Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 212

Austin NV 89310



Monday, February 4, 2013

President Philip Williams called meeting to order at 10:10 AM.

Board Members Present:

Frank Whitman, Joy Brandt, Charlie Vaughn, Cindy Garcia, and Philip Williams.

Members: Dee Helming & Wally Trapnell.

Board Members Absent: Teresa Dory, Roxie Miller.

Guests Present: none

Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Frank Whitman.

Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Philip Williams, seconded by Charlie Vaughn, to approve the March 6, 2013 Agenda

Approval of Minutes: Moved by Charlie Vaughn, seconded by Joy Brandt, to approve the January 7, 2013 minutes, motion carried.

Payment of new bills: Workers comp insurance for the year $501.00, moved by Philip Williams, seconded by Charlie Vaughn, to approve this bill, motion carried.

Financial Report: Moved by Charlie Vaughn, seconded by Philip Williams, to approve the financial report, motion carried.

Bills Paid Jan 7, 2013 to February 3, 2013

Date / Num / Name / Split / Original Amount
01/07/2013 / 3825 / AT& T / 6340 · Telephone / -210.14
01/18/2013 / 3826 / Winnemucca Publishing / Advertising / -140.00
01/18/2013 / 3827 / Deann Helming / 6560 · Payroll Expenses / -278.05
01/18/2013 / 3828 / Deann Helming / 6560 · Payroll Expenses / -133.52
01/18/2013 / 3829 / NDOT / 6230 · Licenses and Permits / -150.00
01/18/2013 / 3830 / AT& T / 6340 · Telephone / -75.02
01/21/2013 / 3831 / Deann Helming / 6560 · Payroll Expenses / -272.05
01/31/2013 / 3833 / Deann Helming / 6560 · Payroll Expenses / -272.05
01/21/2013 / NCCI / Workers comp ins / -501.00
Beginning Bal Jan 7 2013 / 36,801.30
Deposits / -2,342.83 / -
Ending Balance Feb 3, 2013 / 34959.47
Chamber Balance

Correspondence: The 2013 Highway 50 guide sponsored by the Ely Chamber.

Scoping letters from USFS & BLM: None

Office Reports: see file

Public Comment for any item not covered on the agenda: Broadband, Connect Nevada meeting Feb 13, 2013. To be held here in Austin in at the Courthouse. It was reported that the fiber optics running through Austin is a booster location.

Guest Speaker: Phil Hanna, director of the Battle Mountain General Hospital.

Phil gave us an update on the status of the proposed ambulance service for southern lander County. His philosophy is that “Every square mile of Lander County should be covered by a paramedic.”

He is working on para-medicine, which equals a rapid response vehicle with a paramedic to be dispatched immediately with the ambulance and crew following. Currently this is all dispatched from Battle Mountain.

We currently have 4 EMT’s in southern Lander County, but our ambulance is not licensed. It has ALS on the box and we don’t have a paramedic in Austin. So we have to wait for the Battle Mountain crew. Currently Phil is still trying to come up with a plan for the southern Lander County Ambulance service. “It won’t be “the Phil Hanna” plan, it will be one that fits our communities.”

In the future, they plan to hire a paramedic for our area, and to fill in and justify the cost this person will do home hospice and home health, and fill in at the clinic as needed.

Committee Reports:

Broadband committee reports to be added to this section.

Website: Nothing to report.

PET: next meeting to be held at Rural Roundup in Pahrump in April.

Austin Planning: None

Main Street Renovation Plan: The commissioners appointed Steve Brigman to be engineer of record for this project, and it will begin as soon as weather permits.

Food Bank: Served 38 people. The numbers seem to be increasing.

Geothermal updates: Getting ready to start construction on Wild Rose over by Gabbs. They have started another drilling program at McGuiness Hills.


Lincoln Highway Car show: Car Show April 13, moved by Wally Trapnell, seconded by Joy Brandt, to send a letter to LC Convention and Tourism to request a $1000.00 for promotion of this event, motion carried.

100th Anniversary of the Lincoln Highway: Pony Express Territory is joining in on the promotion for the 100th anniversary; there will be several car groups coming through this commemorate this event.


Grants: Time to turn in the grant request to Lander County, NCOT grants are due in April..

Billboards: Dee has been talking with Celena Mock about the repairs before we can place the panels up on this board.

MS. Senior Nevada: Dee reserved the Town Hall. Frank will talk to Elizabeth and see if we can just communicate with the Senior NV group directly.

Combine Chamber and Museum: The Historical Society decided that it was not feasible at this time. this item can be removed.

Ambulance service for Southern lander county: See above under guest speaker.

Chamber Audit: Cindy will coordinate with Dee for the end of Feb or first or March.

Scenic Byways: Nothing new to report.

For the Good of the Community: March 16, BINGO at the Austin school fund raiser for Close-up.

Public Comment for any item no covered on the agenda: The Land Sailors are doing several events in Smith Creek Valley this year and we need to see about bringing them to Austin.

Next Agenda: Land Sailors in Smith Creek Valley

Meeting adjourned @ 12:45 PM Charlie Vaughn/Wally Trapnell

Signed ______

Dee Helming

Cindy Garcia, Secretary