Sustainable Solutions

Sustainability from the Inside Out

Assignment #1, Winter 2011

For this assignment, you are to research examples of sustainable solutions. This may be in the areas of energy, transportation, food, water, design, education, or any solution to a particular problem. Choose something specific. Please address the following questions for your selected sustainable solution in your paper:

• Articulate what you chose and why.

• Consider why you think this solution is sustainable.

• How are you defining sustainability in relation to this particular solution?

• What materials, technologies or human skills are used in this solution, and how are they “sustainable”?

• How does this sustainable solution meet the needs of people or other species?

• How are those needs determined? Is it accessible to people of all classes?

• What are some unsustainable aspects to this solution?

• Are there any other critiques that you might bring to this particular solution?

You are to use whatever sources are relevant for your inquiry. You are not to rely on web-based sources such as product web-sites. You must draw from at least three text-based sources such as books, articles, reports, etc (which is not to say they cannot be found on-line).

In addition to your paper, you are to prepare one PowerPoint slide from which you can teach this design example to the rest of the class in a 3-5 minute presentation.

All quotes and other references to the text must be cited using APA writing style conventions. Please consult these guidelines carefully, and use this one citation style consistently through your paper. See Purdue OWL site at:



• Your paper should be between 750-1000 words (3-4 pages) in length.

• It should have a title (although not a separate title page)

• Your name should appear near the top.

• Use font size of 11 or 12

• Check your spelling and grammar.

• Include a complete list of references you use in your paper at the end. (Again, consult the APA writing style guidelines).

Due Dates:

·  Papers are due Tuesday, Jan 18 at 9:30 am. No late papers will be accepted. Seriously.

·  Slides are due in by email to by 7pm Monday, Jan 17 (so I can compile the slide show).

·  4-5 minute presentations will be on Tuesday afternoon, Jan 18.


Papers will be evaluated on addressing all parts of the assignment as outlined above, as well as on clarity, organization, style, and the successful meeting of all of the above technical criteria.