Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Office of Religious Education
July 15, 2014
Dear Parents,
If your family is new to our Faith Formation program, welcome. If your family has participated in our Faith Formation program this past year, welcome back.
It is time for our annual reminder that Faith Formation continues throughout our lives, from the time we are baptized until we depart from this world. We continually build our understanding of our faith and our relationship with God throughout our whole lives. Just as we have “continuing education” in our jobs, we have continuing education in faith formation. Therefore, it is really not possible to learn all about our faith in one or two years; and it is very difficult for the students and the catechists when children only attend Religious Education during the Sacrament years.*
As parents, you have a responsibility to guide your children in the faith, bring them to faith formation classes, and continue in your own faith formation. In regards to your own formation, first and foremost, you should participate in Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. In addition, please be sure to look for continuing education opportunities for yourselves and your families so that you may be an example to your children. We are trying to increase the opportunities in our parish, as well as providing information about opportunities in other parishes in the Diocese. It is hoped that, if you haven’t been modeling continual faith growth for your children, then you will start now. It is never too late to learn and grow in faith. If you have been showing your child how to continue your spiritual growth, thank you and please continue leading the way for all families in our faith.
This packet is for registering the children and the youth for the 2014-2015 Religious Education year. Please note that our website, Facebook page, parish bulletin, and bulletin board in church are also sources of information regarding faith formation and spiritual growth activities for “youth” all ages. Your registration packet includes the following:
this informational letter
a “Parent Information on our Youth Religious Education program – 2014-2015RE Year” attachment
a Sacred Heart Religious Education Registration Form for the 2014-2015 RE Year (one per child)
a Parental Consent and Emergency Medical Release Form for the 2014-2015 RE Year (one per child)
a t-shirt order form (one per family)
a volunteer registration form (one per family)
If something is missing or if you need additional forms, please call the office or come by for them. Forms are also available on the Religious Education page of the parish website.
Please note that there are some changes for the coming year. Please read the section(s)in the attached “Parent Information” page that applies to your child/children. Please note the emphasis on unexcused absences, particularly in grades 1, 2, 9, and 10. These are the sacrament preparation years and there are to be no more than four unexcused absences per year during sacramental preparation. Second, we are emphasizing that Youth Mass and Youth Nights are part of faith formation for CYM and SHOCK students. Participation is expected of all students and we hope Youth Mass, Youth Nights, and the other opportunities provided for the youth will be viewed as opportunities to grow in closeness with God.
Also, please note that we will be continuing to attend Mass as a part of ourFaith Formation program. Students who did not celebrate First Communion are encouraged to attend Mass regularly and those who have celebrated First Communion are bound to participate in Sunday Mass. It is the serious duty of the parents to take the children for the Mass. In addition, as Catholics, we are called to participate in Mass. This is the reason that Mass is part of class for the students in Kindergarten to 5th grade, so that the catechists might work with the students to participate in Mass. Mass participation means active participationwhich includes being attentive during the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, exhibiting proper posture and appropriate actions, following along in the Missalette, praying with the assembly, and repeating the responses as appropriate.
The early registration fee is $30.00 per family and due at the time of registration. After August 15, 2014, regular registration is $50.00 per family. If your family is new to the Religious Education program in our parish, we need a copy of any Sacrament certificates for your child/children. Please return all completed forms with payment when you register your child/children.
Please make all checks payable to: Sacred Heart Church.
We look forward to sharing our Catholic faith with your child/children in the 2014-2015 RE year. The 2014-2015 RE year will begin with a Catechist Commissioning Mass and All-Parent Meetingon Wednesday, September 3rd at 6:30 P.M. in the church. Families are strongly encouraged to attend both the Mass and the Meeting to show their support for the new and returning catechists and to know what is going on in the RE program. There will be special announcements for many of the grade levels, as well as a “meet the catechist” social for the children and youth. If you have any questions, please call or email me.
Debbie Greene, CRE/YM
(979) 968-3430 Ext. 6
*Please note the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation require two full years of preparation and we normally celebrate these Sacraments in the springtime in our parish. Therefore, even though we will accept your child into class at any time during the year, if your child comes to us halfway through the first year of preparation, he/she may have to wait until after two full years of preparation have been completed to celebrate their Sacrament.