Upcoming Events:
Ø December 13th: Santa Pictures
Ø December 13th: McDonalds Night 5-8p.m.
Ø December 14th: Writing Celebration
Ø December 15th: Terrific Kid Celebration @ 2:30.
Ø December 16th: Christmas Concert at Chalmette High for 7
Ø December 22-January 2: Christmas break
General Information:
Ø Our class has been working hard to achieve their individual and class ARP goals. As of this morning our class has 884.1 points. We are more than half way there. Keep up the great work!
o The last day to reach your 2nd 9 Weeks ARP goal is January 4th.
o Try to reach your goal before the Christmas break. You will only have 2 days after you return from the break.
Ø IXL extra credit was sent home today. This is due back no later than Monday, December19th to earn the extra credit.
Ø Santa pictures are this Tuesday. The students are allowed to come to school dressed in Christmas picture attire.
Ø McDonalds Night is also this Tuesday from 5-8. Our Pep Squad, Majorettes, and Chorus will be performing starting at 5:30. Any student who attends will receive a free jeans day. (Please remember to sign in)
Ø Students will be taking their 2nd 9 Weeks Benchmarks this week.
o These benchmarks are very important tests that count for a large percentage of your child’s overall 9 weeks grade.
o Make sure that your child gets a good night sleep each night and eats a good breakfast each morning before taking these tests.
o Benchmark Testing Schedule:
§ Monday, December 12th: ELA Part 1
§ Tuesday, December 13th: ELA Part 2 and Social Studies
§ Wednesday, December 14th: ELA Part 3 and Math Part 1
§ Thursday, December 15th: Math Part 2 and Science
§ Friday, December 16th: Makeups (if necessary)
Ø The math benchmark study guide was sent home with numbers 1-19 completed today, numbers 20-36 will be completed in class tomorrow.
Ø A completed copy of the study guide, along with a blank copy, is posted on the class website.
Ø There will be no computation or sprint test this week due to benchmarks.
Ø There will be no study guide for the ELA benchmark; however, you should continue having your child read for 20 minutes each night. You can also have your child work on Lexia each night. Remember, this is another way to earn extra credit in ELA.
Social Living
Ø A completed social living study guide was sent home Thursday.
Ø A fill in the blank study guide was sent home on Friday. We completed part of the study guide in class that day; the rest will be completed throughout the week.
Ø A copy is posted on the class web site.
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me. I can be contacted during my planning from 8:45-9:45 each day, the remind app, or through my email .