.

Choose one evening of the Egg Baby assignment to complete the follow tasks:

At 6:12 pm- STOP, walk around the room for 8 minutes; you may visit with others or watch TV, but you may not sit down (Baby is crying and you must get him/her back to sleep)

At 7:30 pm- STOP, sit down and rock for 11 minutes; no use of hands during this time. You must remain seated (Feeding time)

From 7:54- STOP, during this time you may listen to music or watch TV

8:45 pm but you cannot use the phone, read, or do any other activity that requires the use of your hands (Infant playtime)

______(student) completed each part of this assignment


(parent signature and date)

Thanks for your help!




·  What happened?

·  Where did it happen?

·  When did it happen?

Witness- What happened?

What was the cause? (Circle one)

Carelessness Abuse Neglect Accident

Witness Name (print):______

Signature: ______

Attendance Verification Sheet

Attendance is required in each class. A teacher MUST intital for credit. If you can not take your baby to a class for any reason, the baby will come to our classroom and sit in “Day Care” during that period. Day care arrangements may also be made in advance with Ms. Minette in the main office.

1st Hr
2nd Hr
3rd Hr
4th Hr
5th Hr
6th Hr

Teachers: Thank you for your cooperation with this!



Baby has a sturdy carrier/basket / ______/5
Car Seat with Seat Belt / ______/5
Baby has a bottle / ______/1
Baby has blankets / ______/2
Baby has toys or books / ______/2
Creativity / ______/5
Egg has a face / ______/5
Total / ______/25
Perfect Condition=15 pts.
Cracked Egg with bandage, Accident Report and Witness Signature=10 pts
Cracked Egg with no bandage, Accident Report, no Witness Signatures=5 pts
Cracked with no accident report= 0 pts
Abuse/Abandonment= -10 pts
Total ______/15
Birth Certificate(s) / ______/5
Attendance Verification / ______/20
On-Call Project / ______/5
Reflections (3 days 10 pts each) / ______/30
Total / ______/60
GRAND TOTAL / ______/100