Powered Mobile Equipment Safe Work Practice

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Date:Month DD, YYYY

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Powered Mobile Equipment Safe Work Practice

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This safe work practice should be used along with those developed for the specific piece of powered mobile equipment being used. (e.g. tractor operation SWP)


This safe work practice is to be used when operating any powered mobile equipment. This document was developed using the criteria in the Part # of the Occupational Safety General Regulations and when followed, will allow for safe operation of any powered mobile equipment.

Hazards & Risks:

Personal Protective Equipment:
  • Task appropriate PPE
Training Requirements:
Communication Process:
Equipment & Supplies:
  1. Review operator’s manual and applicable standards to ensure equipment is handled, operated and maintained according to the manufacturer’s specifications and standards.
  2. Ensure:
  3. Equipment is operated by a competent person.
  4. Gears and moving parts are properly guarded.
  5. Any load is adequately secured.
  6. Safe means of entry and exit.
  7. Equipment must be equipped with the following:
  8. An audible back-up alarm.
  9. Manually operated horn.
  10. Adequate front and rear lights.
  11. Adequate braking system.
  12. Adequate protection from any hazards.
  13. Fire extinguisher.
  14. Any equipment manufactured after 1974 must be equipped with a rollover protective structure and seatbelt, which is worn at all times.
  15. Where the operator is exposed to a hazard from falling objects the equipment must have an adequate overhead protective structure.
  16. No riders on any equipment unless there is an installed training seat.
  17. Mirrors are required where there are blind spots that could result in a collision; otherwise a written procedure must be developed.
  18. Equipment must be inspected annually, or more frequently as required by the manufacturer.
  19. If equipment is taken out of service, you must:
  20. Immediately remove from the work area.
  21. Identify it as being taken out of service.
  22. Store separately from working equipment.
  23. Destroy it immediately, if not to be used again.
  24. A signaler is required to direct the safe movement of equipment when the operator has a restricted or hazards exist in the workplace. A signaler must:
  25. Be identifiable to the operator.
  26. Use well understood hand signals or communication system.
  27. Warn operator if the load is in a hazardous position.
  28. Ensure they can be seen at all times or have a second signaler.

Operating Precautions:

  1. Equipment must be inspected prior to use.
  2. The operator of the equipment must:
  3. Not move equipment until all air and hydraulic pressure are fully built up.
  4. When leaving equipment unattended:
  5. Park it on level ground.
  6. Set parking break.
  7. Lower or block attachments. (e.g. bucket)
  8. Disengage clutch.
  9. Shut off engine.
  10. Not carry hazardous products where the operator rides.
  11. Ensure there are no loose articles presenting hazards where operator rides.

Emergency Procedures:
