• Religious freedom contributes to a diverse culture
  • Eli Whitney's invention of interchangeable parts = mass production
  • The amendment process in the United States Constitution is designed to help the Constitution meet the Americans changing needs
  • Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation - The government had no authority to protect individual rights, enforce laws, or raise money to pay debts.
  • The checks and balances system limits the powersof each branch of the nationalgovernment
  • George Washington’s Farewell Address, he encouraged the new nation to not to get involved in foreign affairs
  • The United States’ first political parties arose over differences about the role of the federal government in domestic affairs
  • The Three-Fifths Compromise arose out of the need to determine who could be counted in the population for purposes of representation
  • The purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France by Thomas Jefferson in 1803doubled the size of the United States
  • After the Sons of Liberty destroyed 342 chests of tea in Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts whichled colonists to form the First Continental Congress.
  • On major issued the US faced as a new nation was domestic security in the Northwest Territory
  • The Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Fundamental Order all had an influence on the U.S. Constitution
  • Colonial assemblies inNew England and the Virginia House of Burgesses were established in order toallow the colonists to have representative government
  • Labor shortages in the Southern Colonies was one reason why the plantation system became dependent on slave labor in the 1700s?
  • Quaker were the first group to speak out against slavery
  • One reason a free enterprise system developed in the United Statesafter the American Revolution was that Americans believed that the British policy of mercantilism unfairly regulated trade between the colonies and other countries
  • The First Great Awakening encouraged ideas of equality and the right to challenge authority.
  • Mercy Otis Warren was an important women during the revolutionary war of the influence of her political ideas
  • Two Anti –Federalists were George Mason and Patrick Henry – the were opposed to the Constitution - they believed in power to the people over a strong national government and it did not protect the individual rights of the people
  • Differences in geography determined economic act ivies in the 3 colonial regions
  • The French and Indian War contribute to the start of the American Revolution because theWarleft Britain with a huge debt and began taxing the colonists in order to pay for the war.
  • The Louisiana Purchase secured long-term access to the Mississippi River so that goods could be shipped to and from the port of New Orleans.
  • The New England colonies rely heavily on tradebecause the region’s natural resources and climate did not support large-scale agriculture.
  • The decision handed down in Supreme Court Case Marburyv. Madison established the power of the judicial review, Supreme Court’ power to determine the constitutionality of laws
  • The decisions made in Supreme Court caseMcCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogdenstrengthened the role of the Supreme Court, as well as federal power over the states
  • African Americans contributed to the Patriot cause during the American Revolution by serving in the Continental Army as spies and soldiers
  • As a result of the construction of the National Road the nation was opened to the West and became an important corridor for the movement of goods and people