Dear Salutation:

This year marks 103 years of adventure, community service, and a strong commitment to preparing America’s youth to be competent leaders of our future. Every step of the way the Boy Scouts of America has counted on commitments like yours to impact and improve the lives of youth through our time-tested programs. Thank you. Would you continue your support of Scouting by making a financial commitment at this timeto ensurewe sustain our youth programs?

There has been much discussion of our volunteer National Executive Board’s deliberations regarding our policies on membership; we are first and foremost steadfastly committed to ensuring that Scouting delivers quality programs to children. The reasons our communities have supported Scouting for 103 years – our ability to help children develop self-confidence, leadership skills, and to learn and grow into productive adults in a safe environment – have not changed and will never change. I am optimistic we can say the same about your support.

As one of the nation’s largest and most effective youth development organizations, we know that together with your help, the Boy Scouts of America will continue to inspire youth with our message of always doing your best, learning by doing, and making good choices over one’s lifetime. With opportunities to work with adult mentors and make positive friendships, the Boy Scouts of America looks to extend this experience to those who have never been exposed to our programs.

Because of the commitment of friends like you and countless others the BLANK COUNCIL has been an advocate for the health of the BLANK TOWN/COMMUNITY. With more than XXX pounds of food collectedby our Scouts we have been able to ensure those in need are fed. With more than XX hours of community service, our parks and public spaces have been cared for and our elderly have had the company of compassionate youth. During unforeseen disasters, our Scouts have lived up to their promise to always help others.

Please make a gift to the BLANK COUNCIL of the Boy Scouts of America. Enclosed please find a response piece and return envelope for your convenience.
