SCT EC Thermal Enclosure

Date: 1/03/05

Peter Ford, Stephen Haywood, Richard Holt, John Noviss



·  Luis Sospedra (Valencia) is coming on 3-4 Mar.

·  Peter is completing calculations for Foil on outside of OTE.

·  Peter is refining method for producing good joint in cylinder, with prototype small cylinder with 5mm Airex.

·  Have made correct sample with 8 mm Airex.

·  Drawings:

·  Foil on outside.

·  Separate Flanges


·  Amalgamation, holes etc – Richard and John have a proposal.


·  John/Peter have cut channels and inserted Kapton – looks good.

LMT Cooling:

·  Richard discussing with Jason about slip-sheets for Al Foil.

The Barrel have been urged to ask Airbus whether they could give us some CF.

Peter has sent a sample to Brian for further gluing trials.

Steve McM has agreed that Brian will undertake Heater testing (thermal camera, resistance measurement) at CERN.

Simon Canfer does not think anything useful will be learnt from a pull-test. Prefer qualitative peel-test. (The foil is not going anywhere.) Should also have visual inspection for dry areas.

Techsil set (although still tacky) with 50:50 mix.

Richard needs to concentrate on urgent work associated with Heater Power Supplies etc. – cannot do LMT Cooling in near future.


Want enough for Prototype + 3 Production End-caps (ie contingency)

·  Airex:

o  5mm (ITE) – enough for 2 Cyl

o  8mm (OTE) need more

o  12mm (RTE) – enough for 2 Rear Wings

·  50 mm Al – have

·  Kapton – need more

Previous Actions:


·  Finalise Pro/Mech modelling of thermal detail at Front Support with external G&S foil.

·  Get final word from Ned (phone him if necessary) on alochroming of aluminium parts & if he has any preference, also what joint tests can be undertaken to prove the performance of the selected design, gasket etc.

·  Ask Fred about dry N2 purge gas flow rate and whether we can reduce size of front-end manifold.


·  Drawings: tidy, understand radial build-up. (by 4/03/05)

·  Investigate G&S gasket materials & contact Ned for his thoughts on chosen type(s) (wb 7/03/05)

·  Check that Kapton type chosen is free of FEP, Teflon, PTFE (before finalising drawings & manufacturing instructions of Kapton parts)
Checking Kapton spec.

·  Check radial length & radial build up of model against document ATL-IS-EN-0031 (by 21/02/05)

·  Heater design. (wb 7/03/05)

·  Fill in with ITE & RTE design work (as required)

·  Understand what CF is considered acceptable from Helmut Winkler (recommended by Jonathan Gully).


·  Review Marko’s recommendations on heaters & feed information to John Noviss for updates to designs


When finishing urgent Disc assembly work (~2 weeks)

·  Contact Hexcel on CFRP materials (by 04/03/05) if required sooner John will need to undertake with guidance

·  Specify how cold tubes (HEX) insulated up to heater (by 05/05)

·  Review strain relief of on-cylinder interconnect for connection of incoming pipes (by 04/05)


·  Ask Marco if FTE Heater wires can go to Cryotstat through Barrel/End-cap crack.

New Actions


·  Understand temp of Pipes exiting STFT.

Task List for Thermal Enclosure

SH 2 Mar 05


·  Complete Thermal Calculation; last Test Cylinder; Techsil [PF, 2 Mar]

·  Drawing [JN, by 4 Mar]

·  Gasket design [JN, wb 7 Mar]

·  Procure materials [JN,PF]

·  Dry Airex

·  Alochrome Al [JN, speak to AN; Ned approval]

·  CF Flange

·  Tooling


·  Drawings & Work Instructions

·  Top Hat


·  Channel with Kapton

·  N2 Holes (sintered block) [PN]

·  Support for assembly [where can this be done?]

·  Drawings & Work Instructions


·  Merge small pads; modify OTE pads; Tabs [JN, wb 7 Mar]


·  Check Drawings [JN]

LMT Cooling

·  Slip sheets

·  Foil design

·  Clip design


·  Test stiffness